Lower Eloh Missions

by on Oct 02, 2007

Ten Ton Hammer continues a detailed look at the Concordia Wilderness by examining the Lower Eloh area and all it has to offer. The site of a sizable conflict, this will be the proving grounds to determine if you have what it takes to be an AFS soldier. Join RadarX as he looks at all the available missions, how to complete them, and what rewards you will receive.

Lower Eloh Creek is nothing more than a defensive position west of Alia Das and north of the Wilderness LZ. These are the frontlines of a major assault by the Bane, and provide ample opportunity for players to get into battle quickly. This will be the focal point of a number of missions from the Lower Eloh teleporter area, Alia Das, and Wilderness LZ. It is designed for characters over level 5 and unless there are a significant number of players clearing the area, you may find it extremely dangerous.

Learn all you need to learn about Lower Eloh right now.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016