Paladin Spells and Abilities 1-40

by on Feb 03, 2009

<h1>Outdated Content as of Cataclysm</h1> <br> <br> <div style="background: transparent url('') repeat-y scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-in

Outdated Content as of Cataclysm

style="background: transparent url('') repeat-y scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 600px;">
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cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
colspan="13" rowspan="1"> style="font-weight: bold;">Rank style="font-weight: bold;">

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


style="background: transparent url('') repeat-y scroll 0% 50%; -moz-background-clip: initial; -moz-background-origin: initial; -moz-background-inline-policy: initial; width: 600px;">
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cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
colspan="13" rowspan="1"> style="font-weight: bold;">Rank style="font-weight: bold;">

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 style="font-weight: bold;">Spell/Ability style="background-color: rgb(199, 103, 140); text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;"
colspan="13" rowspan="1"> style="font-weight: bold;">Level Obtained href="#Devotion_Aura">Devotion Aura 1 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 74 79 href="#Holy_Light">Holy Light 1 6 14 22 30 38 46 54 60 62 70 75 80 href="#Seal_of_Righteousness">Seal of Righteousness 1 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Blessing_of_Might">Blessing of Might 4 12 22 30 52 60 70 73 79 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Judgement_of_Light">Judgement of Light 4 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Divine_Protection">Divine Protection 6 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hammer_of_Justice">Hammer of Justice 8 24 40 54 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Purify">Purify 8 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hand_of_Protection">Hand of Protection 10 24 38 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Lay_on_Hands">Lay on Hands 10 30 50 69 78 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Judgment_of_Wisdom">Judgment of Wisdom 12 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Redemption">Redemption 12 24 36 48 60 72 79 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Blessing_of_Wisdom">Blessing of Wisdom 14 24 32 44 54 60 65 71 77 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Righteous_Defense">Righteous Defense 14 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hand_of_Reckoning">Hand of Reckoning 16 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Retribution_Aura">Retribution Aura 16 26 36 46 56 66 76 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Righteous_Fury">Righteous Fury 16 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hand_of_Freedom">Hand of Freedom 18 href="Spells1-40.html#Spiritual_Attunement">Spiritual
Attunement 18 66 href="Spells1-40.html#Consecration">Consecration 20 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 href="Spells1-40.html#Exorcism">Exorcism 20 28 34 44 52 60 68 73 79 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Flash_of_Light">Flash of Light 20 26 34 42 50 58 66 74 79 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Sense_Undead">Sense Undead 20 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Concentration_Aura">Concentration Aura 22 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Seal_of_Justice">Seal of Justice 22 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Turn_Evil_">Turn Evil 24 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Hand_of_Salvation">Hand of Salvation 26 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Judgement_of_Justice">Judgement of
Justice 28 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Shadow_Resistance_Aura">Shadow
Resistance Aura 28 40 52 63 76 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Divine_Intervention">Divine
Intervention 30 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Seal_of_Light">Seal of Light 30 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Summon_Warhorse">Summon Warhorse 30 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Frost_Resistance_Aura">Frost
Resistance Aura 32 44 56 68 77 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Divine_Shield">Divine Shield 34 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Fire_Resistance_Aura">Fire Resistance
Aura 36 48 60 70 78 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="Spells1-40.html#Seal_of_Wisdom">Seal of Wisdom 38 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Cleanse">Cleanse 42 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hammer_of_Wrath">Hammer of Wrath 44 52 60 68 74 80 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Hand_of_Sacrifice">Hand of Sacrifice 46 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Holy_Wrath">Holy Wrath 50 60 69 72 78 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Greater_Blessing_of_Might">Greater Blessing of Might 52 60 70 73 79 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Greater_Blessing_of_Wisdom">Greater Blessing of Wisdom 54 60 65 71 77 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Summon_Charger_Alliance">Summon Charger (Alliance) 60 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Summon_Charger_Horde">Summon Charger (Horde) 60 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Crusader_Aura">Crusader Aura 62 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Seal_of_Blood">Seal of Blood 64 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Seal_of_Vengeance">Seal of Vengeance 64 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Seal_of_Corruption">Seal of Corruption 66 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Seal_of_the_Martyr">Seal of the Martyr 66 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Avenging_Wrath">Avenging Wrath 70 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Divine_Plea">Divine Plea 71 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Shield_of_Righteousness">Shield of Righteousness 75 80 style="background-color: rgb(219, 123, 160); vertical-align: middle;"> href="#Sacred_Shield">Sacred Shield 80

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Avenging

Increases all damage and healing caused by 20% for 20 seconds. Cannot
be used within 30 seconds of being the target of Divine Shield, Divine
Protection or Hand of Protection.

src=""> name="Blessing_of_Might"> style="font-weight: bold;">Blessing of Might

Rank 1 -
Places a blessing on
the friendly target increasing attack power by 20, players may only
have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 2 -
Places a
blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 35, players
may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 3
- Places a
blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 55, players
may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 4 -
Places a blessing on
the friendly target increasing attack power by 85, players may only
have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 5 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 130
for ten minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin
at a time.

Rank 6 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by
185, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 7 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 232
for ten minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin
at a time.

Rank 8 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 306
for ten minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin
at a time.

Rank 9 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 410
for ten minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin
at a time.

Rank 10 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target increasing attack power by 550
for ten minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin
at a time.

src=""> name="Blessing_of_Wisdom"> style="font-weight: bold;">Blessing of Wisdom

Rank 1 -
Places a blessing on
the friendly target restoring 10 mana every 5 seconds, players may only
have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 2 -
Places a blessing on
the friendly target restoring 15 mana every 5 seconds, players may only
have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 3 -
Places a blessing on
the friendly target restoring 20 mana every 5 seconds, players may only
have one blessing on them per Paladin at a time.

Rank 4 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 25 mana every 5
seconds for 10 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 5 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 30 mana every 5
seconds, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a

Rank 6 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 33 mana every 5
seconds, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a

Rank 7 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 41 mana every 5
seconds, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a

Rank 8 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 73 mana every 5
seconds, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a

Rank 9 -
Places a blessing on the friendly target restoring 91 mana every 5
seconds, players may only have one blessing on them per Paladin at a

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Cleanse

Cleanses a friendly target removing 1 poison, 1 disease and 1 magic

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Concentration

All party or raid members within 30 yards lose 35% less casting or
channeling time when damaged. Players may only have one Aura on them
per Paladin at any one time.

src=""> name="Consecration"> style="font-weight: bold;">Consecration

Rank 1 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 73 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 2 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 137 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 3 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 225 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated land.

Rank 4 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 336 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 5 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 448 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 6 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 577 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 7 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 696 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

Rank 8 -
Consecrates the land beneath the Paladin, doing 905 Holy damage over 8
seconds to enemies who enter the consecrated area.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Crusader

Increases the mounted speed by 20% for all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one
time. This does not stack with other movement speed increasing effects.

src=""> name="Devotion_Aura"> style="font-weight: bold;">Devotion Aura

Rank 1 -
Gives 55 additional
armor to party members within 30 yards.  Players may only have
Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 2 -
Gives 160 additional
armor to party members within 30 yards.  Players may only have
Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 3 -
Gives 275 additional
armor to party members within 30 yards.  Players may only have
Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 4 -
Gives 390 additional
armor to party members within 30 yards.  Players may only have
Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 5 -
Gives 505 additional
armor to party members within 30 yards.  Players may only have
Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 6 -
Gives 620 additional armor to party members within 30 yards. 
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 7 -
Gives 735 additional armor to party members within 30 yards. 
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 8 -
Gives 861 additional armor to party members within 30 yards. 
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 9 -
Gives 1015 additional armor to party members within 30 yards. 
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 10 -
Gives 1205 additional armor to party members within 30 yards. 
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Divine

The Paladin self-sacrifices to remove the targeted party member from
harm's way. Enemies will stop attacking the protected party member who
will be immune to all harmful attacks but not able to take any action
for up to 3 minutes. Requires a Symbol of Divinity as a reagent.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Divine

You gain 25% of your total mana over 15 seconds, but the amount healed
by your spells is reduced by 50%.

src=""> name="Divine_Protection"> style="font-weight: bold;">Divine Protection

Reduces all damage taken by 50% for 12 seconds. Once protected, the
target cannot be protected by Divine Shield, Divine Protection or Hand
of Protection again for 3 minutes. Cannot be used within 30 seconds of
using Avenging Wrath.

src=""> name="Divine_Shield"> style="font-weight: bold;">Divine Shield

Protects the Paladin from all damage and spells for 12 seconds but
reduces all damage the Paladin deals by 50%. Once protected, the target
cannot be protected by Divine Shield, Divine Protection or 
of Protection again for 3 minutes. Cannot be used within 30 seconds of
using Avenging Wrath.

src=""> name="Exorcism">Exorcism

Rank 1 -
Causes 96-110 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 2
- Causes 173-195 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 3 -
Causes 250-282 Holy damage to an Undead or Demon target.

Rank 4 -
Causes 350-394 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 5 -
Causes 452-506 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 6 -
Causes 564-628 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 7 -
Causes 687-765 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 8 -
Causes 787-877 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

Rank 9 -
Causes 1028-1146 Holy damage to an undead or demon target.

src=""> name="Fire_Resistance_Aura"> style="font-weight: bold;">Fire Resistance Aura

Rank 1 -
Gives 30 additional
Fire resistance to all party members within 30 yards. Players may only
have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 2 -
Gives 45 additional Fire resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 3 -
Gives 60 additional Fire resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 4 -
Gives 70 additional Fire resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 5 -
Gives 130 additional Fire resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Flash
of Light

Rank 1
- Heals a friendly target for 81-93.

Rank 2 -
Heals a friendly target for 124-144.

Rank 3 -
Heals a friendly target for 189-211.

Rank 4 -
Heals a friendly target for 256-288.

Rank 5 -
Heals a friendly target for 346-390.

Rank 6 -
Heals a friendly target for 449-499.

Rank 7 -
Heals a friendly target for 588-658.

Rank 8 -
Heals a friendly target for 682-764.

Rank 9 -
Heals a friendly target for 785-879.

style="width: 30px; height: 30px;" alt=""
src=""> name="Frost_Resistance_Aura">Frost Resistance Aura

Rank 1 -
Gives 30 additional
Frost resistance to all party members within 30 yards. Players may only
have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 2 -
Gives 45 additional Frost resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 3 -
Gives 30 additional Frost resistance to all party members within 60
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 4 -
Gives 70 additional Frost resistance to all party members within 60
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 5 -
Gives 130 additional Frost resistance to all party members within 60
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;"> name="Greater_Blessing_of_Might">Greater Blessing
of Might

Rank 1 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Might, increasing attack power by
185 for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 2 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Might, increasing attack power by
232 for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 3 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Might, increasing attack power by
306 for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 4 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Might, increasing attack power by
410 for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 5 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Might, increasing attack power by
550 for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;"> name="Greater_Blessing_of_Wisdom">Greater Blessing
of Wisdom

Rank 1 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Wisdom, restoring 30 man every 5
seconds for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 2 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Wisdom, restoring 33 man every 5
seconds for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 3 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Wisdom, restoring 41 man every 5
seconds for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 4 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Wisdom, restoring 73 man every 5
seconds for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

Rank 5 -
Gives all members of the raid or group that share the same class with
the target the Greater Blessing of Wisdom, restoring 91 man every 5
seconds for 30 minutes, players may only have one blessing on them per
Paladin at a time.

src=""> name="Hammer_of_Justice"> style="font-weight: bold;">Hammer of Justice

Rank 1 -
Stuns target for 3 seconds and interrupts spellcasting for 3 seconds.

Rank 2 -
Stuns target for 4 seconds and interrupts spellcasting for 3 seconds.

Rank 3 -
Stuns target for 5 seconds and interrupts spellcasting for 3 seconds.

Rank 4 -
Stuns target for 6 seconds and interrupts spell casting for 3 seconds.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Hammer
of Wrath

Rank 1 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 351-387 Holy Damage.
Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

Rank 2 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 459-507 Holy Damage.
Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

Rank 3 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 570-628 Holy Damage.
Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

Rank 4 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 733-809 Holy Damage.
Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

Rank 5 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 878-970 Holy Damage.
Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

Rank 6 -
Instantly hurls a hammer that strikes an enemy for 1139-1257 Holy
Damage. Only usable on enemies that have 20% or less health.

src=""> name="Hand_of_Freedom"> style="font-weight: bold;">Hand of Freedom

Places a Hand on the friendly target, granting immunity to movement
impairing effects for 10 seconds. Players may only have one Hand on
them per Paladin at any one time.

src=""> name="Hand_of_Protection"> style="font-weight: bold;">Hand of Protection

Rank 1 -
The targeted party
member is protected from all physical attacks for 6 seconds, but during
that time cannot attack or use physical abilities. Players may only
have one Hand on them per Paladin at  a time. Once protected,
target cannot be protected by Divine Shield, Divine Protection or Hand
of Protection again for 3 minutes. Cannot be targeted on players who
have used Avenging Wrath within the last 30 seconds.

Rank 2 -
Lasts 8 seconds.

Rank 3 -
Lasts 10 seconds.

src=""> name="Hand_of_Reckoning"> style="font-weight: bold;">Hand of Reckoning

Taunts the target to attack the caster and causes a small
amount of holy damage.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Hand
of Sacrifice

Places a Hand on a party member transferring 30% damage taken to the
caster. Lasts 12 seconds and players may only have one Hand on them per
Paladin at any time.

src=""> name="Hand_of_Salvation"> style="font-weight: bold;">Hand of Salvation

Places a Hand on the friendly target, reducing their total threat by 2%
every 1 second for 10 seconds. Players may only have one Hand on them
per Paladin at any one time.

src=""> name="Holy_Light"> style="font-weight: bold;">Holy Light

Rank 1 -
Heals a friendly target for 50-60.

Rank 2 -
Heals a friendly target for 96-116.

Rank 3 -
Heals a friendly target for 203-239.

Rank 4 -
Heals a friendly target for 397-455.

Rank 5 -
Heals a friendly target for 628-708.

Rank 6 -
Heals a friendly target for 894-998.

Rank 7 -
Heals a friendly target for 1209-1349.

Rank 8 -
Heals a friendly target for 1595-1777.

Rank 9 -
Heals a friendly target for 2034-2266.

Rank 10 -
Heals a friendly target for 2232-2486.

Rank 11 -
Heals a friendly target for 2818-3138.

Rank 12 -
Heals a friendly target for 4199-4677.

Rank 13 -
Heals a friendly target for 4888-5444.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Holy

Rank 1 -
Sends bolts of Holy power in all directions, causing 399-471 Holy
damage and Stunning all Undead and Demon targets within 10 yards for 3

Rank 2 -
Sends bolts of Holy power in all directions, causing 551-649 Holy
damage and Stunning all Undead and Demon targets within 10 yards for 3

Rank 3 -
Sends bolts of Holy power in all directions, causing 777-913 Holy
damage and Stunning all Undead and Demon targets within 10 yards for 3

Rank 4 -
Sends bolts of Holy power in all directions, causing 857-1007 Holy
damage and Stunning all Undead and Demon targets within 10 yards for 3

Rank 5 -
Sends bolts of Holy power in all directions, causing 1050-1234 Holy
damage and Stunning all Undead and Demon targets within 10 yards for 3

src=""> name="Judgement_of_Justice"> style="font-weight: bold;">Judgement of Justice

Unleashes the energy of a seal spell to judge an enemy for
seconds preventing them from fleeing and limiting their movement speed.
Refer to individual seals for additional judgement effects. Only one
judgement per Paladin maybe active at any time.

src=""> name="Judgement_of_Light"> style="font-weight: bold;">Judgement of Light

Unleashes the energy of a seal spell to judge an enemy for 20 seconds
granting attacks made against the judged enemy a chance of healing the
attacker. Refer to individual seals for additional judgement effects.
Only one judgement per Paladin maybe be active at any time.

src=""> name="Judgment_of_Wisdom"> style="font-weight: bold;">Judgment of Wisdom

Unleashes the energy of a seal spell to judge an enemy for
seconds granting each attack made against the judged enemy a chance of
to restore 2% of the attacker's base mana. Refer to individual seals
for additional judgement effect. Only one judgement per Paladin maybe
active at any time.

src=""> name="Lay_on_Hands"> style="font-weight: bold;">Lay on Hands

Rank 1
- Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum

Rank 2 -
Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum
health, and restores 250 of their mana.

Rank 3 -
Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum
health, and restores 550 of their mana.

Rank 4 -
Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum
health, and restores 900 of their mana.

Rank 5 -
Heals a friendly target for an amount equal to the Paladin's maximum
health, and restores 1950 of their mana.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Purify

Purifies the friendly target removing 1 disease and 1 poison effect.

src=""> name="Redemption"> style="font-weight: bold;">Redemption

Rank 1 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 65 health and 120 mana. Cannot
be cast while in combat.

Rank 2 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 150 health and 260 mana. Cannot
be cast while in combat.

Rank 3 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 250 health and 420 mana. Cannot
be cast while in combat.

Rank 4 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 400 health and 600 mana. Cannot
be cast while in combat.

Rank 5 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 600 health and 800 mana. Cannot
be cast while in combat.

Rank 6 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 1400 health and 1060 mana.
Cannot be cast while in combat.

Rank 7 -
Brings a dead player back to life with 1760 health and 1320 mana.
Cannot be cast while in combat.

src=""> name="Retribution_Aura"> style="font-weight: bold;">Retribution Aura

Rank 1 -
Causes 10 Holy damage
to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member within 30 yards.
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 2 -
Causes 18 Holy damage
to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member within 30 yards.
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 3 -
Causes 27 Holy damage
to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member within 30 yards.
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 4 -
Causes 37 Holy damage to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member
within 30 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at
any one time.

Rank 5 -
Causes 48 Holy damage to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member
within 30 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at
any one time.

Rank 6 -
Causes 62 Holy damage to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member
within 30 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at
any one time.

Rank 7 -
Causes 112 Holy damage to any enemy that strikes a party or raid member
within 30 yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at
any one time.

src=""> name="Righteous_Defense"> style="font-weight: bold;">Righteous Defense

Come to the defense of a friendly target, commanding up to
3 enemies attacking the target to attack the Paladin instead.

src=""> name="Righteous_Fury"> style="font-weight: bold;">Righteous Fury

Increases the threat generated by caster's Holy spells by

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Sacred

Each time the target takes damage they gain Sacred Shield, absorbing
500 damage and increasing the Paladin's chance to critically hit with
Flash of Light by 50% for up to 6 seconds. This effect cannot occur
more than once every 6 seconds.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal
of Blood

Blood Elf: All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage but the
Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage inflicted. Lasts
30 minutes.  Unleashing this Seal's energy will judge an enemy
instantly causing additional Holy damage at the cost of health equal to
33% of the damage caused.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal
of Corruption

Blood Elf: Fills the Paladin with Holy power causing attacks to apply
Blood Corruption which deals additional Holy damage over 15 seconds.
Blood Corruption can stack up to 5 times. Only one Seal can be active
on the Paladin at any time. Lasts for 30 minutes.  Unleashing
the Seal's energy will instantly deal Holy damage to the enemy
increased by 10% for each application of Blood Corruption on the target.

src=""> name="Seal_of_Justice"> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal of Justice

Fills the Paladin with the spirit of Justice, giving each melee attack
a chance to stun for 2 seconds. Only one seal can be active on the
Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal holy
damage to the enemy.

src=""> name="Seal_of_Light"> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal of Light

Fills the Paladin with Divine Light for 2 minutes giving each melee
attack a chance to heal the Paladin. Only one seal can be active on the
Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this Seal's energy ill deal holy
damage to the enemy.

src=""> name="Seal_of_Righteousness"> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal of Righteousness

Melee attacks cause additional holy damage and judging this seal causes
immediate holy damage.

src=""> name="Seal_of_the_Martyr"> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal of the Martyr

Human, Dwarf and Draenei: All melee attacks deal additional Holy damage
but the Paladin loses health equal to 10% of the total damage
inflicted. Lasts 30 minutes.  Unleashing this Seal's energy
will judge an enemy instantly causing additional Holy damage at the
cost of health equal to 33% of the damage caused.

src=""> name="Seal_of_Wisdom"> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal of Wisdom

Fills the Paladin with Divine Wisdom for 2 minutes giving each melee
attack a chance to restore 4% of the Paladin's maximum mana. Only one
seal can be active on the Paladin at any one time. Unleashing this
Seal's energy ill deal holy damage to the enemy.

src=""> name="Sense_Undead"> style="font-weight: bold;">Sense Undead

Shows the location of all nearby undead on the minimap
until cancelled. Only one form of tracking can be active at a 

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Seal
of Vengeance

Human, Dwarf and Draenei: Fills the Paladin with Holy power causing
attacks to apply Holy Vengeance which deals additional Holy damage over
15 seconds. Holy Vengeance can stack up to 5 times. Only one Seal can
be active on the Paladin at any time, lasts 30 minutes. 
Unleashing this Seal's energy will deal instant Holy damage to the
enemy, increased by 10% for each application of Holy Vengeance on the

src=""> name="Shadow_Resistance_Aura"> style="font-weight: bold;">Shadow Resistance Aura

Rank 1
- Gives 30
additional Shadow resistance to all party members within 30 yards.
Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 2 -
Gives 45 additional
Shadow resistance to all party members within 30 yards. Players may
only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one time.

Rank 3 -
Gives 60 additional Shadow resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 4 -
Gives 70 additional Shadow resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

Rank 5 -
Gives 130 additional Shadow resistance to all party members within 30
yards. Players may only have one Aura on them per Paladin at any one

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;"> name="Shield_of_Righteousness">Shield of

Rank 1
- Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage equal to your
block value plus 300. This spell causes a high amount of threat.

Rank 2
- Slam the target with your shield, causing Holy damage equal to your
block value plus 400. This spell causes a high amount of threat.

src=""> name="Spiritual_Attunement"> style="font-weight: bold;">Spiritual Attunement

Rank 1
- A passive
ability that gives the Paladin mana when healed by other friendly
target's spells, the additional healing is 8% of the amount healed.

Rank 2
- A Passive ability that gives the Paladin mana when healed by other
friendly targets' spells. The amount of mana gained is equal to 10% of
the amount healed.

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;"> name="Summon_Charger_Alliance">Summon Charger

For Human, Dwarf and Draenei: Summons a Charger which
serves as a mount. This is a very fast mount. style="font-weight: bold;">

src=""> style="font-weight: bold;">Summon
Charger (Horde)

For Blood Elf: Summons a Charger which serves as a mount. This is a
very fast mount.

src=""> name="Summon_Warhorse"> style="font-weight: bold;">Summon Warhorse

Summons a Warhorse which serves as a mount.

src=""> name="Turn_Evil_"> style="font-weight: bold;">Turn Evil

Rank 1 -
The targeted undead
or demon enemy will be compelled to flee for 20 seconds. Damage caused
may interrupt the effect. Only one target may be turned at a time.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016