Runes of Magic - The Professions

by on Dec 01, 2009

<p>Mix, Stir, Pound, Bake, Forge, Weave, Sew, Cut, Boil, or Fry! Come one come all ye Runes players and get a look at the professions that are available to you. You can craft, craft and craft some more. Join ZeroMerc as he explores the professions i

target="_blank"> alt="RoM - Alchemy/Tailoring"

Let us forget for a moment that you have to level each character you
play in Runes of Magic twice (once for each class) which will take up
its own large chunk of time and move onto the professions element in
Runes of Magic.

The professions in Runes are numerous and you can learn them all.
is right, ALL of them. Let us first go through what all the professions
are and what you can do with them.

The gathering professions are:

Mining - allows you to collect ore for production Woodcutting - allows you to collect wood for production Herbalism - allows you to collect herbs for production

The production professions are:

Alchemy - alchemists brew potions that are used for
things. The typical
energy pool and health regen plus some of them will also give you buffs Armorcrafting - armorcrafting is a bit different in Runes.
half of what I have come
to know as the normal “blacksmithing” profession. With this one you
will craft the wearable armor. Leather, Chainmail and Plate armors. Blacksmithing - the other half of what is normally known
Blacksmithing, this is
where you will create your Weapons and Shields Carpentry - ah, actual wood workers. I think some other
could take a
page out of this book and do this. With Carpentry you can create
Staves, Bows, and Talismans Cooking - cooking is the standard profession that you
would think
it is, you
create food that will give you buffs when eaten Tailoring - the only armor in game that is not created by
the Armorcrafting professions is the cloth armor and that is what
tailoring is for!!

target="_blank"> alt="RoM - Carpentry"

Alright so now the how do I craft info. So when crafting it’s
that there are actually 3 other so called professions, if you will,
that are not really professions at all but for the sake of this being
the profession guide we shall call them that even though that is not
what they are at all. Savvy?

They are as follows. Smelting, Extraction, and Woodcrafting. You
these so called professions to process the raw materials from the
gathering professions to a usable format so you can actually make stuff
with them.

Moving along into how you level up. They are all very simple
For the gathering professions you simply go out and find them and
gather them. You do have to be appropriate level ( which I’ll be
covering later in the guide) in order to collect them. The way that
they level is a bit odd. Every time you swing your pick for say mining
you will get the mineral and a percentage, say 10%. This means for that
level on that mineral you have to swing the pick 10 times. The problem
comes when you are gathering several different types of minerals and
you have no idea where your professions are at for level and
percentage. Just keep swinging if you are getting a percentage then you
are swinging in the right direction!

When you are performing the professions that are not professions
call these sub-professions) at all you will need to be near the
appropriate tools. So for Smelting you will need to be near
Blacksmithing tools, Extraction near Alchemy Tools, and Woodcrafting
near Carpentry Tools. Remember these are not really professions so you
will still need all of these tools (which are really more areas you
have to travel too to actually use them on the regular map) for the
real production professions.

[protip] If you are one of the crafty types but are like I and hate
having to share then you can get all of the tools in your home. They
are not cheap and will take some time to get but yeah, you can… cause
Frogster said so! And yes it even works for the non-profession
professions!! [/protip]

The professions are divided into four groups of levels. Profession
levels (from here on out knows as plvl) are broken down as such:

Plvl 1-20 ----- apprentices Plvl 21-40 ---- craftsmen Plvl 41-60 ---- adepts Plvl 61-80 ---- masters

Why is this important? I shall tell you. When leveling up
the sub-professions…. and now you know why I said they are not really
professions) you can level them all to level 20, only 6 of the 9 to
level 40, only 3 to level 60, and only one to level 80. That is right
MMO fans. You can only have ONE profession, per toon of course, that is
max level. When you are leveling as with anything you will want to make
sure you are careful. It seems you can unlearn the profession but at
this time I am not sure how. There are two ways it seems either by a
potion that is created by an alchemist OR as seems to be a theme in the
game you can get some type of profession rune and make the profession
you want to learn go poof!

So you can learn them all but you cannot master them all… Oddly
life. Anyways, those are your learnable professions and non-professions
as they were.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016