TenTonHammer's Guide to Making Money

by on Aug 30, 2006

Bringing home the bacon... err gold!

Making money in World of Warcraft may seem like a daunting task, but in reality it’s quite simple and only requires a little bit of extra time. We’ve compiled some of the best ways to make cash within World of Warcraft and avoid those nasty gold sellers. Why spend real life money when you can spend a little extra time and make money yourself?

To get your mount you should probably invest in at least one gathering skill. Sell everything you don’t need in your inventory on the auction house and try to gather/sell as much stuff from level twenty onwards. A hundred gold isn’t a problem if you keep to buying skills and avoid buying items that give little to no stat bonuses.

Head on over to TenTonHammer's Guide to Making Money

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016