Tavern Pick-Up Line Generator

by on Mar 16, 2006

<strong>Improve your in-game game!</strong><br />

Improve your in-game game!

So you've had your fill of high adventure for the day, and you just want to heal up and let off some steam in the local tavern, right? Suddenly you fasten your gaze on a foxy elf / strapping barbarian across the room. Your guildmates might call you directionally-challenged, they might call you a little weak in the character sheet department, but they can never say you're one to pass up a promising encounter. You set down your tankard, slide off your stool with a flurry, and saunter towards the apple of your eye. But as you arrive and his/her eyes drift to yours, you realize... you've got nothing.

That's where TenTonHammer comes in, my friend. We'll toss you a perfect, randomly-generated icebreaker (courtesy of the TenTonHammer Randomizer) to set the mood!

Here's a sampling (though we recommend extreme caution when using any of Ethec's lines!):

- Someone better contact the Sovereign Host, I think they're missing an angel!
- No, I'm not Warforged, but you're not the first to mistake me for a machine... a love machine, that is!
- Did one of you ladies finish a quest? I'm the reward.
- Look… a rogue! You better give your heart to me before he tries to steal it!

And, sadly, there's plenty more where that came from! See more DDO Tavern pick-up lines right |HERE|

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016