The Horde Leveling Guide : Page 10 - Level 31

by on Jul 09, 2007

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"The Fastest Path to 60!"

To work your way through most of level 31, we are going to visit one of my favorite zones, Stranglethorn Vale. The whole zone is packed full of quests and MOBs and it is never boring. The only issue with the zone is the fact that if you are on a PvP server it can be a nightmare to get anything done in the zone, because everyone and their dog is there (or in WoW's case every hunter and their pet cat).

Level Thirty One

By this time you have two great instance options open for you. Both Gnomeragan and Razorfen Kraul are excellent adventuring oppertunities if you are looking for a questing / grinding break.

You can find complete guides here:

TenTonHammer's Guide to Gnomeregan TenTonHammer's Guide to Razorfen Kraul

Stranglethorn Vale

Click the image to open a separate window to our quest database, where you can find additional information on each quest, larger maps and more.

Once you land in Grom'Gol from your zeppelin flight make sure you get the flight point and then travel east to the road and then north to just before the river at the edge of the zone.

Just west along the river you will find a hunters camp and the excellent Stranglethorn Vale hunting quests.

Get and complete the "Welcome to the Jungle" quest which just has you talk to the group of NPC's there and then start the hunting quests.

Get "Tiger Mastery", "Panther Mastery", and "Raptor Master" from the various NPC's at the camp. You can get the pages quest, but I wouldn't bother as you can collect them without the quests.

While traveling through the zone, collect and trade the pages for the book as you find them. It can be a real hassle to get them all though and many players do not even try. It's your call. I usually find most of them while in the zone, so save them and turn them in whenever I can.

Any and all of the areas where you complete the "hunting" quests are great spots to grind out some experience. The mobs generally go down quickly and are close enough together that you can work from one to the next without stopping. It is even better if you are a skinner as you will get tons of leather and hides from the MOBs.

The first quest to do is the "Tiger Mastery" one. You can find the young tigers just south and west of the hunters camp and it shouldn't take long to get enough down to move on. Next, move to the east side of the river to find the young panthers for "Panther Mastery". Once you have killed enough, head back to the hunters camp to turn both completed quests in and get the next part of each chain, which have the same name as the first parts. From the camp head west to the hills just past the young tigers to find the regular panthers and tigers to complete the second parts of "Panther Mastery" and "Tiger Mastery". Travel just south and west from the tigers and panthers to the area between the two ruined temples on the map. Here you can find the stranglethorn raptors that you need for "Raptor Mastery".

Return to camp and get the next part in each of the chains. At this point however the MOBs get much more difficult, so I grind for a while on any of the existing MOBS and then head back to the Thousand Needles zone to finish the quests in the Shimmering Flats sub zone.

If you are not yet 32, you can either grind or move on to the Shimmering Flats. You will be able to finish your level off there.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016