The Horde Leveling Guide : Page 16 - Level 37-38

by on Aug 19, 2007

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"The Fastest Path to 60!"

In this part of the guide we are going to return to Dustwallow Marsh and complete several quests that are packed into the tight northern edge of the zone. Since there are a ton of MOBs there, we are going to take advantage of it and grind out a level and a bit while doing the quests.

Level Thirty Seven to Thirty Eight

Dustwallow Marsh

Click the image to open a separate window to our quest database, where you can find additional information on each quest, larger maps and more.

In Brackenwall Village get the "Theramore Spies", "Twilight of the Dawn Runner" and "The Black Shield" quests, and then find the ogre just south of the village at 25,27 to get "Hungry!".

Next move to the Northpoint tower found just south of the road at 46,22 to complete "Twilight of the Dawn Runner". The box you need to complete it can be found on top of the tower.

Search around the cabin an 55,35 until you find the searchable dirt mount and get "The Lost Report" quest. While at the cabin give Jarl the "Soothing Spices" you picked up in Orgrimmar and get the follow up quest "Jarl Needs Eyes".

From the tower travel north east to find the MOBs for all of the other quests you got in the village. They can all be found around 60.22.

This is a great place to get some experience quickly, so kill as many MOBs as you can while here.

Start heading back to town now along the northern edge of the zone, but stop at 45,16 to do the escort quest "Stinky's Escape" after clearing the area. Continue making your way west along the northern edge until you come just past the village and complete "Jarl Needs Eyes", then return to Brakenwall. In Brackenwall Village turn in your quests and get the follow ups which include: "Theramore Docks", and "The Severed Head". Don't forget to return to the ogre south of town to turn in "Hungry!"

This area that you have just been working through is an excellent grinding area with many MOBs all closely packed together. The raptor along the north edge especially offer a great grinding experience being very quick to kill and spawn over and over again quickly.

This is also an excellent time to go through and complete the Scarlet Monastery. It is hands down one of my favorite instances . By completing the three main wings at this level you will gain almost a complete level, and it can be done in about 3 hours. Start looking for a group as soon as you turn 37 and head over there as soon as you find one.

You can find a complete guide to the instance here: TenTonHammer's Guide to Scarlet Monastery.

Visit Jarl in his cabin again to turn in your quests and get "The Severed Head" and "Jarl Needs a Blade" quests from Jarl and the mound of dirt.

To complete the blade quest you must give him a Moonsteel Broadsword which you can get from any Blacksmith player.

Travel all the way east to the end of the peninsula and out around the edge of Theramore to find the documents for "The Theramore Docks". They can be found at 71,51 underwater. Return to Brackenwall Village and turn in your quests there and get "The Troll Witchdoctor", then make your way to Ratchet in the Barrens to turn in "Stinky's Escape". At this point you should be level 38 and make your way to Stranglethorn Vale. Since your in Ratchet you can simply catch the boat to Booty Bay. Although you may want to visit Orgrimmar first to train in your new skills.

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016