Q: Durk's Got a Secret

by on Oct 25, 2006

<h1><span style="color: rgb(153, 51, 0);"><span style="color: rgb(154, 185, 124);">Durk's Got a Secret</span><br> </span></h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='ht

style="color: rgb(154, 185, 124);">Durk's Got a Secret

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General Strategies

The Den of the Kobold Brothers is a slimy place filled with slimy
enemies. All of the oozes you encounter warrant toting a set of wooden
weapons into the dungeons. If you can find the random spawn Muck and
kill it, you might be lucky enough to loot Muckbane, a rare weapon that
specializes in killing oozes.

A few class makeups work really well here. A cleric with Remove Fear
and href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=264">Extend
Spell provides a long-lasting buff against the fear effects of the
kobold shamans. A caster with href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=71">Hypnotize
can serve in the capacity of a crowd control specialist. If you have a
Level 3 wizard with href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=75">Web,
that helps keep the shamans in place. A Level 2 wizard might use Grease.

If the party contains the above spells, it is very easy to chew through
the majority of the dungeon with ease. Only the oozes will be resistant
to all of those spells, so that's where the melee fighters come into
the picture. They should pounce on any ooze quickly and with lethal

style="font-weight: bold;">Starting NPC: Durk the Deranged
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Quest Zone:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);">Den
of the Kobold Brothers
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Related Zones:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">The
Leaky Dinghy
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Level:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);">2
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Monsters:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">Kobold
warrior, kobold shaman, kobold thrower, gray ooze, lesser gray ooze,
kobold, troglodyte, kobold chieftain, troglodyte shaman
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Named/Boss Monsters:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);">Witch
Doctor Zizoo, Witch Doctor Rakhat, Muck
style="font-weight: bold;">Bonus Objectives:
Slay Witch Doctor Zizoo, Open
the Rear Section of the Sewer, Slay Witch Doctor Rakhat, Slay Muck,
Eliminate Troglodyte Henchmen
style="vertical-align: top; text-align: left; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);"> style="font-weight: bold;">Possible Reward Items:
style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(219, 201, 125);">XP,
random item from Durk
style="font-weight: bold;">Walk-through:
Head south from the entrance and turn left at the first
opportunity to combat the Witch Doctor Zizoo. Loot his chest before
returning to the main path headed south.

Your next battle it a kobold warrior, shaman, and thrower. Hypnotize
works well on the melee foes, and Web does wonders on the shaman.

A little further south, you'll face a gray ooze. Be ready with those
wooden weapons! Keep them out for the first part of style="font-weight: bold;">Section 2.

Next the party will turn right and be able to pick a mushroom. Head

Section 2: Just as the
path turns back to the left, you'll face another gray ooze. Once it is
slain backtrack to the wall behind you (west on your map). Find a
secret door here to open up a new battle. And keep a couple of party
members ready with wooden weapons.

Inside the hidden room are a lesser gray ooze, a kobold, a kobold
shaman, a kobold thrower, and a troglodyte. Use crowd control spells to
remove the melee fighters from the fracas. Have the wielders of the
wooden weapons attack the ooze while others dispatch the shaman. The
melee foes will be easy pickings. Loot the chest and pick the mushroom
in the room.

Have everyone ready wooden weapons again and continue east beyond the
site where you killed the second gray ooze.

Section 3: The path wraps
to the south, where you will run into a couple of lesser gray oozes
with a gray ooze. Be careful to pull them back to safe areas; kobolds
lie just beyond the oozes in the intersection.

With the oozes destroyed, ready your normal weapons and have a scout or
a tank move to the intersection and try to draw the kobolds into the
tunnel. There are 7 in all--each of them a melee combatant. Crowd
control spells will limit the damage taken here. Take the western
hallway in the intersection.

Section 4: The path wraps
back to the south, and a kobold shaman waits for the party near a trap.
Use ranged attacks, Grease/Web, and direct damage spells to topple the
shaman while the party's rogue does her thing with the trap. Head down
the western hall for the next battle.

5 kobolds lie in wait in this section of the dungeon, including a
chieftain and a shaman. The judicious use of spells should reduce them
to reptilian corpses quickly enough. You are then free to loot the
nearby chest and enter the Rest Shrine, where a pile of rubble can be
found. Try to save the Rest Shrine for as long as possible since it is
the only one in the dungeon.

Go back past the trap by the shaman you killed and head east from the
spot where you fought the 7 kobolds.

Section 5: The path wraps
south again and pits you against two melee kobolds. Slaughter them and
proceed south. You'll come back to this spot and go east to finish the
quest once the hunt for Muck is complete.

Going south introduces you to the Witchdoctor Rakhat. Try to draw him
back north to avoid adding more enemies to the fray. A trap is nearby,
so don't let the distraction of battle cause you to take extra damage.
Once Rakhat is dead, you can loot his chest and pick a mushroom. Head
further south for more kobold enemies.

7 kobolds are in the corner of the hall, 3 shamans among them. Use
crowd control spells to keep the melee kobolds occupied until the
casters are dead. Then head west to continue the search for Muck.
You'll come back to pick the lock of the southern door you pass on your
way back to finish the quest.

Section 6: 4 melee
kobolds are in the corner of the hall opposite of your last battle.
They should not be much of a challenge. One they are dead, you can head
north to see if Muck is around.

If Muck is around, it will spawn a chest when it dies. The chest has a
chance to contain the powerful Muckbane item. Head back to the locked
door on the southern-most part of the map.

Section 7: Let the rogue
pick the lock to gain access to this southern tunnel. You'll encounter
a lone (but tough) troglodyte shaman. Kill him to loot his chest. Pick
a nearby mushroom and head north and then east back to the section of
the dungeon that heads east referenced in style="font-weight: bold;">Section 5.

Section 8: In this part
of the dungeon, you'll face off against the second kobold chieftain, 3
melee foes, and a shaman. As before, use crowd control spells to make
the battle flow at your pace.

Killing the chieftain completes the quest and allows you to loot a
chest. A nearby valve opens another path to Mucks location and adds
bonus XP.

to DDO Quest Portal

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016