The Horde Leveling Guide : Page 9 - Level 30

by on Jul 05, 2007

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"The Fastest Path to 60!"

To finish off level 30 we are going to spend some time in three zones. The zones are the Hillsbrad Foothills, Alterac Mountains, and the Arathi Highlands. While you visit the three zones, don't expect to do a lot in the second two as you need to be a little bit higher level for many of the quests.

Level Thirty

Hillsbrad Foothills

Click the image to open a separate window to our quest database, where you can find additional information on each quest, larger maps and more.

At this point you should return to the yeti cave at 46,32 to charge the Rod of Hecular at the two fires there and then head north into the Alterac Mountains.

Alterac Mountains

Click the image to open a separate window to our quest database, where you can find additional information on each quest, larger maps and more.

In the Alterac Mountains head north into the yeti area there to find the last flame to charge the rod for "Helcular's Revenge".

If you have access to a group, or if other players are nearby it is an excellent time to down "Frostmaw". While he is a level 37 MOB he is possible to down with 2-3 players.

Travel south to the town of Southshore in the Hillsbrad Foothills and finish the "Helcular's Revenge" quest by putting the staff in the graveyard.

It may take a few tries to get by the guards, but the mayhem that ensues is well worth the effort!

Return to Tauren Mill to get "The Hammer May Fall" and then head east into the Arathi Highlands.

Arathi Highlands

Click the image to open a separate window to our quest database, where you can find additional information on each quest, larger maps and more.

You can find the Ogres for "The Hammer May Fall" surrounding the hill at 34,45.

The hill where you complete "The Hammer May Fall" is an excellent grinding spot for the level as there are many MOBs around it, yet there always seems to be room to retreat to safely. This makes it a favorite spot for many players. The fact that it is full of Ogres and Trolls, which are both humanoids that drop cloth only helps the situation.

Follow the road in the zone all the way to the north east corner of the zone to get to the town of Hammerfall. Once there get and complete the "Hammerfall" quest which just has you talk to someone else to get "Rising Spirits". While in town make sure you get the flight point and turn in "The Hammer May Fall".

You can complete "Rising Spirits" just outside of town to the south west. While there grind until you are just about to level to 31. Return to town and turn in the quest and finish your level.

While there do the two follow up quests of the same name that just have you talk to people.

You should now be level 31 and ready to head to the next zone. Make your way to the Grom'Gol Base Camp in Stranglethorn Vale.

The fastest way is to fly to the Undercity and then take the Zeppelin there.

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Horde Leveling Guide Index

Level 20 - Level 25 - Level 30 - Level 35

Level 40 - Level 45 - Level 50 - Level 55

Horde Outlands Guide (60-70)

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Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016