The Grim Grey God - The King's Court

by on Jul 20, 2008

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style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(103, 85, 68); text-align: left; width: 200px;">
style="font-weight: bold;">The Grim Grey God

- Mage -

I. The Soul Chamber
II. The King's Court

Talk to King Conan


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style="font-weight: bold;">The King's Court

"I have slain a go.

Fate has come full circle, and the enslaved deity bound to Thoth-Amon's will has been destroyed once and for all. All that remains is to stand before King Conan once more. He must be told that the greatest threat to Hyboria has fallen at last."

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Talk to King Conan

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style="font-style: italic;">Travel to Old Tarantia's Noble District and meet with the king.

You have slain a god, and fate has come full circle. All that remains is to travel to Aquilonia and stand before King Conan once more to inform him of your victory. Traveling to the Tarantia Noble District you'll find the entrance to King Conan's Castle at coordinates: 875, 670.

As you inform the king that the Grim Grey God is no more, he proclaims, “By Crom, then you have earned yourself a place in my hall. Hear this all! Let every officer of Aquilonia and barbarian of Cimmeria know that this person is a friend and ally to Conan of Cimmeria, King of Aquilonia. We are bonded by blood.” The two of you go on to discuss what your future plans might entail; Thoth-Amon still needs to be dealt with, yet the King seems confident that the threat in Stygia has been taken care of for the time being.

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style="font-style: italic;">King Conan will be pleased and reward you well.

Congratulations, you have fulfilled your destiny and thwarted Thoth-Amon's plans to rain destruction down upon Hyboria! As a reward for your actions, King Conan offers you your choice of the following:



Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016