LotRO Weekly Forum Discussion Summary August 29

by on Aug 28, 2008

<h1 style="color: rgb(160, 184, 216);">LotRO Weekly Forum Discussion Round Up</h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td>

LotRO Weekly Forum Discussion
Round Up

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By Darkgolem

This week's forum discussion has a fair amount of complaint, probably
understandable considering that the newness of Book 14 is now over and
the Mines of Moria does not quite
loom on the horizon.  There is some complaint about end game
content (big surprise) and crafting (also no big surprise), but there
are some pretty good expressions of concerns about questing, finding
rare mobs, and so on.  Read all there is to see about this weeks
hot forum topics right here.

1.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=157689">So like.. How
many raids and other instances are in MoM?

"I apologize in advance for the flamewar this will
deteriorate into,
but myself and several people that I play with are concerned that there
may only be two real "raids" released with Mines of Moria.

The MoM FAQ mentions "The Watcher" and "Balrog" as possible instances.
That's two.  Turbine... really... Here's a humble request. When
MoM releases, please have three 12-mans and two 24-mans, or at least by
Book 9 or whatever Book is the first MoM book/patch.  Then spend
your time getting all the casual content in. EHEHEHEH.... I'm half
kidding.  But in all seriousness. Lets have some more great
instances that are for 12+ people. The Rift is frickin sweet... the
first 25.."

2.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=159200">Elf--The nerfed

"OK...  RACE.  what do we get??

A 10 second 70% parry...wow that super sucks..  Everyone knows
about class skills like HIPS for burgs, still as death for healers, DF
for hunters, last stand capt. etc. these provide survivability. 
Race skills do the same...strength of morale, hobbit silence, dwarf
endurance  But what about the elves......10 sec 70% parry.....I
propose these changes

1.The change from 10sec to 20-30sec

2.Add 70% evade as well(parry doesn't work unless you are facing the
mob, so if you are trying to run and survive just parry doesn't cut it.)

3.We are ELVES!!!!!! we are immortal...give us some survivability pls.

This is not to much to ask turbine and will be more equal with the
other race skills..

give us a reason to feel proud of our elf champions and not have the
majority of people choosing man race just because of "strength

of morale".."

3.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=159633">I seem to have
run out of quests...

"I've got a nearly level 49 character, but have noticed
that I've only
got enough quests to get him up to level 49. Beyond that, I'm not sure
what I'm going to do to get him up to level 50.

He's a Guaradian, so I spent a lot of time doing orange quests (and an
occasional red one), and killed mostly orange NPC's, so he did a lot of
the higher level quests earlier.  I've done abot 90% of the quests
in Forochel, I've done about 80% of the quests in Angmar, I've done
about 85% of the quests in the Misty Mountains, and I've completed
books 1 through 7. I know for a fact that the number of quests that are
left wont be enough to get me the 203,000+ experience points I need to
go from 49 to 50.  I guess I'll just have to start grinding

4.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=159623">Do you let your
child play LOTRO unsupervised?

"I started wondering how many parents let their kids play
unsupervised after reading the thread about kinships and age
restrictions. So I'm wondering how many of y'all let your kids play
LOTRO unsupervised. And if you do, how old are your kids (the ones who
play)? How long do you let them play unsupervised? Do you let them join
kinships or pugs? And what's your policy on your child using voice chat?

Please don't mention your kids' screen names, for safety's sake.

I've read posts from people who were grouped with children, who said
they heard those children's parents yelling in the background (over
voice chat) about various things like doing homework, cleaning the
room, and either reading or listening to adult language in raid chat.

Yes it's nice to let the kids go do something so the kids don't bug the
parents for a few hours, but other players in the game are not virtual
babysitters. I think some parents are probably expecting kin/guild
members to act that way and always act responsibly when the child is...

5.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=158756">Frost-antler
and Inn League taxidermy?

"I think I've killed every frost-antler in Ita-ma at least
5 times,
have 2 and a half stacks of exceptional hides, but no undamaged corpse.
Are these even the right ones? or is it just bad luck and a rare.."

6.  href="http://forums.lotro.com/showthread.php?t=159178">Please revamp
the crafting situation

"I am a complainer by nature, but I am not a hater. Until

I think the concept of adding GM Crafting Scrolls is a lame, lame, lame

I just made GM Jeweler (I have a GM Woodsman) and raced to get my toon
up to 45 so that I could use the +18 crit tool (or a random attempt for
a superior crit tool). This is my understanding of the situation in
attempting to crit.

1. You need to find a rare recipe to learn;

2. You need to have a specialized tool (that you either buy or make

3. You need to have the mats to make the item, which is not so hard.

4. You may need a Beryl Shard which drops from mobs throughout the
world, most are random within the world and there is no predictability
of when those individuals appear.

5. You need to get a scroll to increase your crit chance.

6. Now, you need a GM scroll which is a rare drop or which you can turn
in from Annuminas. You need 25 and 4 of the fragments to turn in for
one scroll.

7. You need to go to a superior forge/workbench/fire/field to use the

8. The above only gives you a chance to crit.

You have to rely on a series.."

Don't Miss This Weeks Articles at the LotRO Community at Ten Ton

Ram Duath Quest Guide href="http://lotro.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=707">Bree-Land
Quest Item Update (Part 1)

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016