Raid Gearing for Death Knights

by on May 18, 2009

In the World of Warcraft once you hit level 80, the game has only just begun. For many players the game does not even really start until they hit the level cap and enter their first raid. What...

In the World of Warcraft once you hit level 80, the game has only just begun. For many players the game does not even really start until they hit the level cap and enter their first raid. What drives these players is gear and progression, which go hand in hand. To get better gear you need to progress to harder content, and to beat harder content you need better gear.

Gear Juggling - One of the things that any good raider does is juggle their gear. No, I don’t mean taking it off and literally juggling it. I mean getting more than you are required to wear in an effort to have the ideal pieces for each situation, or to handle your next upgrade. Let me explain using two examples that come up all the time.

But, what kind of gear should you be looking for as a Death Knight in a Raid, that’s the question Byron “Messiah” Mudry looks at in his article Raid Gearing for Death Knights.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016