Sea Monster

by on Sep 18, 2007

<p> Sea Monsters have been around for ages, and have plagued mankind for nearly as long. Known for sinking ships and devouring sailors, these monsters are a constant danger to our oceanic trade, and should be dealt with as such. </p>

Sea Monsters have been around for ages, and have plagued mankind for nearly as long. Known for sinking ships and devouring sailors, these monsters are a constant danger to our oceanic trade, and should be dealt with as such.

Their long, serpentine bodies give them great agility upon the seas, but cause them problems on land. This keeps them from moving very far inland. Should you get to Pravus Coves, you will be asked to eliminate one by the name of Aegolyca that is causing problems there along the southern coast.

Sea Monster Type Water Creature Where Found Pravus Coves Health Range ??????? Armor ??????? Strong Against ??????? Weak Against ??????? Special Abilities ???????

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016