
by on Feb 20, 2006

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Here is the complete TenTonHammer listing on the various races of Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. A general list of racial information is kept here, and will be expanded upon as more game-relevant information is released to us.

Currently there are a total of six playable races in the Warhammer Online game. The seven races include Humans, High Elves, Dwarves, Dark Elves, Chaos, Orcs & Goblins (The later two are counted as one race).

Mythic has stated that they intend to add further races later in development as well as possible expansions. Currently the six are the "core" races of Warhammer Online though of these races some will be allies (the prime example being High Elves, Humans, & Dwarves).

As further information is gathered about the races of Warhammer Online we will begin posting it here.

Race Name Humans (The Empire) Dwarves High Elves Dark Elves Orcs & Goblins Chaos(Coming Soon!)

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or things you want changed/added to this or any other page here at warhammer.tentonhammer.com, please email me at ratboy@tentonhammer.com.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016