The Evil Fae - An Orgin of the Five 05.03.07

by on May 03, 2007

<h1>The Evil Fae - An Orgin of the Five </h1> <h3> EQ2 Humor by Coyote </h3><table border="0" align="right" cellpadding="5"> <tr>

The Evil Fae - An Orgin of the Five

EQ2 Humor by Coyote

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A slow chant filled the dark chamber, its tones barely disturbing the inky black that hid those gathered there from prying eyes.

Words, long forgotten and archaic crept like unseen spiders through the eerie calm. The ritual was almost complete and those gathered sensing their action's climax renewed their droning at an almost fevered pace.

Amidst the flickering candles and scattered skulls, among the crimson scrawling on virgin stone the group's leader broke from his throaty recital and stepped towards the apex of the long forgotten rune.

The crown of wicked horns that graced his hooded head and signified him as leader threatened to topple as he turned his face skyward and roared in a booming voice.

"REJOICE MY BROTHERS!" He growled as he splayed his fingers, throwing his hands out before him in dramatic gesture.

"For tonight a new race shall join Norrath!" The horned figure growls as he raises his hands to the sky, the chanting from his faithful flock growing noticeably louder as their leader speaks.

"Born of darkness, birthed from the rotting womb of evil, we The Five - those chosen to ensure that our world succumbs to the will of all that is unholy, we bring forth the newest race to help in our conquering of this weak and pitiful world!" The Horned One cries out, his voice now a horrific howl as the chanting stops with an unexpected suddenness.

"Bring forth the effigy." He orders with an evil chuckle. "Bring forth the symbol that shall be flesh by our will." He demands as one of the robed figures steps forward and bows before his master.

"Place the totem in the center of the ancient runes of evil and let the ceremony be complete!" He roars, his shadowed face turned skyward as the robed minion gently places a winged doll in the center of the crude symbol.

"Wait. What is that?" The leader asks quickly, his eyes darting to the small winged hex doll as his follower laid it gently within the center of the ancient symbol of magic.

" I just figured that the NEW race can be you know. Fairies." The robed disciple responded sheepishly as he shuffled quickly from the center of the ceremony and back to his spot at the arcane rune's point.

"Huh? No. NO! Norrath already *HAS* Fairies Kyle. We agreed on Minotaurs!" The horned figure growls dangerously as he looks down at the small winged doll.

"Yeah, I know, but these can be like...EVIL Fairies." The robed figure now known as "Kyle" explains softly as he looks quickly at his gathered peers for support.

"Excuse me?" The group's leader asks in confusion, his voice no longer booming in opposing tones as he shakes his head in disbelief.

"Ya Fairies, but evil." Kyle explains with a shrug.

"Fairies aren't evil KYLE. They're stupid and girly. That's why they're called FAIRIES! Now get that god damn doll off of my rune of demonic summoning and get me the REAL effigy!" The horned helmed man ordered with an angry roar.

"Oooh! We could give them goatees! Like on Star Trek? I think that Fairy chicks with goatees would be pretty evil!" Another of the group's robed members steps forward, backing his brethren’s idea.

Putting a hand to his head, the leader of the assembled five curses under his breath as he feels his control over the others diminish.

"Women with goatees are not evil, they're just creepy and possibly circus workers. Now can we pl-" The lead figure tries to re-rail the dark purpose behind their gathering, but is instead cut off by yet another of the black robed figures stepping forward.

"Clowns are circus workers and they are evil." The newest speaker adds wisely, drawing murmurs of appreciation from his group mates.

"Yeah! Nobody likes clowns! GOOD Idea Kevin!" Kyle admits in admiration as the imposing figure of Kevin swells with pride.

"Okay, so Evil Goateed Clown Fairies?" Another of the robed men asks as he produces a legal pad and begins jotting down notes.

"Stop." The Horned One commands in a quiet, barely restrained voice.

"They can be ZOMBIES!" The group continues, absolutely ignoring their leader as they break rank and gather excitedly in the center of the summoning circle.

"OOH! ZOMBIES ARE EVIL!" Another shouts in agreement as the note taker beings writing in a blur.

"Really? See, I never thought that zombies were EVIL. I thought they were more tragic than actually ba-" Brother Kyle begins to interject but he is immediately silenced by an enraged scream from the Horned One.

"ENOUGH!" The group's leader bellows as he pulls himself to his full height, towering like an avatar of death over his minion.

"We are NOT having Evil Zombie Clown Fairies with Goatees!" He spits as he feels the room grow silent, all eyes focused on his growing rage.

The murky chamber grows eerily silent as their furious commander turns to each of them with hatred in his eyes. So venomous his glance, so deadly his rage that no sound would dare break the solemn sphere of silence that engulfed them.

"Eye patches are evil." One of the robed minions says suddenly, shattering the deadly quiet.

"You're thinking of Pirates." Another corrects as they resume their excited chatter.

"Pirates are Evil!" The note taker cries out indignantly.

"Not all Pirates, Jack Sparrow isn't evil. He's just-" Brother Kevin starts to explain but the idle chatter is once again battered by a roar from the Horned One.

"SILENCE!!" His shrieks echo violently.

"No Pirates. No clowns. No eye patches, zombies, goatees OR FAIRIES! Do you HEAR me? NO!" He laments, slamming his crown to the floor and stomping it in frustration.

"I say we vote." Brother Kyle says defiantly as he crosses his robed arms across his chest.

"WHAT? NO! WE ARE NOT VOTING ON THIS! I AM YOUR LEADER!" The Horned One screams angrily as the others begin to rally behind their defiant brother.

"Well WE didn't vote you in. In fact, the only reason you get to be leader is because you mom lets us use her basement." Brother Kevin adds drawing nods of agreement from the others.

"This is ridiculous!" The group's leader says incredulously as he looks around for support, but finds none. "No. Absolutely not. We are not v-" He begins to command, but is quickly interrupt.

"All those in favor of Evil Fae?" The note keeper asks, raising his hand.

"Aye!" The group answers in unison, raising their hands as one.

"All those opposed?" The note keeper asks again, looking pointedly at the shunned figure that was once their unquestioned leader.

"You guys suck." The Horned One admonishes in scorned tones.

"So there you have it. The new race will be Evil Fae. See? Wasn't that easier? We should TOTALLY vote from now on." The note keeper laughs as his group mates nod in agreement before wandering off leaving their now deposed captain alone in the inky darkness of his mother's basement.

Sulking he looks down at the object of his ire. The small Fae shaped doll stares back with lifeless eyes as he raises his foot in pure burning hatred.

"...stupid...fairy!" The Horned One grumbles as he brings his foot down heavily upon the doll with a curse.

The effect is immediate.

An eerie light bursts from the shattered remains of the effigy as it's broken pieces begin to slowly lift into the air, the binding spell completed.

Eyes wide as his face is washed pale by the spell's pulsing light, the fearless leader yelps loudly and scrambles after his pack.

"GUYS! WAIT FOR ME GUYS! GUYS!" He cries out desperately as untold magics echo ominously behind him, foretelling of the coming of something truly.....evil.

What is done...cannot be undone.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016