Shard of Hate Raid Walkthrough

by on Apr 13, 2008

A Tour Through the Shard of Hate


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Game Update 44 brought a few new updates that many had been waiting for, but none as quite as exciting as this particular addition. Raiders had been anticipating to see the Shard of Hate before Rise of Kunark was released, but much to their dismay it was not added until very recently as a free content update.

Is it all that they hoped for? It's too early to get a solid review, but those who have made it in to this epic zone are giving some very favorable feedback in regards to both the challenging encounters and the loot!

A Ten Ton Hammer friend, Garthan of Kithicor was kind enough to pass along this first look within the Shard of Hate, complete with screenshots! Garthan went in as a solo player to document layout and mob locations and with the help of his own mod tool, and he managed to get a decent amount of information! We hope that those that are looking to get in and take advantage of the raiding fun and loot find this walkthrough helpful.

Please keep in mind that this is a top tier raid zone and players will very likely need to be either capped at level 80 or close to it in order to stay alive here!


General Overview

This zone has a lot of trash mobs that supposedly they will drop good stuff.

Flyers, that look like the cucuy things in Unrest, are going to be a big problem so you need to keep an eye out for them. Most wanderers don't seem to have that big of an aggro radius. Staying close to buildings isn't exactly an option in some areas unless you want to clear mobs that look like chests lining the walls. The chests look like the trapped loot ones from Unrest as well. I think it's doable with the trash on a low number of healers. I would recommend a raid have 6 or 7 healers for it, but might be able to deal with 5-6 healers. This zone is big on mental damage, so mental resists, especially for the Main Tank would be a good thing. I have a feeling a lot of the dots in this zone will be mental/magic as well. There are some area with mobs that despawn and repop. From the look of the mobs and their behavior, I have a feeling the trash is going to be of Unrest raid quality. Mostly undead, good for Paladins and other divine damage wielding players.


Tour Start

Spite Golem

Reviving puts you right at the zone entrance. You'll see bats flying around, these are of no consequence. Roamers occupy both paths at the entrance. scorn fiends (epic x4, no special buffs) fly up the paths. Also roaming the paths are a sprite golems (level 80 x4, no buffs). These seem to move up and down the paths quickly.


Going up the right path:

Against the buildings are chest mobs called "an animus haunted chest" level 81 x4 with no buffs, these seem to line the walls of the buildings along the path. There are a few roaming ones as well up the length of the path, these are level 80 x3.
Some of the

Haunted Chest

stationary chests get up and roam sometimes from what it looks like. None of the chests have a terribly large aggro radius, the screenshot shows how close you need to be to aggro these. The chests will change their animation if you get close enough without aggroing.


On the right side of the path is the mender quest mob. By the mender there's a named; Dreadlord D`Somni (84 epic x4) with 2 buffs:
Cloak of revulsion: 7% chance when damaged, stuns, knock back, 573-1718 magic damage and a SK lifetap shield 881 disease.

Dreadlord D'Somni

Leading away past the mender there's a pair of sprite golems wandering, as well as haunted chests. There are 6 or so scorn fiends flying around that will have to be killed, as they will definitely aggro passers by. After the first pocket of scorn fiends there are another 3 or 4 at the doorway to a different area.

There are a bunch of inactive named mobs past the first archway up the right path as well as scorn reapers and hatemongers.

Loathing, Scorn, Etc.

They all aggro when you get near, and then reset once you die, and are set for fighting and active. Scorn had the no loot symbol though.

Scorn is a level 85 x4 with
2 buffs;
Lich (On successful hostile spell this will do 2249 disease damage and heals her for 1134) and a necro pet.

Ire is a level 85 x4 with1 buff;
Dark Caress (894 SK lifetap shield) linked with Malevolence with 1 buff; Berserker Focus Anger.

Spite is level 85 x4 and has no buffs.

Loathing is 85 x4 and has no buffs.

Going straight up the path will lead you to more hatemongers, then this leads you to the main boss and Kpul D`Vngur.


Going up the left path:

There are at least 4 scorn fiends that have to be dealt with right away. The stationary scorn fiends on the right have some buffs,

Left Path

looks like a SK lifetap shield and avoid buff, there's two at the start of the path. Up the path to the right there are 2 spite golems, which don't seem to have a big aggro radius off of the path they run. Standing off of the path a bit doesn't attract their attention. Here you will also see a bunch of vexed abhorrences wandering close to the buildings on both sides. The vexed abhorrences are level 80 and 81 x3 with no special buffs, and more of the scorn fiends.


Passing through the first door there's a bunch of skeleton mobs that despawn and repop as mobs called "hatemongers" (level 82 x4), along with scorn reapers (wraiths) (non-aggro level 82 x4) that seems to do the same thing. The scorn reapers fly around the far side of the courtyard near the stairs.

Through the door there is a path to the right going down and stairs leading up to the first named mob on this side; Demetrius

Demetrius Crane

Crane. Demetrius is a level 84 epic x4 with 2 special buffs. He has on Power Drain: on successful hit (5% chance) 16.5% power drain with 525-1575 magic damage called Cloak of Ages. He also has hunker down (a Guardian ability) on.


Going down the other stairs on the other side of his platform looks pretty clear. Then you will find non-aggro ire wraiths (level 82 epic x4) on the other side of the end of the stairs with flying hate seekers, (levels 80 and 81 epic x3s). None of these mobs have buffs.

Down the path is the next named. Byzola a is level 88 x4. She has 2 buffs; focus anger (a Berserker buff) and Emanations of Pure Hatred (a 6% dot and damage spell. 1040-2426 every 5 seconds, with a fear and 6% powerdrain, with additional power drain over time of 3%).

Some general info about the area she is in: You can bypass her by staying against the wall she's standing on and she won't aggro. You can use trees tree to get on the platform behind on either side. Mobs from this ledge are not targetable. The area around her at the building is pretty clear

Surrounding Area


Down the way from here are 2 spite golems and stairs leading to another court yard, in the courtyard there is one named with more scorn reapers (non aggro wraiths) and zombies called "a patron of hate".
Patrons are are level 81 x4 and wander. You can see maybe 12 in the courtyard. They behave like unrest zombies with their screaming animations so i would expect a similar stifle/stun DoT. The have no special buffs.

There are more hatemongers in this area.

In the middle of this courtyard, meeting the previous left and right paths, is what appears to be the final mob boss named; Kpul D`Vngur a level 86 x4. He has the buff "Cloak of Dark Harmony" on him. It will randomly damage an item in your inventory and inflict direct damage as well as a dot 1014-2365 every 6 seconds, is also blurs vision and interrupts, 8% chance to proc.

When aggro'd, he hit me with some sort of root immediately.

Kpul D'Vngur 1
Kpul D'Vngur 2



If you have any questions or would like to share more info for the Shard of Hate, please let me know or post about your own Shard of Hate experiences on our forums!


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016