Soloing the Hunter 61-80

by on Mar 04, 2009

[ Soloing 1-40 | Soloing 41-60 | Soloing 61-80 ]

If you're reading this guide chances are you have reached level 60 and
are on the home stretch to level 80. Congratulations! All you have to

[ Soloing 1-40 | Soloing 41-60 | Soloing 61-80 ]

If you're reading this guide chances are you have reached level 60 and
are on the home stretch to level 80. Congratulations! All you have to
do now is grind out the last 20 levels. If you enjoy soloing you will
be happy to know that you can get there alone. From 60 to 80 you get to
enjoy the glorious lands of Outland and Northrend!

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href="" title="Gear"
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A Hunter's two most
important weapons are his pet and ranged weapon.


As always the Hunters most important piece of gear is his ranged
weapon. There are a lot of options you can choose from in this area and
many sources to obtain a good one. At this level you should be using
nothing less than a rare weapon with high damage. You can get some good
stuff through quests, dungeon runs, and the ever so expensive auction
house. As always, focus the rest of your stats on gear that will boost
your agility, stamina, and intellect. Agility being the most important
as it adds to your attack power and armor. Think of agility as a sledge
hammer. The more agility you have, the bigger the sledge hammer. That
hammer incidently will be attached to the end of your arrows or
bullets. That will either be a painful attack or good comedic fodder
for a cartoon. Either way it should be fun.


You have one major change with your Aspects at level 74 when you gain href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Dragonhawk.
This new Aspect is a combination of href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Hawk
and href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Monkey
providing both an attack and dodge bonus. Most Hunters will find this
useful for combat. However, Beast Mastery Hunters may still choose to
use href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Beast
to aid their pet damage and aggro skills, but switching between those
two and using href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Viper
when needed.

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Some flying mounts are
quest related, but they add a nice bit of humor none the less.

As I explained in the last guide, if you have chosen to build
your First Aid skill you can use bandages and href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Viper
during fights to almost completely eliminate downtime. Just bandage up
and juggle your Beast/Hawk/Dragonhawk Aspects
with your href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Viper
during fights and you won't have to stop much.


At level 70 you can buy your first flying mount and thus eliminate some
of that tough terrain travel. The only downside is you can only use
them in Outland, but you can learn to use them in
Northrend if you train in Cold Weather
(1000 Gold). Flying Mounts can save you a lot of time
and get you to some places you might otherwise can't reach such as the
Alliance and Horde skyships that circle above Icecrown
in Northrend.

Where to go Levels 60-80

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href="" title="Gear"
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You will spend your time
leveling from 70-80 in Northrend.

A vast majority of your time leveling from 60-70 will be spent
in Outland. The content there is keyed for levels
58 to about 70. You'll start off in Hellfire Peninsula
and expand out as you level. Be careful when you enter Outland
through the giant green portal not to make the same mistake I did first
time in and run past the guards in the lull of combat. You'll know if
you have as within a matter of seconds a small army of the Burning
will charge the ramp. You'll have just enough time
to see how screwed you are and the last thing likely to go through your
mind will probably be some portion of your arse.

Outland will provide you with a huge
landscape of solo hunting grounds and even some PvP if you're
interested. Once you reach 70 make sure to pick up your flying mount so
you can travel the lands much more quickly and avoid some of those
natural barriers.

Areas to Level in
Outland 60-70
Primary Faction
Hellfire Peninsula
Terokkar Forest
Alliance/Horde Neutral Location
Horde/Alliance/Neutral Contested
Blades Edge Mountains
Horde/Alliance Neutral Location
Shadowmoon Valley
Horde/Alliance/ Neutral


Areas to Level in
Northrend 68-70
Primary Faction
Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord


Once you hit level 70 make your way to Northrend.
This will be where you spend the last 10 levels on your way to 80. Make
sure you have 1000 gold handy when you get there and get over to Dalaran,
the neutral city in Crystalsong Forest, and train
Weather Flying so that your flying mount can take
to the skies of Northrend.

Areas to Level in
Northrend 70-80
Primary Faction
Borean Tundra
Howling Fjord
Grizzly Hills
Alliance/Horde Neutral Location
Sholazar Basin
Alliance/Horde Neutral Location
Crystalsong Forest
Alliance/Horde (Neutral City
Storm Peaks
Alliance/Horde Contested Location


Facing Normal and Elite Enemies

You get four new notable new skills between 60 and 70 and those are href="">Snake
, href=""
target="_blank">Tranquilizing Shot,
target="_blank">Kill Command,
and href=""
Each one has a use when dealing with various encounters.


As always your general attack rotation should begin with href=""
target="_blank">Hunter's Mark.
I choose to pull with href=""
target="_blank">Concussive Shot with an immediate
follow up attack of href=""
target="_blank">Steady Shot
to take advantage of the daze bonus. They work well as a combination
pull attack. By this time your pet should be having a bite of rump
roast. If you are a Beast Mastery Hunter you should cast Bestial
and href=""
target="_blank">Kill Command
to boost your pet's damage and start following up your own attacks with
target="_blank">Arcane Shot,
and your choice of sting. I prefer href=""
target="_blank">Serpent Sting
for normal encounters as it provides a nice damage over time attack.
Use href=""
target="_blank">Kill Shot
when your enemy is at 20% and he will likely be dead after that. If you
want a little extra damage drop an href=""
target="_blank">Immolation Trap
on your target, but chances are that a normal encounter will not last
very long regardless what you do. These not quite ready for prime time
fighters are little more than fodder.

Normal Single Encounter Attack Rotation

Aspect of the Dragonhawk/Aspect of the Beast Hunter's Mark Concussive Shot--->Steady Shot (Pet should
auto attack by now) Use Bestial Wrath and Kill Command Arcane Shot Serpent Sting Kill Shot at 20% health



Hunters are one of the better classes you can have for facing an elite
enemy one on one. Approaching a level 70-80ish elite encounter
(preferably of even level with yourself) can be a challenge, but a
skilled hunter can make it through alive and have some loot to show for

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href="" title="Gear"
target="_blank"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 119px;">

A Hunter's two most
important weapons are his pet and ranged weapon.

I like to use href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Dragonhawk
at this level as it provides a good damage and dodge bonus. Juggle this
with href=""
target="_blank">Aspect of the Viper
when you get low on mana. Begin as you always do by using href=""
target="_blank">Hunter's Mark
on your target. Pull with href=""
target="_blank">Concussive Shot and follow it up
with href=""
target="_blank">Steady Shot.
Every extra point of damage helps. Fire href=""
target="_blank">Scorpid Sting
and keep this on your target to reduce his damage output. This will
help a lot in the long run of the battle. If you're a Beast
Mastery Hunter
use Bestial Wrath and href=""
target="_blank">Kill Command
now and each time as they refresh until the end of battle. Lay an Immolation
or Snake Trap
( href="">Snake
can reduce casting speed by 50% so it's good
to use for casters) on your enemy to add a little extra damage or slow
casting speed, and cast a href=""
target="_blank">Mend Pet on
your pet to keep him in the fight. Use your standard attacks of href=""
target="_blank">Arcane Shot,
the Concussive Shot/Steady Shot combination and
anything else in your arsenal. If your pet looses aggro try to use Intimidation
if you have it. Try to save href=""
target="_blank">Feign Death
if possible. When the enemy is at 20% use href=""
target="_blank">Kill Shot
each time it refreshes as it will deal a very high damage attack
against the elite. You will probably land a couple of these before it
dies but this attack can speed the last few moments of the battle along
drastically. If you run into an enemy that enrages or uses magical
effects fire your href=""
target="_blank">Tranquilizing Shot
skill to remove it.

High level elites can deal a lot of damage and there is a
good chance that your pet is going to die at least once during the
fight. The best thing to do in this case is to cast href=""
target="_blank">Revive Pet as
soon as he dies. You'll take a few hits from the enemy while it casts
but your pet should be back in the fight again before you take your
third or fourth hit (Assuming you invested in the talent Improved
Revive Pet
). Once your pet is up and nipping at the enemies
ankles cast href=""
target="_blank">Mend Pet to
heal him and immediately use Deterrence. This will allow you to parry
all attacks for five seconds. This allows your pet to heal to almost
full before href=""
drops. As soon as href=""
target="_blank">Deterrence is
down href=""
target="_blank">Feign Death
to dump aggro and get back up as soon as your pet has the enemy's
attention. Repeat these steps as needed and you can take down just
about any even leveled elite.

For tactics on multiple enemy fights see href=""
target="_blank">my last guide.

Epic Single Encounter Attack Rotation

Aspect of the Dragonhawk/Aspect of the Beast Juggle Aspect of the Viper when mana is needed Hunter's Mark Concussive Shot--->Steady Shot (Pet should
auto attack by now) Use Bestial Wrath and Kill Command Scorpid Sting (Keep this on the target) (Viper Sting
can be used for draining mana if needed) Snake Trap or Immolation Trap (Snake Trap recommended
for casters) Use Rapid Fire Buff Arcane Shot Kill Shot Tranquilizer (If needed)


The road to level 80 is a long one, but the Hunter is one of
the best equipped classes to get there alone. Fight smart and learn how
to use your skills effectively and there isn't a lot you can't do.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016