Praevus Coves

by on Sep 18, 2007

<p> Pravus Coves is a bastion of lawlessness right on the doorstep of Caere Bay, a valuable frontier territory of the Roman Republic. A series of small, sheltered inlets and islets, Pravus Coves is dominated by Sepelia, the infamous pirate queen. Her

Pravus Coves is a bastion of lawlessness right on the doorstep of Caere Bay, a valuable frontier territory of the Roman Republic. A series of small, sheltered inlets and islets,

Pravus Coves is dominated by Sepelia, the infamous pirate queen. Her Pistrix Alliance forces—a motley group of pirates, cutthroats, and rogues—maintain Sepelia’s “order” and

protect her interests in the most ruthless way imaginable. The only legitimate challenger of Sepelia’s authority in the region is Trophimus, a Laestrygonian chieftain whose

stronghold is on the western coast of Pravus Coves. His tribesmen are constantly clashing with the Pistrix forces, though what the pirates consider to be a battle the

Laestrygons think of as “looking for lunch.”

Any infestation of Laestrygons is troubling, and Trophimus and his horde are an exceptionally brutal lot. The Nimbus cult of Oceanids seems to have some particularly nefarious

plans brewing, as well. But the Pistrix Alliance is most worrisome, as they have recently been raiding the western shores of Caere Bay, and even managed to capture the

watchtower at Excubitor Point. This signals a dramatic shift in strategy for the Pistrix brood, which needs to be cut off at the source as soon as possible.

Areas of Interest

Raptorum Ridge

Located at the eastern end of Pravus Coves, this ridge is not only covered in grass, but wild dogs, eagles' nests, Ridgeline Scavengers, and Pravus Ospreys! There are no

pirates here yet, although they did destroy all the homesteads which used to stand here.

Raptorum Bank

Southwest of the Raptorum Ridge, several Roman watchtowers used to stand. Now, they've fallen under the command of the Pistrix Alliance. They make use of the towers to guard

the eastern border of Pravus Coves, and have a cluster of warehouses to store their ill-gotten gains.

Marauder's Rest

A small pirate camp surrounded by makeshift walls, Pistrix has erected its own watchtowers here to guard both entrances to the encampment. Led by Captain Scaro of Lycia, these

pirates are fierce combatants, fielding skirmishers, mercenaries, and even mystics!


Just north of Marauder's Rest, this clapboard town has been left alone by the Pistrix far. While the denizens of the city aren't exactly friendly, you will find

them friendlier if you're willing to take the fight to the Pirate Queen and her forces.

Opaca Docks

Not surprisingly, the docks are located near the free town of Opaca. This area is a major hub for both goods and travel in and out of Pravus Coves. You can find Piscius, a

Roman spy, stationed here. Posing as a fisherman, he keeps an eye on the Pistrix Alliance and their growing threat to the Republic's safety.

Licentia Outpost

Licentia Outpost is the stronghold of Captain Neritos, one of Sepelia's lieutenants. He and his Cilican pirates have built sturdy walls around the outpost, and permanent

buildings within. Unline most pirates, Neritos' crew is well-disciplined. With but a single entrance in, and heavy guard throughout, this encampment will be a tough nut to


Sepelia's Isle

The Pirate Queen's isle houses some very unpleasant surprises! The age-worn fort sits atop the isle, and fairly bristles with catapults, keeping Roman ships away. As if that

weren't enough, an elite minotaur, Glavius Grimsails, also resides in the fortress as Sepelia's personal bodyguard! Only the bravest of souls will brave this fortress of


The Sea Gate

This massive, wooden gate guards the only entrance into the cove around Sepelia's isle. Due to it's value, it is heavily fortified by pirates and attack dogs.

Sanguine Islands

Head north across the cove from Sepelia's Isle, and you'll find yourself here, the westernmost area held by Sepelia's forces. Yet they have not constructed any permanent

buildings here as it's too close to the Laestrygons' territory. The pirates here are under the command of a vicious brawler by the name of Philokles the Greek.

Ruins of Nethuns

Lying to the west of the Sanguine Islands, these ruins overlook to Limosus flats. Gaius Gracilis, a Roman treasure-hunter, once pilfered several Etruscan idols from the ruins,

unleashing a horde of Phantasmae. These undead monstrosities are now found all over the ruins, and are said to be the harbingers of the Etruscan god Vanth. Some brave soul

should vanquish them before Vanth is unleashed upon the world, for that would truly be a catastrophy!

Limosus Flats

South of the ruins, these mudflats connect the two points of Pravus Coves. The area is crawling with Cetos, which are highly aggressive towards any intruders. A particularly

nasty Laestrygon hunter, Subigratus, also favors the flats.

Cliffs of Dread

The domain of Speio, a Nereid, is a perilous bluff that offers a view of both The Sea Gate and Sepelia's Isle. However, Speio has joined forces with Aegolyca, the vicious sea

monster who causes trouble along the southern coastline of Pravus Coves. Several Oceanids of the Nimbus cult also live here, cultivating Protean Crystals for him. While nobody

is sure what the Nereids are up to, they are protecting their operations through the use of Nereids with squads of scorpions

Vagus Strand

This open plain lies south of Limosus flats, and is infested by many beasts. Scorpions, wild dogs, and the dreaded Chimaeras all hunt here. The remains of those humans foolish

enough to stray here are strewn about the strand, an eerir reminder of the death that's lurking nearby...

Insula Pullarii

This small island is usually deathly silent. An obelisk wrapped in chains sits atop a dais here, and is used by the pirates to sacrifice people to the local Hydra! While these

sacrifices keep the Hydra from attacking the pirates and their ships, Romans are not afforded the same! Be wary if you come here, or the Hydra may mistake you for its dinner...

Aestus Shore

This sandy stretch of beach on the southern shore of the coves is no tourist beach! Many Oceanids call it home, as do the Hippocampi that prey upon unsuspecting victims along

the coast. The remains of crumbling, ancient structures here are sparsely pocked by Protean crystals growing from the ground.

Tethys' Rest

One of a very few havens for honest folk in Pravus Coves, this area is ruled over by Doris and Nereus, two Nereids. These sea nymphs preside over many aspects of marine and

naval life, sitting on thrones amidst the coral-encrusted, Greek ruins that dominate the island. While the Nereids and their children usually reside in the oceans, these have

come ashore in an effort to keep Aegolyca at bay. However, these peaceful souls were woefully unprepared for the monsters which Aegolyca summoned, and are now in desperate need

of assistance!

Proteus' Point

The extreme south-western point of Pravus Coves, this area is strewn with dense Protean crystal formations. These formations are protected by the most fearsome of the Oceanids

of the Nimbus cult.

Torqueo Crags

Located along the northern coast, this area is little more than a series of maze-like paths between towering clffs. This makes it an ideal hunting area for the Lastrygons, some

of whom have even gone so far as to set up camps here.

Mugus Ridge

This entire area shows signs of fierce battles, the result of many clashes between the Laestrygons and the pirate forces of Sepelia. The many Lastrygon camps here are in

disrepair, and the vultures circling overhead remind visitors to keep their stay short...

Visceratio Point

A number of Laestrygonian dwellings have been built here, and each is littered with the remains-both raw and cooked-of pirates and sailors who were foolish enough to fall into

the Laestrygons' hands. Due to their war with the pirates, the Laestrygons have placed the area under heavy guard with regular patrols.

Telymus Rock

Home to the most feared of the Laestrygon chieftains, Trophimus, this fortress of stone and wood is decorated with the remains of the humans he and his people have fed upon.

Located at the extreme western edge of Pravus Coves, Trophimus boasts a unique trophy in his courtyard, a captured Oceanid princess.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016