StarCraft II - How To Be Effective At 2v2 Team Matches

by on May 05, 2010

Team battles can happen one of two ways--with a friend you can trust, or with a random guy that probably has Down Syndrome.  Whichever the case may be, there are some simple tactics that work i

Team battles can happen one of two ways--with a friend you can trust,
or with a random guy that probably has Down Syndrome. 
Whichever the case may be, there are some simple tactics that work in
the team combat of StarCraft II.  A team cannot operate
individually or you'll just be singled out and taken out by a group
that actually has some team play basics down.  Popular
strategies and devious tactics both have their place in games bigger
than 1v1, as you'll soon find out.

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style="font-style: italic;">One of these will never be seen
in 2v2 gameplay.  Can you spot the zerg unit that doesn't
belong?  Hint : It's too big to get by your allies' units!

Rule #1 - Scout


This is normally a given, but on the majority of multiplayer maps and
all of the multiplayer maps of the beta, there are only 4 starting
locations.  This means that your scout will go to the right
place and find someone no matter what.  Finding out what
they're doing is the true meaning, and if you see your opponents going
for a strategy with good synergy, you need to quickly work to counter
it.  Scout early, and scout often.  It doesn't matter
if the scout makes it into their base, just by dying to their units
you'll have a good idea of what to expect if they attack within the
next minute or two.  However, this goes for both
opponents.  If your teammate isn't scouting, you need to do it
for them and scout two people.  Going Vikings to counter a
person's heavy air may seem like a good idea, but not if his teammate
is going mass Stalkers.


Rule #2 - Communicate


While this may not be a problem with your friends you actively choose
to team with (hopefully), random team games will pit you with someone
who has no idea of what you're capable of, what you're going, or how to
tie their shoes.  Certain strategies can work only in team
games due to having another player to help defend you from early
aggression, and your teammate must know that you're going to forego
early units and defenses for a fast tech unit.  Played well,
this card can get you a great advantage or win the game. 
However, if scouted or rushed, you will be a smear on the planet
without your ally establishing a solid army and defenses.


Rule #3 - Cooperate


Unless you are truly dominating, a 2v1 will result in a horrible loss
at any given time.  When blows are being exchanged outside of
raids and harassment, your ally needs to be there for you and you need
to be there for your ally.  Don't wait for that one extra
unit, or upgrade to finish.  If you don't jump in, your ally
will have nothing left and that force will then 2v1 your
army.  It's okay to be selfish if you cannot possibly save
them, but don't expect things to go well after that unless you have
exceptional defenses and an ace in the hole that could possibly even
out the matchup.


Rule #4 - Macromanage


Fights in team gameplay are won and lost with hordes of units punching
and shooting each other in the face. There is very little room for
error in your macromanagement, and you need to constantly be expanding
your economy, production, and unit count all at once. Timing pushes are
much weaker in team games because even if you overpower the target of
your timing push, you will liklely be flanked in short order after
thinking you have the advantage. There is strength in numbers,
especially with an ally at your back.


Making the most of
teamplay maps


Almost all 2v2 maps start you next to your ally and have a shared ramp,
entrance, or otherwise easy to defend area.  This can be great
for preventing scouting in both of your bases at the same time, for
funneling forces into a strong defensive line, and enabling a safe
expansion for both of you.  Note all of these and think about
how we can abuse them when attacking an opponent relying on each...


Reapers Dominate Choke
- Those relying on a choke far away from their
base will be easy, easy targets for Reaper play.  You can gun
down tons of workers and pretty much take that player out of the game
for the longest time.


Choke Defenses Can
- Using units such as Colossi and Psi Storm, you
can do massive damage to the opponent  as they funnel into the
narrow entryway they left to their base.  If they attempt to
push out against this and fail, all it takes is a simple push for


Containment is Dangerous
- You might have a powerful row of defenses at your choke, but your
enemy might line up a set of tanks and defenses of his own right out
front.  This leads to a stand-off where that player likely
owns most of the map, and thus the resource advantage will eventually
drain you.  Successfully containing your opponents and
breaking contains setup by your opponents are two of the key aspects of
team gameplay.


Terran Walls are Fragile!
- The almighty supply depot can hold off a wave of one player's forces
while under repair, but if a group of Banelings come in and blow your
door wide open, you're in a really bad position!  Doubly so if
the teammate has Zealots waiting outside for an opportunity. 
Don't get complacent behind walls and don't let yourself get contained!


With the release only mere months away, it's time to start practicing
for the real deal once the game launches!  Hopefully you can
come up with an actual partner, and not a random partner. 
Though even with a person you know, I can't guarantee success, but this
is a good start to what you need to be aware of at all times when
playing against multiple opponents.  See you on the new 2.0!


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016