SWTOR Companion Gift Guide

by on Apr 26, 2012

<p>Companions are a vital component of <em>SWTOR</em>, but how do players keep them happy and full of affection? The answer is companion gifts! Swtorhub.com has put together a complete guide of gift giving to companions.</p>

Companions are a vital component of SWTOR. Every class uses them to for a multitude of tasks such as combat, crafting, selling inventory goods, gathering crafting materials, and even romance. Every companion has an affection level for the player's character ranging all the way from 0 to a maximum of 10,000. While players can increase their companions' affection through conversation choices, the easiest manner to do so is giving them gifts. To that end, Swtorhub.com has put together a complete guide to companion gifts encompassing methods of acquiring them, gift and affection levels, and how to properly use companion gifts.

When you give a companion a gift in SWTOR, it will increase their affection based upon a) how much they like that category of gift, b) the rarity of the companion gift, and c) the rank of the companion gift and what level of affection they are at currently. Gifts, like every other item in SWTOR, has multiple rarity levels, ranging from green (common) to purple (rare). The more rare the companion gift is, the more affection they will gain.

Head over to Swtorhub.com to continue reading the Companion Gift Guide.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016