Runes of Magic – The Warrior: Dual Class Guide

by on Jan 05, 2010

<br> <div style="margin: 2px; width: 210px; float: right;"> <p align="center"><a href="" target="_blank"><img style="width: 200px; float: right;" alt="RoM War

target="_blank"> alt="RoM Warrior" src="">

Slow and steady is the way of the
warrior.  The leveling is slow and the damage is steady. You may
never be the class that can burst down your enemy in the first 10-15
seconds but you will be a force to be reckoned with.  Even without
the burst damage you will be a very valuable part of the team as
somebody who can be in the mix dealing good damage and not taking a lot
of it.  

While your main job could be beating
the baddies to a slow and painful death you will probably more often be
called on to be the off tank.  If you thought those sunscreen
wearing DPS freaks were bad try playing second fiddle to the guy taking
most of the damage. If you are worried about that just tell him your
job is just as important as his because without you he would have to
take all the damage. Then stick out your tongue and run away… or not.  

Let us explore the many ways you can
customize your tank or DPS to be a death dealing machine no matter what
you choose.  But before we do that here are a few basic things to
be aware of. 


Choose Wisely – DPS or Tank the
Warrior can be a fun class and the secondary can make it even better Research – Just because one of the
preferred roles for the Warrior is tank does not mean is regulated to
doing that.  More so than the Knight the Warrior has options Planning - The “class specific”
abilities are not accessible for your secondary class, so if you prefer
the class skills of a different class over those of the Warrior, you
may want to reconsider your primary class selection from the outset Abilities – You only gain 10% of
abilities to enhance your primary class


face="Corbel" size="2">Class Combo face="Corbel" size="2">What it does face="Corbel" size="2">TTH Score Warrior/Druid Kill, Kill, KILL… This is
an in your face damage dealing class.  You are going to be killing
things; and while you may not be doing it quickly you will still be
very very good at it. 7.5 Warrior/Knight Wanna tank?  This is a good
build for the option.  About the only other build for tanking this
well is the other side of the dual class coin, the
Knight/Warrior.  If tanking is your thing this is a very solid
choice. 8.5 Warrior/Mage For some reason this strikes me
as the Thor build.  Lots of electricity being flung around by the
Warrior and it gives you a chance to make good use of two energy pools
with both your mana and your rage being used effectively. 8 Warrior/Priest This combo gives the Warrior
versatility for both PvP and PvE. It has a really neat ability
called  [bloodlust] that allows you to convert health into rage to
let you keep going longer. 7 Warrior/Rogue This combo really doesn’t do
much to change the way the warrior is played but it certainly gives
more damage causing abilities to the warrior. 7 Warrior/Scout Just another way for the Warrior
to do more damage.  It adds a ranged stun which is nice for off
tanking or just solo play.  It basically takes the Warrior and
adds more ranged versatility. 6.5 Warrior/Warden Not a lot going on with this
build.  Gives you a spamable spell that allows you to raise your
damage each time you hit (non stackable) and a weakening spell that
will cause your damage to go up as well. 7.5


****All information is based off of
available elite skills and general class information.  TTH scores
are based on general Runes of Magic information and how they are
perceived to play in the game. Actual game time with the dual class
listed varies greatly. If you have suggestions or updates please feel
free to post in the form below and notify ZeroMerc by PM or e-mail ( href="" target="_blank"> color="#0000ff" face="Corbel" size="2"> face="Corbel" size="2">) so that we may be as up to date and
accurate as possible. Thanks!! 

-Final Thoughts- face="Corbel" size="2">. 

Much like the Knight class, the Warrior
has a lot of combos that can allow the player to do more damage and be
a viable damage dealer.  The down side of this is tanks seem to
always be in short supply in any game so you will be looked on more
favorably if you are of the tank persuasion.  You can always play
the way you want to but a Rogue might be a better overall option if you
want to be a melee damage dealer.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016