Qodron How to and Tips - Destiny Prison of Elders

by on Jun 13, 2015

How to beat Qodron the Vex boss in the Prison of Elders.

Qodron is a super powerful Vex Minotaur intent on destroying all guardians trying to complete a lvl 34 Prison of Elders run. Like all boss fights, the level of difficulty comes down to how well you know the mechanics of it and how well your team works together. Knowing your teammates and/ or having good communication with them is a start, but here are some other tips to help you make it through the fight in one piece.


As soon as you enter the arena, you and your fire team should head to the far left of the map where you will find some crates that you can use as cover. Vex Hobgoblins will be sniping at you regularly, so duck for cover when you can.

You won’t be moving around the map a lot so there’s not much more positioning to worry about. Stay close to one another so that you can revive and cover each other’s flanks.

JailBreak and Qodron’s Eyes

Qodron only really has one mechanic that you need to be aware of if you’re going to succeed. Every 2 minutes or so he will lock down your entire fire team in holding prisms that will instantly kill you if you don’t escape before the timer expires. This is where Qodron’s Eyes come into play.

Qodron’s Eyes are special Vex Goblin’s that grant a special buff called Jailbreak to the guardian who kills them. This buff is extremely important because it amplifies the damage you do to the holding prisms allowing the guardian who holds it to easily escape and then break the prisons holding the rest of the fireteam. The buff lasts around 25 seconds, so be sure at least one of your fire team has it applied before the lock down happens. It may also be a good idea that when you do find an Eye, keep it in your sights but don’t kill it until just before the lockdown begins. That way you’ll be sure it wont wear off too early.

The Eyes are fairly easy to spot because of their yellow health bar and white glow they give off. It’s a good idea to have one of your fireteam on permanent Eye duty to make sure you don’t get caught without one.

Focus Fire

As soon as your team is out of jail, it’s time to focus on doing some heavy damage to Qodron. Rockets (especially Gjallahorn) are the way to go, just keep them flying while one guardian keeps an eye out for Qodron’s Eyes. Wash, rinse and repeat and you’ll have defeated Quodron!

Other Tips:

The Minotaurs can become overwhelming at times. A titans shield is a great way to take the pressure off and generate super orbs you can use to take them out. Hobgoblin snipers can 1-2 shot most guardians. They should be your priority when you’re not focusing the boss. You will know when Qodron is about to lock your team down when he is “Searching for targets” Staying close together is not only good for survival, it also allows the player with the Jailbreak easier access to his teammates cells.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016