Q: Guard Duty

by on Jul 13, 2007

<h1 style="font-family: tahoma;"><span style="color: rgb(154, 185, 124);">Quest Guide: Guard Duty<br> </span></h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='http://ads.tento

style="color: rgb(154, 185, 124);">Quest Guide: Guard Duty

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style="color: rgb(51, 0, 51);">By

This is a nice low
level quest in Three Barrel Cove that gets you some easy Free Agent
Favor.  It's slightly trickier than it looks but a full party
shouldn't have a lot of trouble with it provided you work as a group
and use some basic crowd control.  Magic casters will want to
bring Web and Hypnotic Pattern if they have it.  Bards can make
use of their ability to enchant enemies as well in here. 2-3 good stout
tanks are also a good idea in here as well.

There are really no preparations you can make for this quest.  It
is best to have the party members who can provide support quickly cast
buffs as soon as they enter the quest, planning ahead what to use, and
casting them as quickly as possibly as soon as you enter.  You
won't have a lot of time to do so.  It also is helpful to decide
who defends what area, and who has what jobs before entering the
quest.  Otherwise you can find yourself having neglected one or
another portion of the quest, and having to play catch up.  This
is certainly able to be done, it's not incredibly hard, but it is handy
ot have your jobs figured out ahead of time.

style="text-align: left; width: 650px; height: 200px; font-family: tahoma;"
border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
Starting Npc:

Lars Riflee

style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">Quest

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125); font-family: tahoma;"> size="-1">Three Barrel Cove style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">Related Zones:

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">House Deneith

style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">Level:

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">5

style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">Monsters:

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">Hobgoblin Guard, Kobold Slayer, Hobgoblin Infiltrator,
Hobgoblin Slayer

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">Named

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">Ruug (ogre)

style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">Bonus

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"> size="-1">None

style="vertical-align: top; width: 20%; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">Possible Reward Items:

style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(220, 201, 125);"> size="-1">1 chest

href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?full=1&set_albumName=album101&id=Pirate_Ship_main_door&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> alt="Pirate Ship Main Deck"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 250px; height: 174px;" align="right">You'll
find yourself in a small cabin upon entering the quest.  Merely
walk out of the  room and  you'll come to two more directly
in front of you.  The one on the right is locked. Searching the
one on the left will lead you to a third door, behind which is a
dead  man and the key for the first door. That door will lead to a
hatch to the deck of the ship you're on.  On the deck you'll see
that pirates have attacked and dropped loading planks. Rush over to
their ship and prepare to fight it out.

Fortunately the pirates don't fight all that intelligently. Groups of
them will come out of the  central door or the right side door
towards the back of the ship. They'll alternate which door they come
out of as well. It's pretty simple to set up crowd control in the
appropriate area. Be careful though as the infiltrators and slayers do
pack a bit of a punch. The kobold throwers will almost always run in
the opposite direction of the hobgoblins and attack at range, but they
squish as easily as any other kobold. The groups will generally consist
of around 3-5 enemies and you'll fight wave after wave of them. All the
while the sailors on your ship will attempt to "help" you. Sadly their
idea of helping is to run between you and the person you're fighting so
as to block any sword blows aimed at you with their foreheads. If 5 of
the sailors die then the mission is over so you really want to bring
down your enemies as hard and fast as possible so as to keep the little
darlings healthy.

href="http://ddo.tentonhammer.com/modules.php?full=1&set_albumName=album101&id=Pirate_Ship_side_door&op=modload&name=Gallery&file=index&include=view_photo.php"> alt="Sea Witch Foredeck"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 250px; height: 174px;" align="left">Eventually
the named ogre Ruug will come storming out and attack the sailors with
his band of goons. Ruug will tear the sailors apart pretty quickly if
you don't grab his aggro fast. He moves a little faster than the
average ogre especially when it comes to covering ground. He also hits
harder as well and a tank that isn't supported by healers is in a bad
position against him. Casters can really hurt him if the tanks can keep
his aggro and working as a team you'll not find him an insurmountable
challenge by any means. Once he does go to the big dungeon in the sky
you'll find he left you a chest on top of his ship next to the wheel.
Finish out, collect your reward from Lars, and wipe the pirate blood
off your weapons matey!

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016