Letter to the King I - II. The Plague from the Past

by on May 08, 2008

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style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;">The Plague from the Past

"Si-Khu told me a twisted tale of his father's corruption, and gave me a scroll covered in strange runes. I should show this to Arias as soon as possible, to see if it is of use to the Aquilonian spy. He can be found at his camp outside the city, by following the road past the Mitra temple." style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/32631"
title="Title of Your Image"> src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/32631" alt=""
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 150px; height: 120px;"> href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/32631"
title="Title of Your Image">
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Talk to Arias outside the city

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title="Title of Your Image"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 150px; height: 120px;" alt=""

style="font-style: italic;">Arias has set up camp south of Tortage's western gate.

Once you have acquired the scroll from Si-Khu you will need to seek Arias to aid in its translation. The scroll will tell of how Thoth-Amon is using the Mark of Archerone to raise a slave army by allowing demons from hell to take over the flesh of the living beings whoe bare the mark. Arias can be found out the west gate of Tortage and down the southern path just pass the Temple of Mitra at coordinates 925, 585.

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title="Title of Your Image"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 150px; height: 120px;" alt=""

style="font-style: italic;">Arias will be able to translate the contents of the scroll.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016