
by on Apr 13, 2006

<h1><span style="color: rgb(0, 51, 0);">Minstrel</span></h1> <p><strong><em>This article is out of date.


This article is out of date. For an updated guide to the Minstrel, click here!

From the official site:

Available to : Man, Elf, Dwarf, Hobbit

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With song and tale, a Minstrel brings hope to places thick with gloom. She can inspire those with desperate minds and heavy hearts to great deeds. In battle, she can turn the tide with songs that strengthen her allies and dirges which strike fear into the hearts of enemies.

The Minstrel is the class of choice for players who want to aid their friends, inspiring them to keep going through the darkest of times. With a vast repertoire of tales both fair and foul, a Minstrel restores the morale of her fellows, as well as causing enemies to despair. Though able to wield weapons, she prefers to let her words, rather than her sword, speak for her. A Minstrel's style of combat is based on maintaining hope no matter what the odds.


Skills of the Minstrel

Raise the Spirit : The Minstrel's words of encouragement renew the morale of a companion.

Clarion of the Valar : Calling upon the name of the Valar can send evil foes fleeing in terror for a short time.

Tale of Heroism : Increases the Will and Fate of the Minstrel's fellowship.

Inspire Fellows : Words of encouragement renew the morale of the Minstrel's fellowship and increase its vigour.

Soothing Song : Decreases the Minstrel's threat in the eyes of her enemy target and all adjacent enemies.

Noble Cause : The next three Herald's Strikes that the Minstrel executes do extra damage and return part of that as morale to her group.

Song of Distraction : A song that can make the Minstrel's target become drowsy and not detect players until they are much closer than normal. This does not work against monsters already engaged in combat.

Song of the Dead : This song causes undead to freeze in fear.

Herald's Strike : A melee attack that does extra damage.


Traits of the Minstrel

Here are some of the Class-specific Traits the Minstrel can obtain while adventuring in Middle-earth:

Life-singer : The Power costs for the Minstrel's morale-renewing skills are reduced.

Harmonious Melody : The Minstrel has a longer window of opportunity in which to perform her next tier of Ballads.


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us in our forums!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016