Introduction to Aion Titles

by on Aug 25, 2009

<p>Titles in Aion are a bit different than those featured in many other MMOGs. In Aion, titles actually provide benefits when used, allowing the player to enhance specific stats from certain titles. These boosts can enhance battle statistics, flight, and

The titles in Aion are a great source of perks for your character. However, to understand them completely, what they are, and what they offer, you first need to know exactly what role titles play in the world of Atreia. In many MMORPGs, titles are a symbol of achievements, something given for completing a task as a bragging right. In Aion, however, that is not their sole purpose.

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style="font-style: italic;">Titles provide your character with perks that can enhance stats.

Titles play a big role in Aion. Unlike many other MMORPGs, titles are not simply a label of bragging rights; they also provide the player with a number of benefits that can enhance their character. There are many different kinds of titles, each with their own specific benefit that can aid you in a number of ways. Certain titles benefit certain classes more as the statistical benefits often times vary, and while some will benefit all, many will benefit specific classes over others. Titles add benefits to attack, defense, hitpoints, flight, or any number of other stats and at later levels more than one. Most can be unlocked by completing quests, but some require an effort in crafting and PvP.

Each race has a set of title achievements that can be acquired as you level up. The names vary by the faction you have chosen. While I haven’t unlocked all of them, I can give you a brief introduction to a few for each of the two factions.


Some of the early Asmodian titles can, by name, be associated with that of a conqueror or pirate. However, while the benefits of the two faction’s titles are very similar, the names vary for a more flavorful approach. The Asmodians, in my opinion, have some of the better sounding titles in the game. As you progress to higher levels you can earn titles such as: Pirate of the Carobian, Marked One, Expert Vengeful Spirit Consoler, and many others.




Acquired By


Treasure Hunter


Gained by completing the quest “Black Opal” from Lidun in Ishalgen’s Anturoon Sentry Post.

Accuracy: +4

Raider Hero


Gained by completing the Campaign quests “The Abyss Gate” from Ulgorn in Ishalgen’s Aldelle Village.

Hitpoints: +20

Physical Def: +2

Mosbear Slayer


Complete the timed kill quest ”A Friendly Wager” from Shania in Atgard’s Basfelt Village.

Evasion: +2

Fluent in Mau


Gained by completing the quest “Learning the Mau Language” by speaking to Itu in Alatgard Fortress.

Magic Boost: +5

Legendary Hunter


Gained by completing the quest “Rampaging Mosbears” given by Gefion in Atgard’s Basfelt Village.

Parry: +6



The Elyos early-level titles are symbolic of those who love nature and are a protector of living things. Some might even call them hippies, but that’s beside the point. Some of the later-level Elyos titles are a bit less tree-huggerish as some of the names are a bit better with titles such as: Demolition Expert, Bottled Lightning, Verteron’s Warrior, and many more.




Acquired By


Poeta’s Protector


Complete all the Campaign quests in Poeta to gain this title.

Hitpoints: +20

Physical Def: +2

Tree Hugger


Gained by completing the campaign quest “Request of the Elim” in Poeta’s Daminu Forest.

Accuracy: +4

Animal Lover


Gained by completing the quest “Avenging Tutty” in Poeta’s Agaric Spore Road.

MP: +20

Straw for Brains


Gain this title by completing the quest “Nola’s Request” in Verteron.

Parry: +5


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Titles are beneficial, but some will leave you asking if the label is really worth it.

As you progress through the game you will be given the opportunity to earn numerous titles that can help provide your character with vital enhancements that can aid you in fighting both in PvE and against your rival faction in the Abyss. This is where the titles of Aion will inspire you to complete quests and if you happen to miss an important one, go back and find it.

Each tier zone will provide you with a number of opportunities to obtain titles that can prove useful in giving your character that extra punch he needs to make it through combat in one piece. Titles won’t turn you into a one man wrecking machine, but they will give you a slight edge in combat that can prove to be the one thing separating you from victory and having some enemy player tap dance up your spine.

Titles are just another option that Aion offers players to customize their class. With the benefits each title provides, you may often times find yourself weighing the option of using a title for its benefits, while fighting the urge not to because you’ll be labeled a tree-hugger. Hey, we all know having extra power means squat if you can’t look good while wielding it.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016