Rogue Guide to Utgarde Keep

by on Apr 13, 2009

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style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">As
you scramble through the
cold mist, you finally see your goal, the majestic Utgarde Keep.
Thoughts of the treasure to be found inside dance through your roguish
mind and your fingers itch to loot everything that isn’t
nailed down. href=""
target="_blank">Utgarde Keep,
its forbidding stone walls give mute
testimony to the strength of the dangers you’ll face inside.
Utgarde Keep, where men are men, women are spellcasters, and worgs are
worgs. Fortunately for you, you’re not alone. To help you in
your quest to survive a heroic Utgarde Keep, you are accompanied by
some suckers….I mean, companions. Together, you’ll
face the challenges ahead and emerge victorious over your foes, and
hopefully a great deal richer in gold and items. This guide is here to
help rogues, cool and deadly members of the shadow brotherhood,
negotiate the perils and pitfalls to be found in Utgarde Keep.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Gear

When heading into heroic
Utgarde Keep, the basics for raid gear and equipment apply. You should
have level-appropriate blues for your gear. You can get away with
lesser gear if the rest of your party is really good. Make sure you
have your href=""
food, href=""
flasks, scrolls, and elixirs handy.
Utgarde Keep does not take a long time to get through, usually an hour
to an hour and a half, so you won’t be taxed too heavily on

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style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Role

Your role in Utgarde Keep is
pretty simple. It falls into two basic rules:

Rule #1 – Do as much damage as you possibly can whenever you

Rule #2 – While doing rule #1, don’t pull aggro off
the tank.

If you pull aggro off the tank, you’ll get yourself killed,
and then you endanger the rest of the party since your damage output is
now negated. Keep an eye on your threat, and if it gets too high, back
off a bit. Most likely, you really won’t have to worry too
much if you have a decent tank, but still, it’s polite to
keep your threat as low as possible. Use the Omen addon to help keep
track of your threat, and if it gets too high, use your Feint ability
to lower it. In a pinch, use your Vanish ability to reduce your threat.

While we’re wearing
it’s only one step above cloth. If the bad guys
start to pound on us, we’ll die. We’ll die in a
very messy way. The best way to avoid that is to not have the enemy
attack you. Let him beat on the moron in the plate armor
who’s begging for it.

During fights, the healer will
be concentrating on the tank to keep that buffoon up. (Yes, I said
buffoon. Who fights face to face? Not we rogues! We’re too
smart for that. Stab your enemies in the back is the best way, unless
they’re asleep, which is better still.) Don’t be
shy about using a healing potion or bandaging yourself to get you back
into fighting shape. A good healer will still show you lots of love,
healing wise, but be prepared to keep yourself alive if need be.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Trash

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Dragonflayer Ironhelms welcoming you to Utgarde Keep.

As a rogue, fighting trash mobs
is pretty straightforward, with one or two exceptions. If
there’s only one or two opponents, let the tank rush up and
get aggro on them. You can then sneak up and begin your attacks on the
enemy. Make sure that you’re assisting the tank (attacking
the same opponent he is). If there are a larger number of foes, then
you’ll be called upon to sap one of the enemies. Sneak on up
and sap whichever one you’re supposed to, then move to attack
the rest. Just be careful around Worgs. They’re really good
at detecting people in stealth, so steer clear of them. For attacking,
just follow your basic attack procedure depending upon your spec.

target="_blank">Enslaved Proto-Drakes
trickier. Those fiends breathe fire in their front arc, hitting
everybody there. For them, let the tank run up and turn them around.
Then, you can move up and begin your attack. Make sure you keep on the
backside of the Proto-Drakes. As for Runecasters and Spiritualists,
your group should attack them first. Just pile on the damage and drop
those spellcasters as fast as you can.

As for Frenzied Geists and
Tunneling Ghouls, you should pretty much ignore them. Concentrate on
the Dragonflayer Overseer, while letting your companions rain down
AoE damage upon the Geists and Ghouls. They should drop the enemy
pretty quick.

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">

style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;"> style="color: rgb(29, 66, 136); font-size: 14pt; font-weight: bold;">Bosses

There are three boss fights in
Utgarde Keep. The first is href=""
target="_blank">Prince Keleseth,
the second is href=""
target="_blank">Dalronn the
Controller with href=""
target="_blank">Skarvald the Constructor,
and the final fight is
against the mighty href=""
target="_blank">Ingvar the Plunderer.
We’ll look at each
fight separately. I would recommend using an addon like Deadly Boss
Mod, which tells you when a special attack is getting ready to take
place. As with trash mobs, keep an eye out on your threat level.
Don’t pull aggro away from the tank.

Prince Keleseth

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Prince Keleseth

This fight is pretty straightforward, with a few twists. Basically,
you’ll just run up on him and continue to attack until
he’s dead. However, he does throw a few curveballs during the
fight. The first is that he’ll summon a group of skeletons to
help him. You should ignore them. Let the ranged DPS take them out with
whatever AoE they’re using. Keep concentrating on the Prince.
The biggest challenge is the Prince’s frozen tomb.
Periodically during the fight, he’ll entomb a party member in
a frozen tomb, which is basically a big block of ice. When this
happens, run immediately to that person and target the frozen tomb.
Whack at it as quickly as you can to free your comrade. Having someone
like the healer getting taken out of the fight by being frozen is a
very bad thing. Other than the frozen tomb, just keep attacking the

Dalronn the
Controller/Skarvald the Constructor

This fight is only slightly trickier than normal. The main difference
in this fight is that if you kill one of the two bosses,
he’ll come back as a ghost, with all his normal abilities,
and continue to attack until the other boss is killed. The normal
method is to kill Dalronn first, then Skarvald second. The reasoning
behind this is you can keep aggro on Skarvald while he’s
alive, but once he’s dead, he’ll randomly attack.
Having your healer aggroed on is not a good idea. Usually, this fight
tends to be pretty short. Let the tank aggro the bosses, then you
attack Dalronn, along with the rest of the group. Once he dies, ignore
his ghost and attack Skarvald. Once he drops, the fight is over.

Ingvar the Plunderer

This fight is a fight worthy of a saga! Sadly, we rogues
don’t like to have our names mentioned in the limelight too
often. (I wasn’t there, I swear! I was visiting a sick friend
in a neighboring city. And I just happened to find this gold and cool
magical belt!) This fight has two distinct phases. In the first phase,
Ingvar is alive and fights a particular way. The second phase occurs
after he dies and is resurrected.

In the first phase, your main
worry is Ingvar’s Smash attack. This attack does a lot of
damage (normally close to our full health) to all players in a 10 yard
cone in front of him. At the beginning of the fight, the tank should
run up and engage Ingvar. Whilst doing so, the tank should turn Ingvar
around. You then run up and begin your attack from Ingvar’s
rear. Keep an eye on how Ingvar is positioned. The tank will be moving
around to avoid his Smash attack. Back away or move to the side when
that attack comes. Then, move in and continue attacking his back. Keep
this up until he dies.

When Ingvar dies, make sure you
run behind a pillar. He usually starts the second phase with a Dreadful
Roar, which does over 3K in damage. However, if you’re behind
a pillar, then you’re safe. Hiding behind a pillar also helps
against his Shadow Axe ability, which is when he throws an axe at
somebody and it spins for 10 seconds. The axe deals around 2K damage
per second if you’re in its radius. Don’t be!
Ingvar’s main attack is his Dark Smash, which is a suped-up
version of his normal Smash attack. This attack does an average of 9K
damage to all players within a 10 yard cone in front of him. Also,
everybody gets knocked down and takes around 2K shadow damage to boot.
For a rogue, you basically continue attacking his back and keeping an
eye out for his special attacks. Haul butt to get out of his front cone
if he turns and avoid his Shadow Axe. It’s better to run away
for a few seconds than to be foolishly brave and die. Eventually,
you’ll whittle him down to being dead again.

As a rogue, Utgarde Keep is
pretty straightforward. Just stab everything in front of you (but not
your companions!) and loot the dead bodies. Hopefully, this guide will
help you navigate your expedition through the smoky halls of Utgarde
Keep. With solid teamwork, you and your party will conquer the denizens
of Utgarde Keep and you’ll be toasting your heroism with
frothy mugs of ale!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016