TenTonHammer PvP Dictionary

by on Mar 10, 2006

TenTonHammer Guide to PvP Terms

by: Tony "RadarX" Jones, Paul "Slide" Shortt, Savanja , and Coyotee Sharptongue

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Bio: A three letter acronym for “Be right back I have to pee so bad that my bladder is Overflowing.” Please note that this at times can also mean. “Hey, I have to poop.”

Bluebie: This term is from the old world and is rarely recognized today. Back in the old days, or what we refer to as "Everquest 1" a bluebie was someone who refused to engage in Player versus Player combat. What makes a bluebie such a significant term in PvP? A bluebie is the guy you see five people chasing across the Commonlands screaming "Not in the face! Not in the face!"

Camp:  This is what PK'ers do when they want to grief noobs or gank carebears when they are unaware.  Camping means they are basically staying in one spot, waiting for the kills to come to them.  IMO, very uncool.  You can camp spawn locations, zone doors, bells, etc.  No real PvP'er camps, it shows lack of skill.

Carebear:  Cute and loveable lil creatures, all full of happiness and sunshine.  I dunno why they get so much hate.  Being carebear is like being the total opposite of what PvP is all about.  Being carebear is being soft, tame, timid, and so very NOT hardcore.  I luvs the carebears though, they make me smile.

D00d: The term d00d is derived from two words who’s meanings combined translate to “Person or Humanoid” and “That I am about to stab horribly a few hundred thousand times.” Known as a universal descriptor d00d can have multiple meanings derived from inflection, as pointed out by the great scholar “Slidious”. For example.

A form of greeting. “Hey d00d!”

A showing of sympathy. “Aww…d00d…”

Surprise. “D00D!”

Anger. “dood! WTF?!”

Are you hiding in the shadows with a big knife ready to pounce on me as soon as I let down my guard? “Um..d00000d?”

Duel:   A duel! One on one, mano-a-mano, just you and me Mimi.  Duels usually have some sort of rules set by both parties. It could be anything from melee only, or no roots or even no weapons. If one PvPer is stronger than the other, some time of handicap might be set.  No more than two can play at a time though.  Just beware, your opponent may have 5 scouts invising waiting to ninja you unceremoniously.  Then you'd have just been pwn3d.

Gank: Traditionally, this term is defined by the succesful killing of another player by a larger more powerful group, or by someone significanlty higher level.  In RadarX's dictionary, gank is defined by waiting until Radar is in a long succession of dialogue with a quest NPC, and stab him in the back with 4 abilities before he even realizes what is happening.

Grief: What you get from family and friends when you play too much EQ2. Actually to grief is going out of your way to ruin someones playing experience like for instance: Lets say a Shadowknight in your group Feign Deaths you to steal a collection item. This would be griefing. Griefing might also be defined as not healing said Shadowknight so he died and picking up the collection item right next to his body before rezzing him.

Hax: Hax which is a shortened version of "hacks" refers to someone hacking or using an illegal process or program to give them an advantage. It's also frequently used to describe unbelievable behavior. In most cases when I actually win loot, hax is frequently called because true happiness on my part would bring about the apocalypse.

Noob:  You, if you're reading this and don't already know what all of these terms mean.  Basically, anyone that isn't all caught up on everything, is new at anything, or perhaps you're just a noob because I say so.  Doesn't really matter.  If you're a noob, someone is bound to tell you.

PK:  Player Killer, also know as the snotty little brats that run around killing me while I try to grind out another level so I can be totally uber and go kill them.  It's a vicious circle really.

When one is pwned, they've been owned.  When one is owned, they have just been beat down, ridiculed, or made to look plain silly in one form or another.  One of the best forms of being pwned is the "bigger fish" instance.       

Poor Shmitty is running around the outside of the Commonland gates trying to level his toon so he can kill bigger animals to feed his poor family.  Harculeez the more experienced, egotistical, half-elf swashbuckler swoops in and impales Shmitty upon his rapier. Harculeez points and laughs at Shmitty's corpse then does a jig on his face.  Kruunk, 8 levels higher than Harculeez, walks up behind the cocky half-elf and grinds him into the ground something fierce.  Harculeez just got pwned.  OH and feel free to add a 3 to pwn3d to look extra 1337.     

If you are chatting in game and someone says what you typed just seconds before then you got chat ninja'd. Hahahahaha no0b. This isn't so bad though.  It's almost like yelling "Jinx!!" when two people say the same thing at the same time.  Harmless no?     

The type of ninja'd-ness you want to avoid is physical damage to your toon when you least expect it.  Scouts, with their sneak ability are one of the most opprobrious, SoBs likely to get you all ninja'd.  Either put on your "see-sneak" goggles or expect a good sized knife between your shoulder blades.   

Zerg or Zergged:  
Zerg is actually an alien race that appeared in the game StarCraft. The Zergs were best used for attacking in massive numbers to overpower an enemy quickly, so naturally it has since been used as a PvP term.  If you just got zergged then you were probably out minding your business when 30 enemies just rolled over you like the last beer at a frat party.  Safety in numbers is the name of the game for the Zerger.  If you are alone and see one of these groups, I suggest you drop what you're doing and run.  Run quickly.    

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016