Phoenix of the North - Level 50 Destiny Quest Guide

by on Jun 15, 2008

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Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures Destiny Quests are one of the more intriguing story lines within Hyboria. This week Martuk delves into the level 50 section of the Destiny Quest line taking the player deep into the Eiglophian Mountains to face that old wench Mitrelle.

Your contact will tell you the second missing piece of the medallion is somewhere in the Eiglophian Mountains. He does deliver a bit of good news to you. It seems that your old friend that wench Mitrelle is guarding it. Thoth Amon sent her there as punishment for her failure in Tortage. The only way to retrieve the next part of the medallion is over her rotting corpse. After that exchange in Tortage I'm sure you won't have a problem with that.

You can read the full guide complete with maps here. Discuss the quest and your tactics on our forums.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016