Intro to PvP in Aion

by on Sep 27, 2009

<p>Let's face it; killing monsters gets old.&nbsp; Between the boring AI, same attacks and predictability there are only so many ways to spice it up. Fortunately, you've got some options in Aion.

face it; killing monsters gets old.  Between the boring
AI, same attacks and predictability there are only so many ways to
spice it up. Fortunately, you've got some options in Aion. The Player
versus Player market is quite lively... whether you like it or not.
This game isn't for the faint of heart when it comes to killing one
another, so I'll help you break down the fine art of slaying thy

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Arena Combat

Each capital has an arena
where, well, you can guess what goes on here.
Two men enter, one man leaves. This is probably the best primer for
getting yourself familiar with the various tactics each class is
capable of, and in a more friendly setting than the abyss.


Whether or not you like it,
this is probably going to be your first
taste of PvP. Rifts will open up throughout level 20+ zones and you can
use them to move from your current zone to one of the enemy's
zones.  From here, you'll likely set a resurrection Kisk you
can use like a portable Obelisk/Graveyard. Now you're free to confront
whoever the heck you want to, and introduce them to the dirt. Ideally
you'll be traveling as a big pack and locking down single targets
immediately before they can glide away. Protect your healers and be
wary of stray stealthers or attacks from above!

The main thing you have to
realize is you can be the victim of this as
well. You can be casually grinding and then a train will roll over you.
There is little to nothing you can do about this except signal the
location for others to see, and try to rally a counter attacking group.
An alternative is to strike at their resurrection point. Once they are
killed and no resurrector is around, they'll have no choice but to
respawn at their home bind point--in their original lands.

Whatever the case may be, no XP
will be lost in the result, so get

The Abyss

This is where it's at. Once you
hit level 25, you'll have a little
quest chain to get you familiar with the aspects of the abyss such as
Flight Rings. Once you complete that chain you'll have access to the
Abyss Gates in each of your primary campaign locations. Step through
there and welcome to the lands of glory.

The Abyss is a fully open PvP
area with only a few sanctuaries. Death
here will cost you abyss points rather than experience points. Abyss
points are the currency of real men of courage, and used to purchase
some of the best items in the game. In addition, abyss points and
standings will get you a title not unlike the old High Warlord system
of World of Warcraft. There can be only a few of each of the higher
ranks, so fight hard and earn your title! You can view the various
ranks at any time by clicking on the Abyss tab of your character

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can duel another player from your faction by right clicking on their
portrait and selecting 'Invite to Duel' from the dropdown list.

The topography consists of many
linked islands, and you will be flying
a lot here. Maintaining a stock of flight time potions and movement
speed bonuses is essential to keeping alive and not becoming a
crater.  Flight Rings will give you a boost in flight time and
speed, and memorizing the location of them in key areas will give you
an advantage when you can fly faster than an opponent.  Also,
note that this will probably be your first taste of using your Flight
Bonus passives!  Bask in their power!

There are a multitude of
fortresses that can be captured in the Abyss.
Capture of an abyss will give your whole faction bonuses and give you
access to teleporters, merchants, and generally a good staging point
for a further offensive. To take a fortress, it's as simple as slaying
the General of the fortress--not an easy task. To make it a little
easier, you can take out the Anti-flight field surrounding the fortress
by destroying the generator powering it, enabling reinforcements from
any angle rather than through the front gate.  Participating
in a fortress battle will give you a reward of Medals, another high end
currency of the Abyss.


If you prefer a toe to toe
struggle for supremacy with no outside
assistance, the Arena is your ticket. If you prefer to be the bane of
soloers, grab a few buddies and jump in a Rift for some world PvP. Once
you're ready for the big time, get your whole legion involved and
assault one of the Abyss Fortresses in a grand battle for the ages.
There's a little something for everyone, but I have a feeling I'll be
seeing all of you in the Abyss before long! Get to 25 as fast as you
can, and a whole new world awaits you.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016