Northrend Preview

by on Aug 14, 2007

A whole new Continent to Explore

With the announcement of the second World of Warcraft expansion at BlizzCon in August, players have been clamoring for more information about Northrend. While some details were made available at BlizzCon, much was not. We can obtained pieces of information though by looking back at Warcraft 3: The Frozen Throne and at various pieces of Warcraft lore.

Borean Tundra - This will be one of the two possible starting zones in Northrend. It is located on the south west edge of Northrend and is home of the Turskarr (a humanoid walrus race). The ongoing quest chains in this zone are said to focus on the conflict between the Tuskarr and the Nagas in the zone.

Check it all out in our Northrend Preview.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016