The Grim Grey God - The Soul Chamber

by on Jul 20, 2008

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style="vertical-align: top; background-color: rgb(103, 85, 68); text-align: left; width: 200px;">
style="font-weight: bold;">The Grim Grey God

- Mage -

I. The Soul Chamber

Destroy the Grim Grey God

II. The King's Court


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style="font-weight: bold;">The Soul Chamber

"The time has come to face the Grim Grey God. King Conan and Kalanthes both rest their hopes on my shoulders, though my own need for vengeance is enough furl for my rage. I would go to meet my fate even if the king and the priest of Ibis ordered me to stay away.

I will enter Thoth-Amon's Stronghold through a crack in the walls of the Onyx Chambers. Once inside, I will use the tablets revealing the six true names of the Grim Grey God, and destroy the deity shackled to the tyrants whims."

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Destroy the Grim Grey God

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style="font-style: italic;">Use your charm to reach the cracked wall in Onyx.

Though tasked by both King Conan and Kalanthes to face the Grim Grey God, your own need for vengeance is enough to drive you forth to meet your destiny. With the information gained from your search of Tuthnemtip's home, you've learned of a secret entrance beneath the city which is where you must now go. With your Charm of Protection in hand, you make your way to the Onyx Chambers west of the city at coordinates: 735, 600.

The Onyx Chambers themselves are of course a very dangerous place to wander on your own. This is where you get to see whether or not the charm seller was as crazy as he looks. Opening your inventory, you'll find the Charm of Protection which as it turns out renders you invisible to the inhabitants there. OK, so perhaps Cha isn't so crazy after all! The charm itself has a total of five charges, each one granting you invisibility within the Onyx Chambers for four minutes. Even if you're not familiar with the layout of the area, this should be plenty of time for you to reach the Cracked Wall at coordinates: 305, 440.

Once inside the Soul Chamber you'll notice a series of six sarcophagi, three on each side, with a giant stone structure at the far end of the room. This is where Thoth-Amon must be keeping the Grim Grey God.

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style="font-style: italic;">Be prepared for some tough fights within the chamber.

The chamber itself will act like a puzzle of sorts. To gain access to each of the six sarcophagi which contain the stone tablets, you'll first need to clear the chamber of any guards. Picking up each of the tablets will grant you a temporary buff which will prove useful in facing the progressively more difficult enemies that will spawn as you place each tablet on a stone pedestal at the far end of the chamber. The order in which you're able to pick up each tablet is predetermined, so there's not much guesswork involved. It should be noted however, that once you begin the sequence of events should you die at any point, the entire event will reset, forcing you to start again with the first tablet. Health potions and careful pulling are most definitely your friend here.


To access the first tablet you'll need to clear the chamber of the three groups of guards. They shouldn't prove much of a challenge, though things will only get more difficult from here. Upon picking up the tablet you'll immediately be granted the “Defiance of the Old Ones” temporary buff:


As soon as you place the Dreifa tablet on it's pedestal you'll see a portion of the stone structure containing the Grim Grey God fall away. It will also spawn a somewhat large group of casters and their minions that you'll need to defeat before gaining access to the next tablet, as well as a smaller group of demons who will charge towards you but those are easily dealt with thanks to your new buff. In total there are six casters and 12 melee minions – in other words expect a difficult fight. The 'Defiance' buff will help with the minions, but it may be best to thin out the casters by split pulling the first few.

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style="font-style: italic;">Dispose of the Grim Grey God.

Once you've obtained the Avitun tablet, you'll see another of the stone pedestals light up, and be granted the “Touch of the Old Ones” temporary buff:


Another portion of the stone structure falls away followed by another, thankfully more manageable group of guards. Once they've been defeated you'll gain access to the Nauoga tablet, which grants you the third of the temporary buffs, “Breath of the Old Ones”:

Before you're able to place the tablet on it's pedestal though, Thoth-Amon appears before you, knocking you to the ground – to put it mildly, he's not very pleased to see you again. “By the blood of the Great Serpent, what must I do to slay you? How can you be here!?”, he bellows. “You have defied a thousand blades and a thousand spells to stand before me, and when this day is done, I will drink your shade.” Turning towards the giant stone structure you've been trying to destroy, Thoth-Amon begins muttering in an ancient tongue ... this can't be good ...

”Skaoa Utlagi Iolagi Nauoga Avitun Dreifa!” It appears he's attempting to bring the wrath of the Grim Grey God down on you, which he's all too happy to inform you of. “Die mortal. Die by the power I have enslaved. Die by the touch of the Grim Grey God.” And with that Thoth-Amon vanishes from sight once again, but what was that giant wave of energy that just knocked you over?


This is where things start to get interesting. That giant wave turns out to be a chamber-wide Shockblast that will fire off every minute, hitting you twice with each wave for 492 damage. Once you place the Nauoga tablet on it's pedestal you'll also spawn two groups of three very large demons. You'll really want to start watching your health here, as the demons hit fairly hard which can end in a quick death if you don't time your fighting between Shockblast waves though the “Breath” buff can be a big help here.

After the demons are defeated you'll be able to pick up the Iolagi tablet, also obtaining your next temporary buff, “Litheness of the Old Ones”:


Another wave blasts you, this time hitting even harder. Not only will you have to manage the Shockblast waves, but now every two minutes you'll also be getting hit with Shockwave which hits you twice for 854 damage. Ouch.
Another easier group of guards spawn, six of them in total. So long as you're careful with how you pull them you can avoid getting the entire group at once – even with your increased health from “Litheness” a badly timed stun from the guards plus getting hit with the Shockblast and Shockwave can pack a wallop so you will want to be careful here. Once they've been dealt with, grab the Utlagi tablet and obtain the last of your temporary buffs, “Fury of the Old Ones”:


You place Utlagi on it's pedestal and watch as another large section of the stone structure binding the Grim Grey God to Thoth-Amon's will falls away. As you make your way to pick up the last of the tablets to finally put an end to things, you find one of the Old One's themselves is blocking your path. On it's own this might be just another standard boss fight, but keep in mind that you're still getting hit with 2x Shockblast every minute and 2x Shockwave every two minutes.

If you've made it this far, you're only one step away from vanquishing the Grim Grey God from Hyboria for good. Picking up the Skaoa tablet you make your way to it's pedestal. As you place it, the last of the stone structure falls away and in a blinding flash of light the Grim Grey God is no more


Quest Buffs

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016