Q: Delera's Graveyard

by on Aug 02, 2006

<h1><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);">Delera's Graveyard: Dead Girl's Spell Book</span> </h1> <table align="right" border="0" cellpadding="3"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" src="http://ads.tentonham

Delera's Graveyard: Dead
Girl's Spell Book

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General Strategies

The nature of undead, and the grief brought on by wraiths and wights in
particular, make this a hard quest if the party is newly Level 6.
Complicating matters is the fact that you have but 30 minutes to
complete the quest.

increase your chances of success, try to bring 2 clerics--one main
healer and one
Divine Vitality (DV) specialist to replenish the main healer's spell
points. And tell those clerics to forget Turning; it ain't gonna happen
often in Delera's.

At least one arcane caster is nice to have on this quest. If nothing
else, the caster will have an easier time with the mephits than most
melee. Of course, magic weapons go a long way, too.

This quest also benefits from the skills of a rogue. The 3 traps in the
hallway after the 2nd section of the mausoleum can waste hit points,
and the hidden Rest Shrines are almost necessary.

Speaking of Rest Shrines, try not to use one until after you have
completed Section 4. To help in this matter, make the order of killing
prioritize those enemies that do the most damage (arcane skeletons,
wraiths, and wights are good picks to die first--then skeleton archers,
skeletons, and ghasts).

After a rest, clear Section 5 and Valak before resting again. Next
clear all of Section 6 and open the door to Valak's chamber. Try to
lure the fire mephits out of the hallway (individually if possible)
into the previous room to make short work of them. Use the final Rest
Shrine before attacking Valak.

In Valak's chamber, I suggest letting the main healer and a
fighter/barbarian keep Valak occupied long enough for the rogue,
caster, DV specialist, and 6th party member to take out those wight
priests. Then all forces can collapse on Valak.

style="font-weight: bold;">Starting NPC: Dead Girl
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Starting Zone:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);">Valak's
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Level:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">6
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Related Zones:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);">House
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Monsters:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Arcane
Skeleton, Skeleton Knight, Skeleton Archer, Skeleton Swordman, Armored
Wight, Wight Priest, Ghast, Wraith, Fire Mephit, Greater Fire Mephit
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Named/Boss Monsters:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);">Valak's
Firstborn (skeleton), Valak (skeleton)
style="font-weight: bold;">Bonus Objectives:
Slay Valak's Firstborn
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Possible Reward Items:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 204, 102);">Random,
but you must return the book to Dead Girl instead of destroying it
style="font-weight: bold;">Walkthrough:
You enter an area shaped roughly like an "H" turned on its
side. In each of the four corners is a switch you must activate in
order to open the north door. Each time you pull a switch, you will be
attacked by a group of undead (skeletons of a mixed variety).

Section 2: The next room
contains 3 switches begging for you attention. Pull all 3 to unlock the
north door. Again, each swtich will spawn enemy undead (wraiths).Before
you leave this room check the mushroom in the SE corner for a href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=212">collection
quest item and check for the scret door that leads to the first of
three Rest Shrines.

Section 3: The next
hallway contains at least 3 traps. Be sure your rogue is alert! The
hallway leads to a square room with a locked door to the north and a
wooden ramp that winds upward from the floor.

Follow the ramp up to turn 2 valves, each of which spawns some more
undead (skeletons and wights). Don't miss the collection quest item on
the bookshelf about midway up the ramp.

Section 4: The next
section is shaped roughly like a sai, or a "U" with a line down the
middle. The right curve has the 2nd Rest Shrine. The left curve has an
adventure pack. When you reach the northern door, it slams shut and a
wight priest spawns behind you. Defeat it to open the door.

Section 5: You will find
the next room to contain a pile of rubble in the NW corner. Tunnels are
in the SW and NE corners. The door to the north is sealed. First head
through the SW tunnel and turn right. Here you will pull a level and
fight undead (skeletons and wights). Next head back to the NE tunnel.

If you are ready for a big fight, turn right pull the other level and
be swarmed by undead (skeletons, wights, ghasts). If you aren't ready
you can turn left instead of right and search for a secret door to the
3rd and final Rest Shrine. After you have dealt with the 2nd undead
ambush, you can decide whether or not to go after Valak's Firstborn.

Valak's Firstborn is hidden in a room off of the SW tunnel (go through
the tunnel, turn right, and search for the secret door). Vallak is a
vicious skeleton, but he guards a chest. Take him down and go back to
the main room of this section and through the northern door that opened
after the 2nd lever.

Section 6: The final
puzzle room is shaped much like the first (a sideways "H") but bigger.
This time all 3 corridors to the north are sealed. You'll need to pull
the switches in the southern cooriders to unlock the northern corners.
Of course, the switches come complete with a host of undead (skeletons
and wights).

It doesn't matter which order you pick for the northern corners, and
the result is the same for either. You pull a lever and the floor
behind you collapses, revealing a watery pit filled with more undead
challenges (skeletons). Even with a Jump spell and Feather Fall, you
cannot avoid the pit, so dive in and use the ladders provided after
killing the enemies. Don't forget the grab the goody from the mushroom
in the NE pit. The way to Valak is now open!

Section 7: Fire Mephits
greet you in the hallway to Valak. Valak, a tough skeleton by himself,
is also surrounded by wight priests. Defeat the monsters and loot the
chest. Dead Girl's book is near Valak's coffin.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016