Insane in the Membrane Guide

by on Jan 08, 2012

Learn the basics on how to complete the fabled Insane in the Membrane achievement. Beware...completion of this achievement may actually cause insanity!

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Cataclysm winds down, and it
is indeed winding down as guilds everywhere are taking down Deathwing
the final mega boss of this expansion. You may be finding yourself
burdened with that overwhelming boredom that comes at the end of every
World of Warcraft expansion. If you are looking for a productive way to
fill the void until Mists of Pandaria releases you may be considering
taking on some of the more challenging achievements in the game. Insane
in the Membrane is one of those achievements and as the name suggests
you almost
have to be totally nuts to take it on. Almost slated for
removal in Cataclysm, this achievement has managed to live on and is
just waiting for the next victim to take on the challenge.

Insane in the Membrane
Achievement Requirements

The WoW Insane in the Membrane
achievement is certainly not for the faint of heart. In order to
complete this achievement you must grind out and destroy reputation for
some of the most obscure factions found on Azeroth. Insane in the
Membrane requires the player to obtain the following:

Honored with Bloodsail
Buccaneers Exalted with
Everlook  Exalted with
Ratchet  Exalted with Booty
Bay  Exalted with
Gadgetzan  Exalted with Ravenholdt

Pretty intimidating
isn’t it? If you can believe it this WoW achievement has been
cropped for Cataclysm and previously required another obscure exalted
reputation for completion, so consider yourself lucky. If the
requirements for this Insane in the Membrane haven’t sent you
running and screaming for cover like a scared little girl then continue
reading on for a brief explanation on how to get insane.

Insane in the Membrane
Achievement Reputation Gain

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Bloodsail
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="" target="_blank"> src=""

To start off this mind-bending
journey to the Insane in the Membrane achievement you will want to take
the first plunge into insanity by working your Bloodsail Buccaneers
reputation to Honored. To do this, you need to kill a lot (and I mean A
LOT) of Booty Bay Bruisers. Yep, its as easy as that. Walk into Booty
Bay like you own the place and kill every guard in
sight…over and over and over again. Booty Bay Bruisers now
grant reputation all the way the to Exalted, however, feel free to stop
the suffering at Honored. It is estimated that you will need roughly
2520 kills (this is a rough estimate not including Human Diplomacy,
guild bonuses, or holiday buffs) to hit Honored with this faction.

The bad news here (of course
there is bad
news) is that while earning Bloodsail Buccaneer reputation you will
ultimately cause your reputation with Booty Bay, Ratchet, Gadgetzan,
and Everlook, otherwise known as Steamwheedle Cartel, to completely
tank. This leads us to our next reputation grind for this WoW
achievement; the Steamwheedle Cartel.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Steamwheedle
Cartel (Booty Bay/Ratchet/Everlook/Gadgetzan)
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="" target="_blank"> src=""

Thankfully you do not have to
maintain your Bloodsail Buccaneers reputation to gain the Insane in the
Membrane WoW achievement leaving you with a few options to earn back
favor with these factions:

For those willing to spend some
cold hard cash instead of lots of time (and not worried about
maintaining their Bloodsail Buccaneers reputation) players may choose
to hand in cloth to repair their reputation. Using this method players
can go from Hated to Neutral in a relatively short time. To do this you
will need roughly:

Mending Old Wounds 

3360 Linen Cloth 336 Empty Vials

and Ends: Mupsi Shacklefridd in Ratchet

Traitor to the Bloodsail

1680 Linen Cloth 168 Red Dye

and Ends: Bloodsail Traitor in the Cape of Stranglethorn

War at Sea

840 Mageweave 84 Strong Flux

Starts and Ends: Rumsen Fizzlebrack in Gadgetzan

Making Amends

420 Runecloth 42 Coal

Starts and Ends: Bronn Fitzwrench in Everlook

Remember that by completing the
above quests for this WoW achievement you will not only lose standing
with the Bloodsail Buccaneers but will also only manage to go from
Hated to Neutral. Of course this is quite a feat, however, there is
more work to be done for you to become fully insane.

The second method for gaining
reputation with these factions is to kill pirates. Now I firmly believe
that killing pirates should be illegal, but when it comes to going
insane one must do what one must do to achieve it. Pirates that earn
reputation can be found in the Cape of Stranglethron. Once again you
going to need to kill A LOT of pirates to earn this part of the
achievement. . You may start using this method at any
reputation level and can and will use it to propel yourself forward to
Exalted with all the Steamwheedle Cartel factions to get you one step
closer to earning the Insane in the Membrane achievement. Now we head
onward to the final two reputations that will send you fully plunging
down the rabbit hole starting with Ravenholdt. 

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Ravenholdt
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="" target="_blank"> src=""

You will need to gain Exalted
reputation with Ravenholdt for this WoW achievement and it is no less
hard and mind numbing than the others. There are currently only two
ways to gain reputation with Ravenholdt and both may make you want to
gouge your eyes out with spoons by the end.

The first is the systematic
killing of the Syndicate NPCs found in Stormgarde Keep in Arathi
Highlands. These mobs will give you reputation up until you reach
Revered. Once Revered is reached you will need to move on to the second
(and much more difficult) method; turning in lockboxes for the quest
Junkboxes Needed found in Hillsbrad Foothills. Lockboxes must come from
level 50-60 mobs and you will need to collect
roughly 1405 of these little beauties. You cannot buy or sell these
items on the Auction House so you must turn to good old fashioned
farming. Lower Blackrock Spire and Blackrock Depths are both popular
places to successfully farm these boxes. Collect and turn in enough

[PROTIP]MOLL-E is a lifesaver
here. Befriend an Engineer to help you out.[/PROTIP]

If you haven’t been
thrown in the loony bin yet, its time to move on to the final chapter
of the Insane in the Membrane WoW achievement. So hold onto your sanity
for alittle while longer as we dive into Darkmoon Faire reputation.

style="font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;">Darkmoon
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="" target="_blank"> src=""

There is only one real way to
earn reputation with the Darkmoon Faire turning in Darkmoon or
Inscription Decks. The most popular deck tends to be the Rogues Desk
which is made with Inscription. This deck rewards around 25 reputation
and the best part is that you can turn it in virtually anywhere. Once
you have created the deck you will be able to summon an NPC to turn the
quest into. This NPC will stick around for 2 minutes and you can turn
in as many decks as you wish during that time. At 25 reputation per
turn in it will take you roughly 1680 turn ins to go from Neutral to
Exalted. That’s a heck of a lot of low level herbs and gold
to make or buy cards but it can be done!

Insane in the Membrane
Achievement Rewards

Upon completion of the Insane
in the Membrane WoW achievement players will be rewarded for their
efforts with the well deserved title
insane="">. As an extra bonus those that do complete
this achievement may be visited by floating pink elephants and may
eventually be hauled off by men in while coats to a safe padded room.
However, as one of the few titles in game with any real work behind
them anymore, earning this title is well worth it.

Do you have any tips or tricks
for the Insane in the Membrane WoW achievement that you would like to
share with the community? Please share them with us in the comments
section below. Your input is truly invaluable!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016