Lycanthor's Visual HO Guide

by on Aug 28, 2005

<h1>Everquest II Heroic Opportunities</h1> <p style="margin-bottom: 6px; margin-top: 0pt;" align="right"><font color="#000000" size="1">by: LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)</font></p>

Everquest II Heroic Opportunities

by: LyCaNtHoR (Highkeep)

PDF Files:

href=""> src="" align="middle"
border="0" height="29" width="30"> href="">(Full List
- 1 Page) 

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size="4"> href=""> color="#000000" size="4">(Full List - 3 Pages)

href=""> color="#6699ff" size="4">
border="0" height="29" width="30"> size="4"> href=""> color="#000000" size="4">(Fighter color="#000000" size="4">)

href=""> color="#00ff00" size="6">
border="0" height="29" width="30">
href=""> color="#000000" size="4">(Scout color="#000000" size="4">)

src="" align="middle"
border="0" height="29" width="30">
color="#ff0000" size="4"> href=""> color="#000000" size="4">(Mage color="#000000" size="4">/Priest color="#000000" size="4">)


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href=""> color="#46c2ff">[Fighter]  href="">
[Scout]  style="text-decoration: none;"
[Mage] style="text-decoration: none;">  href=""> color="#ffff00">[ href=""> color="#ffff00">Priest]



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Heroic Opportunities are free damage, power, health and other buffs- so why not use them?

Lycanthor of Highkeep has created an easy-to-follow guide to allow you to execute and switch out HOs effectively. Print out the 1-page guide for sessions with large groups, or the individual pages for a detailed look at your archetype's triggered HO possibilities!

For more info on when and how to use Heroic Opportunities, try the TTH Heroic Opportunities guide.


Thanks much to Lycanthor of Highkeep for generously allowing TTH to host this guide!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016