Skyforge Spark and Spark Farming Basics Guide

by on Jul 13, 2015

Trying to advance in Skyforge and need some Sparks to do it, but don't know where they come from? Our guide gives you the basics on what sparks are, the weekly limit, and tips on how to farm them.

In Skyforge, your Ascension Atlas contributes one third of your total prestige. The prestige is calculated by your Order, Equipment, and how much you've spent in your Ascension Atlas. In order to level up your Ascension Atlas, you'll need Sparks, which are basically summerized as various forms of XP you can gain from combat, mission completion, and quests. Sparks are neccessary for advancement and in the first part of the game, the only way to gain additional talents, skills, and even classic unlocks. The value of sparks are insane, but getting them isn't.

Before we can even talk about obtaining them, let's go over the different types:

Types of Sparks in Skyforge

There are a variety of sparks, mostly broken into two kinds "Sparks of Insight" and "Class Sparks."

Sparks of Insight are Balance, Creation, and Destruction. These three types are used in both the primary portion of the class atlas and in the upper atlas.

Class Sparks are Sparks of Evolution along with Sparks of Synthesis, Frenzy, Valor, Taint, Gravity, Cold, Accuracy, Harmony, Darkness, Stealth, Justice, Mercy, and Progress. Sparks of Evolution unlock nodes in any class while the other ones are for each specific class.

There are also replicators, which give you 50% additional sparks, but each spark it grants you reduces your replicator count by one. Sparks of Transformation are for obtaining new classes and resetting your ability and talent loadouts.

Obtaining and Farming Sparks

Sparks of Insight are rewards from quests and finishing maps, the amount you'll receive (along with whatever multiplier is in effect for that map) will display. The best way to farm these is finish maps, which grant an award on completion. They are awarded generally from quests and dungeon completion.

Class Sparks come from killing enemies, they'll generally be in loot crates. You'll get Sparks of Evolution as well if you're premium.

Replicators come from various quests and the market. Sparks of Transformation are granted instead of other sparks once you reach your weekly cap.

Do note, due to the cap, replicators aren't efficent because they can be sold often for a bigger gain. They help you get to your cap faster, but if you're going to play a lot, they begin to lose value unless you want

Weekly Spark Cap / Limit

There is a weekly limit on the number of sparks you can receive each week. Sparks of Insight are around 10,000 each and 5,000 class sparks at the start. The cap increases week to week as you play, you can check how many sparks you're limited by on the currency tab (it shows the remaining sparks). Daily rewards and the reliquary don't add to your number of gained sparks. You can "bypass" the limit / cap by gaining more prestige and opening the reliquary.

While you can't farm more sparks after your cap is reached, you can increase your character's ability through equipment and your followers. So if you run out of things to do, you can farm holy texts to increase your prestige.

That's about all there is to know about sparks!

Last Updated: Mar 21, 2016