The Division 2: Olive Weapon Crate Locations

by on Mar 15, 2020

Here's how to farm the olive weapon crates in The Division 2 for weapon skins.

Olive weapon crates in The Division 2, found in world and story Missions that contain 2 items and a weapon skin. While you might have encountered several as you've played, they can actually be farmed on a 24 hour timer and there are specific locations where they always spawn. Kataki has written a brilliant guide on these locations, and we've used his screenshots below. Big thanks also to Sleepwalker in Recon Gaming who has had this on farm for a while. 

Where do I find them?

There is a map posted below with more specific screenshots for each location and there are at least 1 olive crate hidden in every main story Mission.

How often can I farm them?

The chests reset 24 hours after opening.

How long do I have to farm them for?

It should take you 1-2 days to obtain all skins. There are 10 weapon skins in total, with skins carrying over to any alt accounts and with no duplicates.

South Whitehouse  Nest Control Point Taxi Graveyard Control Point Attic SafeHouse  South of Campus Settlement  NorthEast of 1040 SafeHouse  Available only on Bounties and Side Missions. At the bottom of the hole, at the end of the tunnel. 

Main Story Missions

Grand Washington Hotel Jefferson Trade Center American History Museum: A random golden key will drop from an enemy, you can use it to open a secret room in the jungle room. Air & Space Museum Jefferson Plaza: Behind the counter in the room before you fight the final boss and mortar enemies Bank Headquarters Potomac Event Center Federal Emergency Bunker District Union Arena StrongHold 

Last Updated: Mar 17, 2020