Phoenix of the North - IV. The Messenger

by on Jun 15, 2008

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The Phoenix of the North

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style="text-align: center; vertical-align: middle; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="font-weight: bold;">The Messenger

"Rhiderch used the piece of the medallion I found in the Eiglophian Mountains to further help me remember my past. He told me to talk to Kalanthes next. He is waiting for me in a small building with a blue door, by the auction house in Old Tarantia." style="text-align: center; background-color: rgb(120, 102, 85);"> style="width: 150px; height: 149px;" alt="Click to expand"
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Talk to Kalanthes

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style="font-style: italic;">Kalanthes's home can be found behind this blue door.

Kalanthes can be found at his home in Old Tarantia at coordinates 947, 560. Kalanthes home is entered through the big blue door. Kalanthes will await you inside.

Kalanthes will tell you that two men have taken notice of your recent deeds. the first being King Conan. He is pleased with your actions and wants to reward you for your deeds. The second is Thoth Amon, unlike King Conan, Thoth Amon wants you to die a hideous death.

Kalanthes will tell you Thoth Amon is trying to revive the Grim Gray God. A deity once imprisoned by the Atlanteans. Thoth Amon seeks to release the beast and assume control of him. The deity has been imprisoned in an idol of himself. It is at this point kalanthes reveals the true purpose of the Phoenix Medallion. Within the medallion rests a slumbering Atlantean god. With that god is the only chance to defeat the Grim Gray God should Thoth Amon succeed in resurrecting him.

Kalanthes will tell you to think on what he has said and return to your seer when the time is right. Remember your past and and unite the medallion to free yourself from the Mark of Archerone. Once the medallion is united the Atlantean god will be free and kalanthes says you will need his aid in dealing with the Grim Gray God. After all, only a god can kill a god.

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Kalanthes will tell you of Thoth Amon's plans to revive the Grim Gray God.








Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016