Phoenix of the North - I. The Old Hunter

by on Jun 15, 2008

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The Phoenix of the North

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style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;">The Old Hunter

"The Phoenix of the North is guarded by Mithrelle in a cave in the Eiglophian Mountains. There is an old hunter called Niall in the village close to the mountains who might help me with directions to the cave." style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="width: 150px; height: 149px;" alt="Click to expand"
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Talk to Niall in the Settlement of Dinog

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style="font-style: italic;">Niall resides in the Eiglophian Mountains.

Your contact will tell you the second missing piece of the medallion is somewhere in the Eiglophian Mountains. He does deliver a bit of good news to you. It seems that your old friend that wench Mitrelle is guarding it. Thoth Amon sent her there as punishment for her failure in Tortage. The only way to retrieve the next part of the medallion is over her rotting corpse. After that exchange in Tortage I'm sure you won't have a problem with that.

Make your way to the Eiglophian Mountains. They can be reached through the Field of the Dead in Cimmeria. You can find Niall there at coordinates 783, 427.

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Niall will tell you the location of the Ice Cave and that it is well guarded.




(Editor's Note: A special thanks to our volunteer ranger class lead Khalathwyr for aiding in the gathering of information for this guide.)


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016