StarCraft II - How To Be Effective At 2v2 Team Matches

by on May 05, 2010

The mode most played in WarCraft 3 returns in StarCraft II, with Random Team matches. Playing against two people isn't easy however.

The mode most played in WarCraft 3 returns in StarCraft II, with Random Team matches. Playing against two people isn't easy however. They're often different races, different playstyles, and the only thing for certain is they're going to eventually come at you together. In Random Team you most certainly cannot rely on your ally to back you up, so here are some tips on staying alive in 2v2!

While this may not be a problem with your friends you actively choose to team with (hopefully), random team games will pit you with someone who has no idea of what you're capable of, what you're going, or how to tie their shoes. Certain strategies can work only in team games due to having another player to help defend you from early aggression, and your teammate must know that you're going to forego early units and defenses for a fast tech unit. Played well, this card can get you a great advantage or win the game. However, if scouted or rushed, you will be a smear on the planet without your ally establishing a solid army and defenses. You've got to tell your ally your plans!

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016