Tabula Rasa Wilderness Guide Pinhole Falls Missions

by on Sep 28, 2007

<strong>Pinhole Falls not to be confused with Pinhole Rise.</strong> Our detailed guide to the Concordia Wilderness continues, this time covering missions in Pinhole Falls. Located to the southwest of Alia Das the falls might be interesting, but you'l

Pinhole Falls not to be confused with Pinhole Rise.

Our detailed guide to the Concordia Wilderness continues, this time covering missions in Pinhole Falls. Located to the southwest of Alia Das the falls might be interesting, but you'll spend most of your time wandering through the extensive caverns. Grabbing your flashlight, spelunking gear, and this guide will put you well on your way to completing everything this interesting zone has to offer.

Pinhole Falls is a waterfall to the west of Alia Das, aptly named because a small hole in a cliff drains water to a pool below. At the base of the waterfall awaits a series of caverns providing you with a few missions to complete and a Logos to find. You will be directed here from a few mission givers in Alia Das to assist the Corman miners in whatever unusual work they are involved in.

Blast your way over to the Ten Ton Hammer TR site and check it out.

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016