Invective Shotgun Exotic Bounty Guide [A Dubious Task] - Destiny

by on May 14, 2015

A step by step guide to acquiring one of Destiny's exotic shotguns.

A Dubious Task is an exotic weapon bounty that awards players with the exotic Invective Shotgun. To complete this bounty you are going to have to hone your crucible skills, because one of the challenges is at the top of the list when it comes to hard to complete bounties. If you do manage to complete it though, you will have one of the games more effective close quarters weapons at your disposal. To make things a little easier on you we’ve put together a complete walkthrough for A Dubious Task, along with some tips and tricks we learned along the way.

Step 1: Complete 5 Strikes Without Dying

After starting the bounty with Ikora Rey the Vanguard Warlock you will be given your first task, complete 5 strikes without dying. While this can seem like a daunting task at first, but by switching to a conservative play style it’s pretty easy.

Another bonus is that you can complete any level of strike to fulfill the challenge. Aim for something at least 2 levels below you to make things easiest. To conserve time, choose the Nexus strike, as it is by far the shortest of them.

Step 2: Earn a K/D Spread of 25 in the Crucible

This part of the bounty tends to scare and confuse players, but it’s a lot less difficult than it sounds. For starters, it doesn’t actually mean that you have to get a positive K/D of 25 in one match. What you need to do is have a positive K/D of 25 accumulated over however many matches it takes. Every time you die you lose a point, and every time you make a kill you gain one.

If you keep killing more people more times than you are getting killed you will eventually complete the goal. Once you’ve completed this part of the quest, turn it into Ikora Rey for the next step.


Play control. It’s not only got more players to kill, but those players are going to be focused on taking objectives and may just forget about you laying in wait around the capture point. Take it slow and stick with your team. This is more of a general-purpose crucible tip, but anything that improves your overall crucible performance will work here. Don’t go rushing off into the enemy ranks solo. Work with your team. You may end up getting some assists instead of kills, but you will definitely die a lot less in the process.

Step 3: Complete a Weekly Challenge Activity

Activities that count as weekly challenges include the weekly heroic and weekly nightfall bounties. Complete one of them and you’ve completed this step of the exotic bounty.

You can then turn it in to Ikora Rey who will give you the uncharged Invective Shotgun.

Step 4: Purchase an Invective Component from the Gunsmith

To get your hands on a charged Invective you will need to purchase an Invective Component from the gunsmith. To do so you will first have to purchase 50 Special Weapons Synthesis packs, which will run you around 12,000 glimmer. Hopefully you saved some of your cash from the earlier strike and crucible runs.

Note: Any Synthesis packs you already have in your inventory will count towards the total.

When you’ve got your Component from the Gunsmith, return to Ikora Rey to retrieve your brand new Invective Shotgun. Enjoy!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016