Mists of Pandaria Beta - Character Copy Tips and Tricks

by on Apr 07, 2012

Be sure that your character is prepared for the big move to the Mists of Pandaria beta with these useful tips and tricks.

alt="" src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/230032">

With 200,000 more Mists of
Pandaria invites being thrown out to World of Warcraft fans recently,
this newest beta is in full swing. If you were like me, the first thing
on your list was to head over to the freshly revamped character
creation screen and make your very own Pandaren, probably a Monk, and
check out this adorable race’s starting zone. However,
competing with all the new pandas out there for this territory may get
a bit exhausting.

Instead of spending more time
in another starting zone with a low level beta character, you may
consider taking the route of the character copy. While there are
pre-made toons out there, most of us feel more at home working with
what we know; our own characters. Besides landing us in our warm and
fuzzy comfort zone, using one of our own toons as our character copy to
the Mists of Pandaria beta grants us another benefit; the ability to
come prepared.

Mists of Pandaria Beta
Character Copy Tips and Tricks

Get Gold...Lots Of Gold

If you have ever checked out
any Auction House on the beta servers you will notice that everything,
from enchanting materials to simple foods is extraordinarily
overpriced. Even the recent Mega Millions lottery winners would cringe
at these prices. While these purchases are not necessary, it never
hurts to bring along some extra cash. Use your character copy wisely
and transfer as much gold as possible to your toon before the process
takes place. Once the character copy has taken place you can relinquish
this accumulated wealth back to whence it came.

Your Bags
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/230033" target="_blank"> src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/230033/preview"
in the mailbox should be removed before using the beta character copy

Trust me when I tell you
you won’t need that quest item you’ve been hoarding
from level 52 on the beta realms, nor will you need your tuxedo that
you carry around just for laughs. Once your
character copy is complete
(or before it even takes place) remove all items from your bags that
are not totally necessary to your game play. Remember, the beta is a
place for us to test things out and that is much easier accomplished
with a ton of bag
space at your disposal.

Empty that Mailbox

If you are like me, even with
all the additional storage space Blizzard has provided us with,
sometimes the mailbox still gets used as an extra bag. While doing a
character copy to the Mists of Pandaria beta there is no rule stating
that you must empty out this particular clutter, it is probably a good
idea to do so anyways. Having a full mailbox could potentially cause
glitches and errors in the character copy process. Remember, there is a
reason Blizzard won’t transfer your toons unless that box is
empty! Apply the same rule to the character copy process to avoid any

Copy Keybinds and Macros

While you can’t take
your addons with you, there is no reason you can’t take your
key bindings and macros. While they won’t transfer
automatically with your character you can either copy and paste them
all to wordpad and then recreate them once your character is on the
beta. If that seems like too much work you can also follow this simple
method instead:

Log onto the beta server with
your freshly copied character then immediately log back out. Open your
World of Warcraft game folder and find the WTF folder inside. Inside
the WTF folder will be an Account folder, and inside that select the
realm your character is on and then your toon’s name. Inside
this folder you will see a folder labeled
“SavedVariables” as well as some other files. Copy
this folder and all its contents then seek out your World of Warcraft
Beta Folder. Once you have found this folder, follow the same path as
above WTF/Account/Realm/Charactername, and paste everything you copied
here. When you relog onto the beta you will find that all your macros
are happily waiting for you.

Check Void
style="padding: 5px; float: right; width: 250px; text-align: center;"> href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/node/230031" target="_blank"> src="http://www.tentonhammer.com/image/view/230031/preview"
Void Storage for useful items like extra bags.

Currently items in your Void
Storage are not copying along to the Mists of Pandaria beta. So be sure
to check this area for items that you may need or want in the future
and place them in your bags. While this area is typically used for long
term storage of items that you probably don’t use on a daily
basis, it never hurts to be sure. Don’t think of an items
usefulness based solely on the character you are copying, also keep in
mind the needs of any characters you have created already on the beta

Bring the Heirlooms, Bags, and
a Mount

While there are many things you
should potentially put in your bags, Heirloom items should top the
list, especially if you have already created one of the adorable
pandas. While you may decide to hold off using these items till after
you get the total 1-10 Pandaren experience,
you will be thankful for them later on. Leveling, and ultimately
testing out the various aspects of the beta, is just easier when you
have great gear to go along with it.

Along with the Heirlooms,
players should also be sure to have bags and a mount (a BOA version) in
their bags. Pandas do not have mounts, so unless you want to spend your
time running from place to place, try to get your hands on any of the
BOA mounts available in game and place it in your bags for transfer.
Also bring along bags, lots and lots of bags. As mentioned before,
things are ridiculously expensive on the beta so purchasing large bags
may be out of reach and is almost silly when you can just copy yourself
some over. Be sure these two items have a prominent spot in your bags
before you hit the Mists of Pandaria beta.

By using the tips and tricks
above, players who choose to character copy are sure to be able to
enjoy the Mists of Pandaria beta free of regrets. Do you have any
additional tips or tricks relating to copying your character to the
beta servers? Please be sure to share them with the rest of the
community by posting them in the comments section below!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016