Moria - Deeds

by on Aug 04, 2011

alt="Guide to the Mines of Moria - Upper Levels" src="">





Slayer deeds and Adventurer deeds have multiple stages. For each
category of these deeds, the initial deed is listed first and
advanced ones are listed in order after. Adventurer deeds are
cumulative (for example, Bree-land Adventurer Final requires 45
quests in total), slayer deeds are additive (for example,
Barghest-Slayer in Bree-land requires 30 for the first part, and
another 60 for the advanced part, or 90 total). Except where
otherwise noted, slayer deeds give 5 Turbine Points for the title
deed and 10 points for the advanced deed.

Because of the intermingling nature of the Moria deed sets, all
six sets are listed here. Note that the Scourge of Khazad-dum
deeds break from the tradition of the standard 1 : 2 ratio for the
beginner : advanced slayer deeds.The ratio for these slayer deeds
can be anywhere from 1 : 2 to 1 : 5.

MORIA (General)

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">DEED style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">REQUIREMENT style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">REWARD style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">NOTES Bulwarks of the Enemy Find Menem-berej

Find Harazgund

Find the Forges of Khazad-dum

Find Fil Ghashan

Find the Gate of Ruin

Find Skumfil

Find the Dark Delvings

Find the Sixteenth Hall Title: Deep Delver

+2 Zeal

10 Turbine Points Menem-berej - 11.0S, 112.8W

Harazgund - 11.6S, 116.9W

Forges - 17.0S, 109.7W

Fil Ghashan - 17.1S, 109.6W

Gate of Ruin - 10.2S, 103.9W

Skumfil - 13.2S, 100.4W

Dark Delvings - 15.8S, 97.3W

Sixteenth Hall - 11.1S, 101.0W In the Footsteps of the Fellowship Find Durin's Threshold

Find the Chamber of the Crossroads

Find the Twenty-first Hall

Find the Chamber of Mazarbul

Find the Bridge of Khazad-dum (west arch)

Find the Bridge of Khazad-dum (east arch)

Find the First Hall Title: Friend of the Nine

+2 Honour

5 Turbine Points Durin's Threshold - 8.0S, 115.9W

Chamber of the Crossroads - 5.1S, 112.1W

Twenty-first Hall - 5.8S, 105.1W

Chamber of Mazarbul - 4.8S, 105.3W

Bridge of Khazad-dum (West arch) - 8.0S, 99.2W

Bridge of Khazad-dum (East arch) - 8.0S, 98.5W

First Hall - 8.0S, 95.9W The Pits of Moria Explore the bottoms of the pits and chasms in Moria.
Basically, this deed involves finding good spots to leap to
your death. When you find the correct spot, a billboard will
show up just as you die. Title: Blind Leaper

5 Turbine Points Jump east off the bridge to the Dwarf Lord's Gate (6.8S,

Jump into the middle of the scaffolding in the center of
Menem Berej in Silvertine Lodes

Jump down the southwest corner of Jazargund, near the
respawn circle

Jump off the ramps near the Gate of Ruin (10.4S, 104.0W)

Jump from a ledge near a door in Western Nud Melek, at the
south end of the flaming crack (10.1S, 100.6W)

Jump into the chasm below the Bridge of Khazad-dum (there is
a ledge just north of the base of the West Arch, 7.2S,
99.8W) Explorer of Khazad-dum Complete exploration deeds:

Bulwarks of the Enemy

Eastern Durin's Way

In the Footsteps of the Fellowship


The Cliffs of Zirakzigil

The Flaming Deeps

The Foundations of Stone

The Great Delving

The Silvertine Lodes

The Redhorn Lodes

The Waterworks

Western Durin's Way

Zelem-melek Title: Explorer of Khazad-dum

15 Turbine Points

+700 rep with Iron Garrison Miners
colspan="4" rowspan="1">SLAYER


Deep-claw Slayer 120 Title: Beak-breaker Katub-zahar, the library northeast
of the Dolven-view 240 +1 Tolerance Dragonet-slayer 120 Title: Drake-smasher The riddle room past Gamil Filik
on the way to the Water-works 240 +1 Zeal Globsnaga-slayer 120 Title: Bane of the Infected Foundations of Stone, or multiple
runs of the Sixteenth Hall 240 +1 Compassion Goblin-slayer 120 Title: Goblin-bane Gamil Filik in Silvertine Lodes or
Gazatmur in the Great Delving 240 +1 Justice Grodbog-slayer 120 Title: Bug-crusher Inside the Palace of Nain, 6.7S,
113.3W 240 +1 Discipline Morroval-slayer 120 Title: Wing-breaker Eastern Durin's Way 240 +2 Innocence Nameless-slayer 120 Title: Vanquisher of the Nameless Foundations of Stone, there are
pools near the base of the Endless Stair and elsewhere 240 +2 Mercy Orc-slayer 120 Title: Orc-foe The orcs in Dimril Dale count for
this deed 240 +1 Determination Spider-slayer 120 Title: the Unyeilding After obtaining both halves of the
key in Skumfil, multiple runs against Hwandrith 240 +1 Valour Troll-slayer 80 Title: Troll-breaker Multiple Grand Stairs runs 160 +1 Confidence Warg-slayer 120 Title: the Fierce Warg-riders in Durin's Way and
Zelem-Melek; or many Grand Stairs runs 240 +2 Fortitude Worm-slayer 120 Title: Worm-scourge Just north of the Burning Stair in
the Flaming Deeps 240 +2 Valour Triumph Within the Deeps Complete all advanced slayer deeds (except Troll-slayer) Title: Triumph within the Deeps

10 Turbine Points

+900 rep with Iron Garrison Guards



DEED REQUIREMENT REWARD NOTES Adventurer of the Upper Levels Complete 10 quests in Upper Moria +1 Compassion

10 Turbine Points Anywhere in the Upper Levels Defender of the Upper Levels Complete 20 quests in Upper Moria +1 Innocence

10 Turbine Points Hero of the Upper Levels Complete 30 quests in Upper Moria +1 Charity

15 Turbine Points colspan="4" rowspan="1">EXPLORATION


Eastern Durin's Way Find Jazargund

Find Skoiruzg

Find Hadad-dum

Find Fehem-dum

Find Tith-maudhul

Find Grishurbhrum

Find Khulturg

Find Dar-rukh +1 Fidelity

5 Turbine Points Jazargund - 3.6S, 106.0W

Skoiruzg - 3.6S, 99.6W

Hadad-dum - 3.0S, 104.7W

Fehem-dum - 4.1S, 105.6W

Tith-maudhul - 2.7S, 101.8W

Grishurbhrum - 3.0S, 100.8W

Khulturg - 2.7S, 100.1W

Dar-rukh - 4.1S, 100.8W The Cliffs of Zirakzigil Find the Door to the Clouds

Find the Broken Cleft

Find Durin's Bane +1 Confidence

5 Turbine Points Door to the Clouds - 2.8S, 110.8W

Broken Cleft - 13.5N, 109.1W

Durin's Bane - 14.9N, 108.7W Western Durin's Way Find the Chamber of the Crossroads

Find the Hall of the High Stair

Find Gloku-ru

Find Ninknakh Faltor

Find Tharakh Bazan

Find Salab Nurjundul

Find Uflump-mur +1 Idealism

5 Turbine Points Chamber of the Crossroads - 5.1S, 112.1W

Hall of the High Stair - 4.7S, 112.0W

Gloku-ru - 4.1S, 111.2W

Ninknakh Faltor - 3.6S, 112.9W

Tharakh Bazan - 3.6S, 109.2W

Salab Nurjundul - 3.6S, 107.5W

Uflump-mur - 3.1S, 110.3W A Deep Well Hurl yourself down the well in Chamber of the Crossroads Title: Well-travelled

5 Turbine Points Just hop in and fall to your death - you land in the



DEED REQUIREMENT REWARD NOTES Wanderer of the Central Levels Complete 20 quests in Central Halls +1 Idealism

10 Turbine Points Anywhere in Zelem-melek, Nud-melek
or Redhorn Lodes Stalwart of the Central Levels Complete 40 quests in Central Halls +1 Innocence

10 Turbine Points Exemplar of the Central Levels Complete 60 quests in Central Halls +1 Empathy

15 Turbine Points colspan="4" rowspan="1">EXPLORATION


The Great Delving Find Durin's Threshold

Find Dolven-view

Find the Dwarf-lords' Gate

Find the Lonely Span

Find the Stone Council

Find Gazatmur

Find Shemeldurj

Find the Palace of Nain +1 Honesty

5 Turbine Points Durin's Threshold - 8.0S, 115.9W

Dolven-view - 8.5S, 112.2W

Dwarf-lords' Gate - 6.4S, 112.0W

Lonely Span - 7.6S, 109.7W

Stone Council - 9.1S, 112.2W

Gazatmur - 7.6S, 111.3W

Shemeldurj - 7.3S, 114.5W

Palace of Nain - 6.6S, 113.6W Nud-melek Find the First Hall

Find Khadar-zaham

Find the Deep Crossroad

Find Khurjezer

Find the Bridge of Khazad-dum (west arch)

Find the Bridge of Khazad-dum (east arch)

Find Sudulthurkh +1 Loyalty

5 Turbine Points First Hall - 8.0S, 95.9W

Khadar-zaham - 8.0S, 103.6W

Deep Crossroad - 6.3S, 101.1W

Khurjezer - 7.3S, 100.9W

Bridge, west arch - 8.0S, 99.2W

Bridge, east arch - 8.0S, 98.5W

Sudulthurkh - 5.6S, 99.2W The Silvertine Lodes Find the Deep Descent

Find Gamil Filik

Find Menem-berej

Find Menem-munz +1 Fidelity

10 Turbine Points Deep Descent - 9.8S, 112.6W

Gamil Filik - 10.4S, 111.2W

Menem-berej - 11.0S, 112.8W

Menem-munz - 11.2S, 112.8W Zelem-melek Find the Twenty-first Hall

Find Mudmul-charaf

Find the Hall of Flowing Water

Find Gabil-mamach

Find the Chamber of Mazarbul

Find Gabil-hul

Find the Great Hall of Durin

Find Uzbad-bakan +1 Honesty

5 Turbine Points 21st Hall - 5.8S, 105.1W

Mudmul-charaf - 6.4S, 107.7W

Hall of Flowling Water - 9.1S, 107.7W

Gabil-mamach - 9.0S, 107.2W

Chamber of Mazarbul - 4.8S, 105.3W

Gabil-hul - 9.7S, 108.7W

Great Hall of Durin - 7.6S, 105.2W

Uzbad-bakan -10.5S, 107.9W



DEED REQUIREMENT REWARD NOTES Deep-delver Complete 20 quests in the Lower Deeps +1 Charity

10 Turbine Points Anywhere in Foundations of Stone,
the Water-works or the Flaming Deeps Warrior of the Shadows Complete 40 quests in the Lower Deeps +1 Empathy

10 Turbine Points Legend of the Deeps Complete 60 quests in the Lower Deeps +1 Innocence

15 Turbine Points colspan="4" rowspan="1">EXPLORATION


The Flaming Deeps Find Anazarmekhem

Find the Burning Stair

Find the Crossroads of Ash

Find the Gate of the Seven Fathers

Find Hadad-mezer

Find Hurmulkezer

Find Hudnul-meden +1 Tolerance

10 Turbine Points Anazarmekhem - 13.3S, 108.1W

Burning Stair - 15.8S, 110.6W

Crossroads of Ash - 15.8S, 109.6W

Gate of the Seven Fathers - 15.8S, 108.6W

Hadad-mezer - 14.7S, 107.6W

Hurmulkezer - 17.0S, 107.1W

Hudnul-meden - 16.8S, 109.6W The Foundations of Stone Find the Shadowed Refuge

Find the Endless Stair

Find the Bridge-shard

Find Zabad-fakak

Find Dalgum-ru +1 Valour

10 Turbine Points Shadowed Refuge - 13.0S, 101.6W

Endless Stair - 15.0S, 99.0W

Bridge-shard - 14.1S, 97.7W

Zabad-fakak - 12.0S, 102.0W

Dalgum-ru - 14.2S, 101.6W The Redhorn Lodes Find the Orc-watch

Find the Gate of Ruin

Find Sigin-tharakh

Find the Tailing Pit

Find Menem-mezel

Find Malmezel

Find Ashpar's Command

Find Budkhul-beken +1 Wisdom

10 Turbine Points Orc-watch - 11.1S, 106.9W

Gate of Ruin - 10.2S, 103.9W

Sigin-tharakh - 10.1S, 101.1W

Tailing Pit - 10.3S, 105.8W

Menem-mezel - 12.0S, 105.7W

Malmezel - 12.5S, 106.2W

Ashpar's Command - 11.4S, 103.5W

Budkhul-beken -10.8S, 103.2W The Water-works Find the Rotting Cellar

Find the Great Wheel

Find Durin's Beard

Find the Lost Palace

Find the Chamber of the Pool

Find the Chamber of Dark Waters

Find the Lost Treasury

Find Narag-kheleb

Find Hazargund

Find the Chamber of Memory +2 Tolerance

10 Turbine Points Rotting Cellar - 15.1S, 112.1W

Great Wheel - 17.7S, 115.6W

Durin's Beard - 13.6S, 112.6W

Lost Palace - 15.0S, 114.9W

Chamber of the Pool - 15.5S, 115.3W

Chamber of Dark Waters - 16.9S, 111.9W

Lost Treasury - 17.3S, 111.0W

Narag-kheleb - 17.2S, 114.7W

Hazargund - 17.6S, 116.9W

Chamber of Memory - 18.2S, 111.6W

Moria is a big place. The deeds
continue on Page











DEED REQUIREMENT REWARD NOTES Landings of the Grand Stairs Find the Cave of the Slumbering Beast

Find Highpeak Kennels

Find Gothghaash's Stand

Find Nardur's Station

Find Throne of Igash Title: Climber of Stairs

5 Turbine Points This exploration deed can be
completed with one full clear Arms of the Enemy Find an Orksih Breastplate

Find an Orkish Pauldron

Find an Orkish Mace

Find an Orkish Axe Title: Infiltrator

10 Turbine Points Fil Ghashan - items are found on the floor or
looted from corpses; can be done in one full clear Implements of the Forge Find a Khazad-steel Chain

Find a Khazad-iron Hammer

Find a Charred Wheel-barrow

Find an Ill-treated Pickaxe Title: Smith of the Burning Deeps

10 Turbine Points Forges of Khazad-Dum - items are found on the floor or
looted from corpses; can be completed in one run Investigating the Blight Find a Sample of Virulent Spores

Find a Sample of Noxious Spores

Find a Sample of Infectious Spores

Find a Sample of Pestilent Spores Title: Investigator

10 Turbine Points Sixteenth Hall - items are found in mushrooms or looted
from Globsnaga corpses; can be completed in one run Letters to Igash Find the Drums of the Beast

Find the Highpeak Kennel Report

Find the Pleas of the Loyal

Find the Tome of Igash Title: Interceptor

10 Turbine Points Grand Stairs - items are looted from corpses; can be
completed in one ful lrun Lost to the Deeps Find the Missing Dwarf-merchant

Find the Missing Dwarf-miner

Find the Missing Dwarf-adventurer

Find the Missing Dwarf-warrior Title: Peacebringer

10 Turbine Points Vile Maw raid - corpses are scattered around the instance;
can be completed in one run Runes of the Dark Delvings Find a Sparkling Runestone

Find a Chiseled Runestone

Find an Ancient Runestone

Find a Dim Runestone Title: Diviner

10 Turbine Points Dark Delvings - items are found on the floors; can be
completed in one run The Fallen Heroes Find the Filth-covered Blade

Find the Ichor-covered Helm

Find the Pitted Longsword

Find the Eroded Dwarf-shield Title: Seeker of the Fallen

10 Turbine Points Skumfil - items are found on the floor; requires 2 runs
(right side and left side) Treasures in the Silvertine Lodes Find a Large Gem

Find a Pile of Gold Coins

Find a Small Treasure Chest

Find an Ancient Vase Title: Treasure-hunter

5 Turbine Points Forgotten Treasury - items are found on the floor or
looted from corpses; can be completed in one run colspan="4" rowspan="1">SLAYER DEEDS The Arms of the Watcher 40 Tentacles Title: Whip-lash Vile Maw raid; requires several
runs 80 Tentacles +1 Discipline Beasts of the Grand Stair 60 Wargs Title: Foe of the Highpeak Can be completed in one run by
resetting the fights against Glothrok the Vile many times
after the 4 waves of adds are killed 120 Wargs +1 Empathy Blinded by Fire 20 Trolls Title: the Resilient Forges of Khazad-dum; requires
several runs 40 Trolls +1 Fortitude Brutes of the Grand Stair 30 Trolls Title: the Steady Requires several full-clear runs 60 Trolls +1 Compassion Carriers of the Blight 60 Insects Title:: Bug-stomper Crawlers in Sixteenth Hall;
requires several runs 120 Insects +1 Patience Corruption in Command Defeat Tramug

Defeat Dhurz

Defeat the Lost One Title: Blight-scourge

+1 Zeal

10 Turbine Points Sixteenth Hall bosses; can be
completed in one run Defilers of the Forgotten Treasury Defeat Nardurgul, Fruzgul, Darulurks, Narghug, Mozka,
Lorzgul Title: Caretaker of the Forgotten Treasury The first part of the deed is the
gem shard-carrying uruks at the mirror stations around the
upper rim. The second part of the deed is the uruk boss and
the 2 trolls. Both parts can be completed in one run. Defeat Morhun, Skum, Urauth Title: Keeper of the Forgotten Treasury

+1 Charity Eyes of the Enemy 80 Orc-skirmishers Title: Skirmisher Fil Ghashan; requires several runs 160 Orc-skirmishers +1 Empathy Fallen to the Blight 60 Globsnaga Title: Blight-cleanser Sixteenth Hall; requires several
runs 120 Globsnaga +1 Tolerance Followers of Igash 60 Orcs Title: the Valiant Grand Stair; requires several runs 120 Orcs +1 Wisdom Glow-worm Slayer 60 Glow-worms Title: the Brilliant Dark Delvings; can be done in 1
run by repeatedly triggering the dangling slime tendrils 120 Glow-worms +1 Wisdom Heart of the Enemy Defeat Vrarz the Cook

Defeat Commander Greb

Defeat General Talug Title: Morale-smasher

+1 Idealism

5 Turbone Points Fil Ghashan bosses; can be
completed in 1 run Intruders in the Vault 30 Enemies Title: Custodian of the Forgotten Treasury Forgotten Treasury; takes multiple
runs 60 Enemies +1 Fidelity Leaders of the Hive Defeat Uammaethor

Defeat Ulugon

Defeat Nestaduan

Defeat Grog

Degeat Grothulun

Defeat Brumbereth Title: Brumbereth's Bane

+1 Idealism

10 Turbine Points Skumfil Grodbog bosses; because
Brumbereth is on the opposite side of the other gredbyg,
this deed requires 2 runs Leaders of the Nameless Defeat the Void-eater

Defeat the Doom-speaker

Defeat the Gurvand Title: Doom-breaker

+1 Tolerance

5 Turbine Points Dark Delvings bosses; can be done
in 1 run Nameless-slayer 60 Nameless Title: Slayer of the Nameless Dark Delvings; takes several runs 120 Nameless +1 Patience Orcs of the Forge 40 Orcs Title: Douser of Flames Forges of Khazad-dum; takes
several runs 80 Orcs +1 Zeal Orcs of the Sixteenth Hall 60 Orcs Title: the Hearty Globsnaga orcs do not count for
this one; requires several runs 120 Orcs +1 Wisdom Overseers of the Forge Defeat Narku

Defeat Dhaub

Defeat Thrug

Defeat Krankluk Title: Forge-breaker

+1 Determination

5 Turbine Points Forges bosses; can be done in one
run Slaves to the Forge 40 Goblins Title: Will-breaker Forges of Khazad-dum; requires
several runs 80 Goblins +1 Determination Strength of the Enemy 80 Orc-fighters Title: Fighter Fil Ghashan; requires several runs 160 Orc-fighters +1 Justice Tamers of the Vile Wargs 60 Goblins Title: Foe of the Warg-keepers Grand Stair; warg-rider goblins
count. Requires several runs 120 Goblins +1 Fidelity The Blighted Ones 60 Spiders Title: Web-shredder Skumfil, after completing the
Stinking Ward quest and venturing below to complete the
daily challenge for Hwandrin. This can be done in 1 run, as
the spiders respawn infinitely and fast. These spiders also
count for the Moria slayer deed. 120 Spiders +1 Mercy The Corpse-beasts of Skumfil 40 Kergrim Title: Nemesis of the Corpse-beasts Requires several runs 80 Kergrim +1 Justice The Corpse-eaters Defeat Bonetooth

Defeat Old Gnawer

Defat Rockjaw

Defeat Shalebiter

Defeat Grimreaver Title: Grimreaver's Bane

+1 Honesty

5 Turbine Points Kergrim and deep-claw bosses of
Skumfil; because Grimreaver is on the opposite side from the
others, this requires 2 runs The Horrors with Many Legs 100 Gredbyg Title: Shell-smasher Skumfil; requires several runs 200 Gredbyg +1 Innocence The Hounds of Skumfil 60 Cave-claws and Deep-claws Title: Deep-cleaver Skumfil; requires many runs 120 Cave-claws and Deep-claws +1 Loyalty Villains of the Grand Stair Part 1:

Defeat Ilzkal the Pummeler

Defeat Glothrok the Vile

Defeat Forzunk

Defeat Gothghaash the Firecaller Title: the Bold

+1 Honesty

5 Turbine Points Grand Stair bosses; if Nardur is
triggered within the first 10 minutes, but left until
Ilzkal, Glothrok, Forzunk and Gothghaash are defeated before
the group fights him, both parts of this deed can be done in
one run. However, since this requires using an exploit,
completing both parts of the deed should require 2 full
clears. Part 2:

Defeat Dorozg the Beast Tamer

Defeat the Beast

Defeat Nardur the Shield

Defeat Igash the Fanatic Title: Doom of Igash

+1 Loyalty

10 Turbine Points colspan="4" rowspan="1">META-DEEDS Purifier of Skumfil Complete deeds within Skumfil:

Leaders of the Hive

The Blighted Ones (adv.)

The Corpse-eaters

The Fallen Heroes

The Horrors with Many Legs (adv.)

The Hounds of Skumfil (adv.) Title: Purifier of Skumfil

10 Turbine Points

+900 rep with Iron Garrison Miners Hidden meta-deed Triumph within the Forsaken Deeps Complete deeds within the Dark Delvings:

Runes of the Dark Delvings

Leaders of the Nameless

Glow-worm Slayer (adv.)

Nameless-slayer (adv.) Title: A Light in the Dark

10 Turbine Points

+900 rep with Iron Garrison Miners Hidden meta-deed Mastery Over Fear Complete Purifier of Skumfil

Complete Triumph within the Forsaken Deeps Title: Master Over Fear

10 Turbine Points Hidden meta-deed Curator of the Forgotten Treasury Complete all deeds within the Forgotten Treasury Title: Curator of the Forgotten Treasury Hidden meta-deed The Grand Stair Complete all deeds in the Grand Stair:

Landings of the Grand Stair

Letters to Igash

Villains of the Grand Stair (Parts 1 & 2)

Tamers of the Vile Wargs

Followers of Igash

Brutes of the Grand Stair

Beasts of the Grand Stair Title: Braver of Heights

10 Turbine Points Hidden meta-deed The Watcher of Moria Complete deeds within the Vile Maw:

Lost to the Deeps

The Vile Maw

The Arms of the Watcher Title: Watchman

10 Turbine Points Hidden meta-deed Bane of Fil Ghashan Complete deeds within Fil Ghashan:

Heart of the Enemy

Strength of the Enemy

Eyes of the Enemy

Arms of the Enemy Title: Bane of Fil Ghashan

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed Bane of Industry Complete deeds within the Forges of Khazad-dum:

Overseers of the Forge

Implements of the Forge

Orcs of the Forge

Slaves to the Forge

Blinded by Fire Title: Bane of Industry

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed Marshal of the Burning Depths Complete Bane of Industry

Complete Bane of Fil Ghashan Title: Marshal of the Burning Depths

10 Turbine Points Hidden meta-deed Persevering Against the Blight Complete deeds in Sixteenth Hall:

Corruption in Command

Investigating the Blight

Orcs of the Sixteenth Hall

Fallen to Blight

Carriers of the Blight Title: Exterminator

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed The Vile Maw Drive back the Watcher at the Black Pool

Drive back the Watcher in the Flooded Treasury

Defeat the Watcher in the Water Title: Slayer of the Watcher

+1 Charity

5 Turbine Points This requires completing Volume II Book 1, Volume II Book
4 and the Vile Maw raid. Saviour of Khazad-Dum Complete all of the Mines of Moria Instance meta-deeds:

The Watcher of Moria

The Grand Stair

Mastery Over Fear

Persevering Against the Blight

Marshal of the Burning Depths Nimble Black Goat

Title: Saviour of Moria

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed; Nimble Black Goat is +68% run speed, 250 morale



style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">DEED style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">REQUIREMENT style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">REWARD style="color: rgb(255, 255, 204);">NOTES Saviour of Lothlorien Complete Liberator of the Halls of Crafting

Complete Reaver of Dar Narbugud

Complete Light of Lumul-nar

Complete Scourge of Nala-dum Wild Mountain Goat

Title: Saviour of Lothlorien

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed; Wild Mountain Goat is +68% run speed, 250
morale DAR


Dar Narbugud Fingus Investigation Collect Smelly, Red Mushroom

Collect Strange, Blue Mushroom

Collect Colourful Mushroom

Collect Divergent Mushroom

Collect Inconsistent Mushroom Title: Seeker of Toadstools

10 Turbine Points These mushrooms grow throughout
Dar Narbugud; can be completed in 1 run Hierarchy of the Nameless Defeat the Blind One

Defeat the Mistress of Pestilence

Defeat Zholuga

Defeat Istum

Defeat Flagit

Defeat Rung

Defeat Blagh Plain Heritage Rune of Lore (15,000 Item XP)

Title: Suppressor of Pestilence

5 Turbine Points The bosses of Dar Narbugud; can be completed
in one full run Dar Narbugud Nameless-slayer 55 Title: Cleanser of the Nameless Requires multiple runs 180 Plain Heritage Rune of Lore (15,000 IXP) Dar Narbugud Orc-slayer 60 Title: the Eradicator Reqires multiple runs 200 Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Dar Narbugud Troll-slayer 10 Title: Troll-tipper Requires multiple runs 50 Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Reaver of Dar Narbugud Complete all 5 deeds in Dar Narbugud Title: Redeemer of the Deep

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed colspan="4" rowspan="1">HALLS


Halls of Crafting Crate Investigation Collect Overflowing Supply-box

Collect Odd-shaped Supply-box

Collect Leaky Supply-box

Collect Cracked Supply-box

Collect Covered Supply-box Title: the Crate-collector

10 Turbine Points These boxes can be found throughout the Halls of Crafting
sitting on the floor; can be completed in one run Chieftains of the Halls of Crafting Defeat Ambal

Defeat Bashkuga

Defeat Thaguzg Plain Heritage Rune of Lore

Title: Foe-bane

5 Turbine Points The bosses of Halls of Crafting; can be completed in one
run Halls of Crafting Melee Orc-slayer 30 Melee Orcs Title: Rage of the Stonecarver Requires multiple runs 120 Melee Orcs Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Halls of Crafting Ranged
Orc-slayer 20 Ranged Orcs Title: Arrow-breaker Requires multiple runs 100 Ranged Orcs Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Liberator of the Halls of Crafting Complete all 4 deeds in Halls of Crafting Title: Master of the Anvil

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed colspan="4" rowspan="1">MIRROR-HALLS


The Crystal Mirror-shards Collect the Large Mirror-shard

Collect the Cracked Mirror-shard

Collect the Minor Mirror-shard

Collect the Broken Mirror-shard

Collect the Shattered Mirror-shard Title: Bringer of Light

10 Turbine Points The mirrors can be picked up from mirror pieces lying on
the ground; can be completed in one run An Evil Reflection Defeat Frost-tail

Defeat Ergoth Plain Heritage Rune of Lore

Title: Slayer of Shadows

5 Turbine Points The bosses of the Mirror-halls; can be completed in one
run Lumul-nar Morroval-slayer 120 Merrevail Title: the Silencer Requires many runs 240 Merrevail Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Light of Lumul-nar Complete all 3 deeds in the Mirror-halls Title: Defender of the Hidden Dawn

Plain Heritage Rune of Lore

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed colspan="4" rowspan="1">THE


Plants of the Water-works Collect Unusual Plant

Collect Strange Plant

Collect Abnormal Plant

Collect Large Plant

Collect Colourful Plant Title: Gardener of the Deep

10 Turbine Points The plants grow throughout Nala-dum; can be completed in
one run Enemies in Nala-dum Defeat Caerlug

Slay Spit-tail Plain Heritage Rune of Lore

Title: Banisher of Darkness

5 Turbine Points The bosses of Nala-dum; can be completed in one run Nala-dum Lizard-slayer 120 Lizards Title: Cold-blooded Requires many runs 240 Lizards Plain Heritage Rune of Lore Scourge of Nala-dum Complete all 3 deeds in Water Wheels Plain Heritage Rune of Lore

Title: Engineer of Nala-dum

10 Turbine Points Meta-deed




Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016