Richard Duffek Warcry Interview

by on May 26, 2007

Richard Duffek has just done his second monthly interview with the Warcry network. This one has quite a bit of information on Instanced RVR balancing as well as general PvP information.

Richard Duffek has just done his second monthly interview with the Warcry network. This one has quite a bit of information on Instanced RVR balancing as well as general PvP information. Here's a peek:

WarCry: We learned that in Instanced RvR if there are not enough players on one side, NPCs will be added to even the sides out. How will they perform their jobs? Will they be more like pets that follow orders in other MMOs, or just run off and do their own thing? Also how do you intend to keep a highly overpopulated side from racking up victory points by entering PvP against just NPCs?

Richard Duffek: It will not be possible to enter a Scenario against NPCs only. There will always have to be a human opponent (or two) on the other side. Dogs of War need players to follow as they won't independently work to complete map objectives. That is the role of the player. The NPCs are there for support and to help balance the sides. However, they aren't mindless pets; they'll have a set role and will perform that role without being micromanaged the whole time.

You can read the entire interview by Clicking Here

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016