SG: Level 5 Bard Spells

by on Aug 07, 2007

<h1 style="color: rgb(154, 185, 124);"><span style="font-family: tahoma;">Bard Spell Guide: Level 5 Bard Spells</span></h1> <table border="0" cellpadding="3" align="right"> <tr><td> <script language='JavaScript' type='text/javascript' src='http://a

style="font-family: tahoma;">Bard Spell Guide: Level 5 Bard Spells

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style="font-style: italic;">By

Bards are a very powerful support class at this point in their
career.  Throughout class advancement, a bard becomes a greater
and greater factor in the success of a party of adventurers.  But
at the point where a bard can cast these powerful spells, they are
often the difference between success and failure for an href="">adventuring

One of the most important factors in bard's success is their ability to
use 5th level bard spells.  None of these spells are lemons,
(well, summon monster v maybe);  They can make a huge difference
for in a party in a quest.  While limited in number, they are very
cover the spectrum of spell types aside from href="">direct
damage dealing.  With healing, debuff, href="">buff
and charming magic, these spells can give a bard weapons and tools
for every situation.

border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="2">
style="background-color: rgb(212, 201, 125); text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">

style="font-weight: bold;">Cure Light Wounds, Mass

Cooldown: 4.5 seconds

Casting Time: fast

School: conjuration

Range: medium

Components: somatic, verbal

Save: will for 1/2 (undead only)

Target: friend, self, undead foe

Rating: 3

Notes:  “Grants Cure Light Wounds on multiple targets.”  This
is a
nice spell for topping off your party members when they are all a
damaged.  Very cost efficient, though not suitable for fast
healing in a
high damage combat.  Cure light wounds heals 1d8 + (1 per level
(max +5)). 
This is damaging toward undead, but not particularly so.

style="font-family: tahoma; font-weight: bold;" size="-1">Greater
Dispel Magic

Cool down: 5 seconds

Casting Time: medium

School: Abjuration

Range: medium

Components: somatic, verbal

Target: friend, self, foe

Rating: 2

Notes: “Removes ongoing spells that have been
cast on a target. You must make a
caster level check of 1d20 + your caster level (max +20) versus 11 +
the spell
casters level to remove an effect.”   This is useful than at
upper levels because more enemies have stacked magical defenses. 
However, I wouldn't call it a first choice among limited spell

style="background-color: rgb(212, 201, 125); text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">

style="font-weight: bold;">Greater Heroism

Cool down: 5 seconds

Casting Time: fast

School: enchantment

Range: medium

Components: somatic, verbal

Target: friend, self

Rating: 4

Notes:  “Imbues a single ally with great
bravery and morale in battle, gaining +4 morale bonus on attacks, saves
skill checks. The target also recieves temporary hit points equal to
the caster
level and immunity to fear.”  This is an excellent spell, thought
quite an amount of spell points to affect an entire party.  Very
useful for
fighting opponents such as undead or similar opponents who use fear or
many saving throws.  Probably one of the best high level bard

style="text-decoration: underline;"> href=""> alt="Mass Suggestion"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 250px; height: 188px;" align="right"> style="font-weight: bold;">Mass Suggestion

Cool down: 5 seconds

Casting Time: fast

School: enchantment

Range: medium

Duration: 6 seconds/level

Components: material, verbal

Area: 15' radius circle

Save: will to avoid

Target: foe, positional

Rating: 3

Notes: “Casts suggestion spell on multiple enemies.”   This
spell is
slightly difficult to target, because creatures can run out of the
area as it is being cast.  However, it is very handy for building
a small army.. just remember it takes a lot of spell points to maintain
this armies loyalty, and groups of enemies will break out of the
suggestion all at once.

style="background-color: rgb(212, 201, 125); text-align: left; vertical-align: top;">

style="font-weight: bold;">Mind Fog

Cool down: 9 seconds

Casting Time: long

School: conjuration

Range: medium

Components: somatic, verbal

Duration: 1 minute (extendable)

Area: 20' radius sphere

Save: will to avoid

Target: foe, positional, breakable

Rating: 2

Notes: “Produces a bank of thin mist that weakens the mental resistance
those caught in it, giving them a -10 penalty to will saves. A success
will save negates this affect”  This is an excellent spells for
wizards, but is less useful for bard, because it is secondary support
to other enchantments, and bards
have limited spell slots at this level for support spells.

style="font-weight: bold;">Shadow Walk

Cool Down: 5 seconds

Casting Time: fast

School: illusion

Components verbal, somatic

Duration: 1 minute/level

Target: self

Rating: 3

Notes: "Transports you to the edge of the
Plane where it borders the Plane of Shadow. While this spell is active,
move much faster than normal and your outline appears faint and you are
to hit. Attacking another creature or otherwise interacting with
objects shunts
you back to the Material Plane."  This is a neat spell, and handy
for running through dangerous areas.  But when cast, you are
surrounded by an atmosphere of pink fog (who knew the plane of shadow
was pink?), and it can be difficult to navigate.  Best to carry as
a scroll rather than have this as a precious spell slot.

style="background-color: rgb(212, 201, 125); text-align: left; vertical-align: top;"> size="-1"> href=""> alt="Summon Monster V"
style="border: 2px solid ; width: 250px; height: 188px;" align="right"> style="font-weight: bold;">Summon Monster V

Cool down: 5 Minutes

Casting Time: long

School: conjuration

Range: medium

Components: material, somatic, verbal

Duration: 5 minutes

Target: self, positional

Rating: 2

Notes: “Summons an earth elemental to
fight for you, for a brief
time. Casting this spell locks out casting any other summon monster
spell for 5
minutes.”  This summons a medium, CR 3, earth elemental. While it
can be a blocker,
it is not formidable against most foes a caster meets by the time the
can summon this elemental.

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style="font-family: tahoma;">

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016