Soloing the Warrior 41-60

by on Feb 27, 2009

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Hitting the start of this level range is a glorious, glorious time for
us.  We get access to one of the our best hate generators in href=""
target="_blank">Shield Slam, and every talent
school has a major defining talent.  Plate mail is now
available and makes us impenetrable walls of steel.  Gear
numbers are finally scaling to the point of us having significant
amounts of health and attack power compared to other classes, or well,
they should be.  If you have spirit or intelligence on gear at
this point, you've wasted enough time.  You see, the Paladin
button was to the left of the Warrior button...


Alas, I digress.  You know the basics by this point. 
Let us get into what each tree is good for in this level range.

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Which school is
right for me? style="font-weight: bold;">Arms style="font-weight: bold;">Fury style="font-weight: bold;">Protection style="font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(215, 191, 153);">Strengths Very strong instants, bleed damage piles up
quickly.  Fantastic burst and finishing potential.  Good sustained damage and rage generation. 
Decent endurance with Bloodthirst. Has no trouble with elites or groups of
enemies.  Fantastic stunning ability.  Damage is
actually good! style="font-weight: bold;">Weaknesses   Almost always rage starved.  Many abilities
depend on critical strikes,
and your gear can't really play to that strength until Outlands-level
gear. Miss, miss, miss.  Accuracy is lacking and
unlucky streaks can slow you
down greatly.  Overall damage really isn't good until Titan's
Grip at
60. Needs to be getting hit a lot to go all out. 
Almost worthless if instancing with another tank.

Many people will tell you that for this level range Fury is the way to
go, but any school is viable.  Any instances you get into, you
will likely be expected to tank. With Shield Slam now being
universal to all Warriors, you can do as you please so long as you
don't get caught with your pants down and without a shield. 
Protection is probably the safest, and you actually put out good damage
with href=""
target="_blank">Revenge and Shield Slam in this
level range.  You'll likely follow the exact same route you
did for the last 30 levels, so stick with what you know and have honed
to a science.

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How your new
skills impact your offensive rotation style="font-weight: bold;">Arms style="font-weight: bold;">Fury style="font-weight: bold;">Protection Mortal
Strike should be used whenever Overpower and Execute aren't
ready from your Taste for Blood and Sudden Death procs.  You
consider an Execute glyph when you get Sudden Death.  Stick
with Bloodthirst as your primary strike against single targets
since you're still using one handed weapons.  Both the Glyph
Whirlwind and Bloodthirst are worth your time, and will go a long way
towards making 41-60 painless. Devastate
isn't that strong, so do not rely on it.  Always look for
Revenge and Shield Slam.  If both are down, you should then


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Typical flow of
battle in single combat style="font-weight: bold;">Opening style="font-weight: bold;">Mid-Fight style="font-weight: bold;">Finishing style="font-weight: bold; background-color: rgb(215, 191, 153);">Arms Charge, Rend Overpower, Execute, Mortal Strike Hamstring/Execute style="font-weight: bold;">Fury  Charge, Demoralize/Battle Shout, Berserker Stance Bloodthirst, Whirlwind  Hamstring/Execute style="font-weight: bold;">Protection Charge, Thunderclap, Defensive Stance Shield Block, Revenge, Shield Slam, Devastate Concussive Blow or Shield Bash

41-60 Talent Highlights

- Sudden Death is a great increase in your output, and Endless Rage
will finally give you some huge, rage filling critical hits to fuel
those Mortal Strikes and Executes.  Finally you'll be more
than just an Overpower machine.

Fury -
Rampage will pretty much ensure Flurry is always
up.   It's pretty subtle for a 41 point talent, but
the effect is incredible.  Improved Whirlwind is probably the
best two points you'll ever spend in the tree, you'll thank me later.

-   Focused Rage is amazing.  2 rage for
Revenge, 7 for the majority of our offensive abilities, even
Demoralizing Shout, and it stacks with Improved Thunder Clap. 
If you aren't planning on instancing for your solo career, make sure
you skip Vigilance.

Where should I crack

href="" target="_blank"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 150px; float: right;"
alt="" src="">40-45
-   Finish Stranglethorn Vale's Pirate/Naga/Troll
quests.  Do Eastern parts of Tanaris and the Pirate
quests.  We love fighting humanoids.  They can almost
all be disarmed, give us cloth for bandages to keep us in the field,
and are susceptible to all of our skills.   If you
are looking to instance, Uldaman is your best bet.

-   Clean up Feralas and Hinterlands.  Get a
couple runs of Zul'Farrak in, it's good practice on multiple opponent
boss encounters.  Save finishing up Tanaris's western and
southern quests so when you finish them you can hop straight over to...

-  Lovely Un'goro Crater.  Mind the Devilsaurs,
though you might actually be able to take them as Protection. 
Mix in Searing Gorge and Felwood.   There is a lot of
travel time between these three obviously, so clean them out one at a
time.  Don't forget about your class quest, and make a trip to
Sunken Temple to wrap that up.  If you are a Horde Miner, do
the Garrison Armory near the entrance to the Blasted Lands. 
Weak humans, tons of mining untouched by anyone!  If you don't
mind the grind, you can really load up here on cloth and ore.

-  Wreck the Plaguelands!  Nothing can stop us at
this point, with our talents really starting to pick up.  You
can sneak in some Silithus and Winterspring if crowding is an issue, or
you prefer an area with mining that is a little more dense.

Class Quests

href="" target="_blank"> style="border: 0px solid ; width: 200px; height: 150px; float: left;"
alt="" src="">Sorry,
no Drunken Fist Stance.

A pretty simple quest chain, obtained at 50. 
You'll be sent to the Fallen Hero of the Horde on the border of Swamp
of Sorrows and the Blasted Lands.  After hearing him out,
you'll head south and trash 7 standard Helboars.  They're
nothing special.  Return to him and the next step involves
clearing out the eastern part of the Blasted Lands of
Shadowsworn.  It'll take some time, but again, they're only
level 51-53 and non-elite.  Bringing them down gives you the
final step to go into the Sunken Temple and defeat the 6 prophets on
the top floor.  You'll be doing this anyway in any given run
of the instance, so do your best to have the quest ready before you
come here initially.  Make sure to loot each kill, and upon
return you'll be given the choice of a good helm and shoulders, and a
trinket.  The helm and shoulders will be replaced fairly
quickly, but that trinket will last you through Outland.  I
highly recommend you take the trinket, especially if you are
Protection.  Unlike most trinkets that simply increase your
attack power, this increases your raw strength and will enhance your
block value, which adds into Shield Slam, Damage Shield, Shield Block,
etc.  It's a fantastic trinket especially for the one minute
duration, which will give you the power and time needed to bring down
elites and bosses in instances.

After doing all this, you'll be traveling through the Dark Portal and
venturing into Outland.  You'll be finalizing your
build for your primary school, and getting a whole new set of gear that
blows your current setup out of the water.  Best of all,
you'll get your 51 point talents that completely define you as a
Warrior of that type.  We'll get into that with our next
article on the 61-80 range.  So keep your weapons sharpened,
your trade skills up to date, and look forward to it!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016