Runes of Magic: Intro to Macros

by on Jan 20, 2010

<p>Macros can be a very scary venture in the gaming world. &nbsp;When writing macros you can do everything from the very simple to the very complex.

Macros can be a very scary venture in the gaming world.
 When writing macros you can do everything from the very
simple to the very complex.  Join our residnet Runes player
ZeroMerc as he explores the beginings of the vast world that is Macros.

can get even more complicated but as you continue to add them you are
going to find yourself in the world of functions. Functions are
from what I can tell are just long macros. Also when functions are
set up in a library you can call upon them for other macros. So when
you take lots macros plus lots functions you get a library. Once you
have a library which is in effect a list of functions and macros that
you can call upon to create an addon.

Check out the full article here

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016