Shaman Talent Guide

by on Sep 03, 2007

Shaman Restoration Talents

The Shaman class has many great talents available to it and quite a few bad ones. Which are which though? Many are good while leveling and then useless at high level, some are not good without others as well. To many new players it is not always clear. This leads players to following other players builds rather than creating a build that suits their play style. The aim of this guide is to help you create your own build, or perfect an existing one to better suit you. You can do this by better understanding of each talent.

This Restoration talent guide goes over each of the talents in the Shaman's restoration talent tree. The restoration talent tree is for Shaman that want to spend their time healing. The tree is very effective early on in the game, however as you get later in the game a shamans healing power is overshadowed by the Druid, Paladin and Priests. The Restoration tree allows you to heal more effectively especially single target healing. It also contains some very nice add on's for both the elemental and enhancement shaman.

You can find all the details out about the Restoration Talent tree in the first section of our Shaman Talent Guide.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016