The Language of Online Gaming Page 2

by on Feb 12, 2008

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Lag refers to a distortion in the internet connection and the game where players will freeze or experience the game in a slowed way. Lag is simply a delay in information transfer between the server and the players computer.
LD or Link Dead
LD or Link Dead is a term meaning loss of connection. If a player in your group suddenly vanishes without a word it can be due to a loss of server connection. This is also known as going Link Dead and a persons character may remain in the world after going link dead, but remain with the letters LD over their character.
This term is used to describe someone who joins a group and does little to nothing while reaping all the benefits of the other group members work.
This means Learn to Play. Often used as an insult.
LFG is the abbreviation of Looking For Group. Players will often say this when seeking a group to finish quests or explore areas. (Example: Lvl 28 Guardian LFG!)
Looking for More. Used to find more members for a group.
Anyone familiar with general Internet chat will recognize LoL as Laugh Out Loud. Players use this to express finding something funny.
This term is used by casters and healers and means Low On Mana.
Loot or Lewt
Loot or Lewt is referred to items, gear and other goods obtained from creatures in-game by slaying them. It can range from simple junk to epic gear.
LoS means Line of Sight. This is often a requirement to many skills. In order to attack with a bow for example, you need a clear LoS to the target. If the target is blocked by a tree, your arrow will do little good.
LvL means Level. This is used to reference the level of a character or creature.
Mez is short for Mesmerize. This is used to refer to a skill that can keep an enemy locked in place and unable to attack. While the skill itself may not be called Mesmerize, players often refer to the enemy as mezzed.
Main refers to a players main character. The main is the character most played by a person and often their favorite.
Mana is the needed element for casters to use magical skills. In more recent MMOG's Mana has become known as Power, but players still often refer to power as mana.
MA is a term used in grouping and raids. It means Main Assist. This is the person that the group should be assisting in combat so that attacks are focused on the same target. This makes crowd controlling easier and grouping more effective.
This is a term often used by crafters and means materials.
Meat Shield
A comical term often used to describe tanks.
MH is the Main Healer. In a group with more than one healer, one may be assigned to main healing duties while the other provides back up support. This is done to ensure mana is not wasted and the second healer can provide additional support in the way of buffs and extra damage.
A term used to refer to a characters ability to manage damage received by mitigating it with their defensive rating.
Mob refers to a creature or enemy controlled by the computer. It is a general term used to describe computer controlled enemies.
MMO means Massively Multi-player Online.
MMOG means Massively Multi-player Online Game.
MMORPG means Massively Multi-player Online Role-Playing Game.
MT refers to the Main tank. In a group or raid setting, the main tank and main assist can differ. The main tank is often tasked with pulling enemies and holding aggro while the main assist is tasked with selecting targets for the group.


A Mule is a character players often create with the sole purpose of using it as storage space.
Used to describe a boss, mini boss, or certain quest mob.
Need before Greed
This is a term used to describe a method of loot distribution by ensuring characters agree to divide the loot on a needed basis.
A nerf is a term used by many people to describe a change in an item, skill, or spell that makes it weaker. Changes are often made to the game for reasons of balance, but players will often refer to these changes as a nerf.
Newb refers to a new player. It is also used as an insult by some to accuse a player (even a veteran) of having no knowledge or skills. The line can be easily blurred so its best not to use this unless you want to potentially get flamed. This term is also used in the form of newbie and newblet.
Ninja Looter
This term is used to describe a person who loots up quickly and greedily almost before the enemy's body hits the ground. Ninja Looters do not often share and are often disliked by many group members.
NPC refers to Non-Player Character. In short, any character not controlled by a human such as city guards and quest givers.
Nuke is a term used to describe a high damage spell. It deals a large amount of direct damage.
This term can have two meanings. The first means Out of Character which is meant to express something out of character if you are Role-playing. The second meaning refers to Out of Combat and is often refered to certain skills that have an out of combat effect like regeneration or to let your group members or others know you are not currently in a combat state.
OMW simply means On My Way. players often use this to let others know they are on their way to join them.
OoM is Out of Mana Abbreviated. Players who make use of mana will inform their group that they have run out of mana by saying OoM. This is something you never want to hear a healer say in the heat of battle.
This term is used sometimes in place of mana and means Out of Power. (Thanks TehFamine)
A term meaning Overpowered.
A patch is something the developers add to a game to improve performance, add content, fix bugs, make changes, and implement new mechanics.
PC refers to Player Character. This is a character controlled by a player rather than the computer AI.
Summoned allies that characters can use to aid them in battle are called pets.
This stands for Player Kill. A term used for one player killing another. (Thanks TehFamine)
Pop is a term used to describe a spawn. If you or a group are hunting in a camp, you may have enemies spawn at varying intervals. An ally may say pop to alert the group to its presence.
A proc is often an effect attached to certain weapons and armor that will have a random chance to activate upon striking or being struck. The effects of a proc can vary. on weapons a proc will often do additional damage while on armor it often results in a short term buff. This can vary from time to time depending on the proc's effect.
PST means Please Send Tell. This is often used by players looking for group or trying to trade or buy items. (Example: Superior Boots of Monkey Stomping PST with offers.)
PUG is used to describe Pick Up Groups. These are loosely formed groups of random players who join to explore content
Pulling is a term used by players to let the group know they are going to pull an enemy back to them.
Not involving a Pawn Shop as the name would imply. Pwned is a term used by some people to taunt others and it simply means owned. Players will often use this to rub victory in the face of the defeated. Perhaps one of the dumbest words ever invented in the MMOG language.
PvE refers to Player vs Environment. This is pretty much the content that pits the player against the computer.
PvP refers to Player vs Player content. This is the content that pits the player against other players.
QFT or Q4T
This stands for Quoted for Truth.
This is a symbol used by some players to represent crying or if directed at someone else whining.
A quest is a task given by an NPC for players to complete and earn experience, coin, and items.
There are two forms of raids. The first is an alliance of players who unite to bring down computer controlled enemies that can not be defeated by a simple group. The second, is a raid formed by players to engage other players. This is done in PvP specific areas.
Rez refers to the resurrection skills. Some characters posses the ability to raise a fallen ally from the dead, restoring them to life.
Sometimes Real Life comes calling while in-game. Players will refer to real life as RL.
This term simply means Rolling on the Floor Laughing Out Loud. It has a few other variations as well such as ROFLMAO, and ROFLMFAO. (Note:You'll have to figure out those last two variations on your own. Management would use the Boots of Monkey Stomping on me for posting those here.)
This term means Role-playing.
Solo is when a player heads off to hunt on their own. It also refers to content made for individual play.
Spam is being repeatedly bombarded by tells or chats over and over. Some people who have nothing better to do than be annoying will spam chat channels with endless text rendering them useless. A tactic used by gold sellers that has a terrible effect on community communication in some games.
Spawn is an area where an NPC or mob may reappear at after being killed. A lot of creatures are set on timers known as spawn timers, or are triggered by completing certain tasks. Squishy This term is often used to describe caster classes that are not as defensively adept as more heavily armored classes. They are called squishy due to their inability to take a decent beating before taking a dirt nap.
Sword and Board or SS
Sword and Board is used to refer to a sword and shield combo. SS also refers to sword and shield.
If a healer is the back bone of the group the tank is the head. Like the head of a spear, the tank drives head on into the enemy and protects his allies from harm. The tank refers to the class made for absorbing damage like the Guardian. These classes are often excellent walls between the group and enemies, but they suffer when it comes to dealing damage.
A tell is a private message sent to you from another player. They are direct communications between two people and not viewable by other players.
Uber is a term used meaning elite. This can be used to describe a player or item. (Example: I just got my Uber Boots of Skull Cracking.)
WTB is a trading term meaning Want To Buy. (Example: WTB Slashing Dagger of a Thousand Cuts.)
WTS is another trading term that means Want To Sell. (Example: WTS Superior Hammer of Forging.)
WTT is yet another trading term that means Want To Trade. (Example: WTT Sword of Newb Slaying for Bludgeoning Hammer Ganking)
This term is used to describe players assaulting a target in PvE or PvP with superior numbers in such a way it seems they are just throwing bodies at it. This tactic is known as zerging and means overwhelming your target with vastly superior numbers rather than skill or tactics.

Did we miss a term? Tell us on our forums.


Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016